Petpet Problems by nybanonpu
It was a cloudy, rainy day. I was minding the shop- dusting
the shelves, fixing the signs, arranging the items, and adjusting the prices.
Zixryo sat in the corner with our only copy of "Blumaroo Picture Book" on his
lap. Zeno, his Snarhook, slept peacefully next to him. Outside, under the awning,
Floofpeek and her Poppit, Chip, played with wooden building blocks.
I sighed. It had been a hard day in the store.
Dealing with customers just wasn't one of my strengths, I guess. I sighed again,
then looked around. The windowpanes sparkled with cleanliness, and there was
a general atmosphere of peacefulness in the shop, now that all of the customers
had left. I liked it better that way, without the customers. It made me feel
less stressed.
I went to clean the windows some more. I don't
know why I like doing that so much. All I know is that it gives me a sort of
pleasant sensation inside. I looked through the window and the dark clouds spitting
rain on the ground. A Gelert ran across the street, drenched with rain. An old
issue of the Neopian Times was plastered to the sidewalk, soaking up the water.
Suddenly, there was a flash of lighting. It lit
up the sky with brilliant streaks of silver. I rushed outside, picked up Floofpeek,
Chip and the blocks, and bolted back in again. Such a feat would be impossible
for me on any regular day, but I had been preparing for this all day long. The
moment I woke up and saw the gray sky I knew what was in store... and I was
I rushed to put Chip in his cage, and as I did
this- me being the lucky person I am- it happened. I heard the low sound of
thunder in the distance. "Oh, no," I thought. "Here we go again." I sat on the
floor, still hugging Chip, hoping he hadn't felt it or heard it...
But he had. That was evident. He started to shake,
his eyes bulging. Floofpeek and Zixryo, being the smart pets they were, rushed
out of the room as quickly as possible. "NO, you're NOT leaving," I shouted
at Floofpeek. But it was too late. The lucky girl had escaped just in time,
and slammed the door.
Chip wrenched himself out of my grasp, then bounced
across the room, twirling and hopping and spinning in circles. He ricocheted
off the walls and flipped on the ceiling. He had heard the thunder, all right,
and it didn't take a genius to realize that he was scared to death. I curled
up on the floor with my hands over my head, preparing for what I knew was coming
Left to myself for a while with my head under
my hands, I could finally feel anger and desperation welling up inside of me.
I knew that after Chip was done "being scared" I would probably have nothing
able to be sold in my shop. Shame crept up from my stomach and spread onto my
face as I remembered what he had done during a thunderstorm a long time ago...
We were visiting mystify8888's Neohome. It was
her second day living in it and she was very proud of her new furnishings and
rooms. Suddenly, out the window we saw a flash of lightning, and then the thunder
came, booming and echoing all over the room. Then we watched as Chip began to
shake... I stopped myself from thinking about this. Even so, I felt the rosebuds
blooming on my cheeks. We had left her Neohome in ruins, the shelves broken,
the items strewn across the floor. Zixryo and Poofyoofyoofy didn't talk for
Finally, back in the present, I listened from
the crashing overhead to stop. When it did, I willed myself to look up. I was
in shock. My body went rigid, my limbs were still and I began to shiver. How
could this happen? Did the silly little Poppit ever stop to THINK about how
much effort it took me to earn enough Neopoints to buy all of the items I was
selling? Did he have any idea how LONG it took me to clean and rearrange all
the shelves? Well, did he?
I guess he did not. "No use sitting here doing
nothing," I thought. I dragged myself up from the floor and started to clean
up the shop. I picked up the broken mirror shield, the ripped yellow Chia plushie,
and the broken gumball machine. I put everything on the proper shelves, screwed
the light bulb on the ceiling back in, and was about to rewrite the price tags
"Oh, no! Mommy!"
I rushed in to the other room. Zeno was chewing
on the "Blumaroo Picture Book". I rolled my eyes. "Well, Zixryo. What did I
tell you a few days ago? Petpets will chew books if you leave them lying around."
"But I didn't!" he wailed. "I was holding it,
and Zeno just jumped up and-" We looked towards Zeno. He was evidently enjoying
the book. He chewed page five slowly and carefully. A sudden thought dawned
on me.
"Zixryo? Did you forget to FEED Zeno? Because
that might be why he's eating your book. I really hope that's not the case,
because if it is... " I shook my head at him. He swallowed, then nodded sheepishly.
Of course he forgot to feed Zeno. Zixryo isn't the most responsible of Blumaroos;
it would be a mistake for me to expect any more of him. I decided to go on with
my speech. "Since that is the case, maybe I should send him away. I know you
want a Baby Blu... " That got him.
"No!" he said. "I love Zeno. I promise to take
care of him better. And it's not ALL my fault that he's bad sometimes. He's
little. And he needs to get more sleep at night. That's what the Petpet vet
said at his last check-up, remember? He told you to buy him a petpet bed."
That got me. "Maybe the petpet vet can
afford those kinds of things. I, however, cannot. Zeno will be fine sleeping
on blankets. End of story."
I stomped into the front room of the store. I
was in a foul mood. I picked up my tool kit and began to work on the window.
For some reason, I felt bad about not being able to afford even a petpet bed.
I hammered harder, and I felt better for a while. Then I started to think again.
It wasn't fair to my pets that we didn't have a Neohome to live in. It wasn't
fair that we didn't even have one Brightvale stained glass window. "But," I
thought as I hammered even harder, "what's really not fair is that I am the
one the cleans up after the petpets!" Then, just as I was about to finish fixing
the window-
"Mommy, Mommy! Quick! Oh, no!"
I rushed into the other room again, not wanted
to look. My first sensation was an odd smell. When I looked around, I could
see what had happened. I was not pleased. I did the first thing that came to
mind- something I'd been longing to do all day. I screamed.
"Aaauuugh! Zixryo! How many times have I told
you to at least TRY to train that Snarhook of yours! It's not bad enough that
I have to deal with a psychedelic Poppit, is it? IS IT? Clean up Zeno's mess
right away! Do you hear me? Neither of you are leaving this room 'til it's done!"
Floofpeek looked up at me with big pleading eyes, holding her nose. "All right,"
I said, giving in. "You can help me clean up the mess your Poppit made."
I led Floofpeek into the front room of the store.
"See?" I said to her. "Look what your Poppit did. Aren't you-" I froze. Chip
was nowhere to be seen, and the door was wide open.
"Oh, no," moaned Floofpeek.
"Don't worry; we'll find Chip somewhere," I said,
genuinely hoping I was wrong (at least for the time being).
But I was right. We found Chip in the Petpet
Supply Shop in Neopia Central. When we came in, the Chomby at the desk laughed
and told us that Chip had been sitting in the white petpet bathtub enjoying
himself for the past half-hour. Relieved that I had found him, and that Floofpeek
had stopped bawling, I bought the bathtub. The extravagances have to come sometime,
don't they?
Now, whenever it starts to thunderstorm, I get
Chip into the bathtub as quickly as possible. There are no more "destructive
dances", as we call them, and no more finding Chip in Neopia Central in the
Petpet Supply Shop. Chip loves his home and his family, and I'm happy to report
that our petpet problems are almost over- we just have to housetrain Zeno.
The End