Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 128,277,782 Issue: 261 | 13th day of Collecting, Y8
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Fiesty Freaks

by eevilbirdiezuh

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Is That Ach y Fi?
Yum, carbon dioxide. :P

by shadow_usul_13


Mysterious Cooking Vessel!
Ah, the fun of Culinary Concoctions!

by edddibgaz


The Petpet Awards Ceremony
Ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats. Thank you for coming today for the 5th annual PAC (Petpet Awards Ceremony)...

by machoman3


Pinky the Brave: Part Three
Emakoke pushed herself up to her feet, even though her scrawny legs felt weak from running, and she looked around her while shielding her eyes from the sun. It was so intense--she hoped they had enough water to last them. "I can't see anyone. In fact, I can't see anything. Just sand..."

by ikea_sale

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