Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 131,950,016 Issue: 271 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y8
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Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part Three

by bitsy_dj


Chapter Three

Dear Dad,

      Sorry I haven't written in a while, but the Jazz Tones and I have been majorly busy. We've been playing at the local cafes about four times a week. The pay's pretty good, so I'm doing fine as far as food goes. I'm still staying with Duke who's been great so far. You'd really like him. The competition's tomorrow and we've been practicing our tails off. Boy, are my lips sore! It hasn't been all work, though. After practices, the band goes out to dinner sometimes. Last night we had pizza. I was afraid they'd be grossed out with how I ate like those people at the diner, but they didn't mind that I asked for Slorg slime on my half of the pizza. You should see Duke "pack it away," as he likes to call it. You'd think he had a black hole for a stomach.

      When we're not practicing, I'm normally hanging out with Melvin, Bebop, and Billie. We like to go to the arcade and try to beat our personal scores at Frumball. Melvin's really good at that game. I think that Snowbunny's foot of his really is lucky. Goldie's still as bossy as ever, but in a nice way. You should hear her sing! She's got a really powerful voice that the people on the space station could hear her. I'm glad she let me join the band. She is the leader, after all.

      Then there's Billie. Wow, what a girl! She's really cool and a bigger Jazzmosis fan than I am. She actually has an autographed record that she won in a contest. I really like her, Dad, but I haven't gotten up the courage to tell her yet. She's been really nice to me and we have jam sessions all the time. She plays the keyboards better than anyone I've ever heard. She says she's been playing since she was five. I wonder if her parents bought her a keyboard set like you bought me a horn.

      I'm really scared about the contest, Dad. If this thing is sponsored by Neotunes studio, then they might feel the same about Hissies as Miss Malba did. I don't want the Jazz Tones to lose because of me. Of course, the band has given me a lot of solos and I've had people come up to me after gigs and ask for my autograph. Can you believe it? I'm not even famous and already I got fans. Maybe there's a chance for me after all. Anyway, I better wrap this up. I'm meeting the guys at the arcade for some more Frumball challenges. I hope you're able to make it to the contest. Don't forget: it's tomorrow at 6:00 pm in the Catacombs.



           Satch quickly sealed the envelope and slid the letter into the mailbox. That being done, he took to the sky to meet his friends. As he glided towards the arcade, he kept thinking about what he said in his letter. His father had kept in touch with him regularly to see how things were going. Every letter he received said the same thing: just play as if you were back in the swamp. Needless to say the trick worked. Whenever Satch started to get nervous before a performance, he would go into his trance and imagine himself in the slimy waters of his swampy home, helping him play his best every night.

      Just be in the swamp tomorrow, Satch, he thought. Be in the swamp...

      "Yo! Scales! Down here!"

      Satch looked to see Bebop waving to him from outside the arcade. He waved back as he spiraled down towards him, landing neatly at his feet.

      "Hey, Bebop! Sorry I'm late. I had to send a letter to my dad. Where's Melvin?"

      Bebop jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "In there playing Frumball. He's on level 55."

      "Level 55? And he's still at it?"

      Bebop tried not to laugh. "Oh yeah, he's playing all right. Come on, you got to see this."

      They found Melvin frantically working the controls at the Frumball machine. He looked stressed and uncomfortable. His knees were clenched together and his eyes were almost bulging out his skull. At his feet was a extra large plastic cup.

      "He got the Mondo-Sized Neocola before he started," explained Bebop. "He's been playing for 45 minutes straight." The Mynci turned to his Techo cousin. "You doing ok, Mel?"

      "Can't... talk..." he struggled to say. "Mustn't... leave... the... zone!"

      "You're sure his bladder can take much more of this?" asked Satch.

      "He's on his last life," Bebop replied. "It shouldn't be much longer. But just in case, I got a mop and bucket waiting."

      They watched Melvin playing for another five or so minutes before the small glowing ball finally missed the paddle. The second "Game Over" flashed on the screen, Melvin rushed to the restrooms.

      Satch and Bebop laughed. "It's about time he gave himself a break," said Satch.

      Bebop nodded. "Yeah. Too bad he didn't choose the boy's bathroom."

      Screams and slapping sounds erupted from the ladies room as Melvin ran out, rubbing his sore face. "Ow! Sorry, girls! Didn't see the sign!"

      The three friends spent the afternoon playing games and beating various challenges at the arcade. Once they earned enough Neopoints, they headed for a nearby pizza parlor for lunch.

      As they were working on their pie, Satch asked, "Is Billie going to join us?"

      "Not sure," said Bebop. "I asked her if she wanted to hang this afternoon, but she said she had other plans. Probably too busy polishing her fur or whatever it is girls do to make themselves pretty."

      Satch sighed. "Yeah... she sure is." He noticed the odd glances Melvin and Bebop were giving him, so he quickly snapped out of his trance. "I-I mean, she probably is pampering herself or something."

      Bebop, however, read Satch like a book. "Boy, you really do like our little Billie, don't you?"

      "Well, yeah, as a friend."

      "Oh, don't give me that! Mel and I know what's going through your Hissi head."

      Melvin looked up from his slice. "We do?"

      Bebop gave him a withering glance. "Yes, Captain Oblivious-to-Reality. We do. Our little horn player here thinks Billie is cuuuuuuute!"

      "I do not!" snapped Satch. "I'm mean, sure she's nice, but I don't... we're just friends, ok?"

      Melvin chuckled. "Now that you mention it, she does get a bit starry eyed when she watches you do your solos."

      Satch's eyes widened. "She does?"

      "A HA!" cried Bebop. "You do like her!"


      But Bebop was having too much fun to let up now. "Hey, Mel. I feel a song coming on. Satch and Billie, sitting in a tree!" But Bebop wasn't able to finish the verse before Satch leapt on him, covering his mouth. Luckily, they chose to eat outside so the rumble didn't disturb anyone, but it did entertain a few Neopets passing by. The friends laughed as they wrestled on the ground while Melvin acted as referee. During the "fight," Bebop had accidentally knocked Satch's hat off, sending it flying into an alley. Once they called a truce, Satch went to retrieve his hat.

      Just as he was putting it back on, he heard a familiar voice coming from the alley. "It's official. I got a Neomail from them this morning and they want me to be the head judge."

      Satch looked up to see none other than Miss Malba. The only person he ever met who didn't like his trumpet playing! What was she doing in the Bazaar? He peaked around the corner to find her talking to a stylish looking Uni in front of a coffee shop. Curiosity got the better of him and he ducked down behind a trash can to hear what they were talking about.

      "Wow, I can't believe Neotunes Studios made you the main judge at the Battle of the Bands tomorrow, Malba," said the Uni as she sipped her coffee. "That's quite a responsibility."

      "Yes, yes, I know how crucial it is to pick the right band," said Miss Malba. "But don't worry. With me as the head judge, only the best of the best will win. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I have quite an eye when it comes to spotting talent."

      "I'm sure. So, were you able to get a preview of any contestants?"

      "Well, there's this one pop punk band called Two Minute Warning that'll definitely be a shoo in. They have an Aisha, a Xweetox, an Acara, and I think an Ixi. They're absolutely fabulous and look terrific. I've got a good feeling about those guys."

      "Now, Malba, dear. Don't put all your eggs in one basket," warned the Uni. "You don't want to play favorites. Do you know who else will be performing?"

      Miss Malba thought a moment. "Now that you mention it, I did hear about one jazz band that'll be playing. A local group called--oh, what was their name--Jazzy Bones or something like that. From what I've heard, they are pretty good. At least they'd be better than that one Jazz fan I auditioned a few weeks ago."

      "You mean that Hissi you told me about?"

      "Yes! Ugh, what a monstrosity! I swear, I still have nightmares. How something like a Hissi ever wound up in Neopia, I'll never know."

      Satch couldn't stomach any more of the conversation as he slowly slithered away. It was as though someone splashed him with a bucket of ice water, awakening him from his dreams. Miss Malba was going to be the head judge at the contest tomorrow? This was awful! She already didn't like him. If she saw him perform, not only would he ruin his chances at stardom, but the Jazz Tones' as well. They'd never forgive him. Billie would never forgive him.

      "Hey, Scales!"

      Startled, Satch turned to see Melvin and Bebop coming towards him. "You ok, man?" asked Bebop. "Sorry about the tumble back there. We're still cool, right?"

      Satch nodded, only half-listening to what he was saying. "Y-yeah, whatever..."

      Melvin placed a hand on his wing. "Satch, are you sure you're ok? You look spooked."

      "I-I'm fine. I just... I'm not feeling... I gotta go!"

      Before they could stop him, Satch flew as fast as he could away from his friends, leaving them befuddled.

      "I told you he'd be offended with 'Scales,'" hissed Melvin.

      "Dude, don't start."

      * * *

      Satch sat upon a rooftop, overlooking the Bazaar as the sun slowly set in the west. Practice would be starting soon, but he was too anxious to play. The Jazz Tones had been like a second family to him the past few weeks. Goldie and Duke were like an aunt and uncle, Bebop and Melvin were like brothers, and Billie... she was just perfect. He always wondered why a beautiful Cybunny like her would be friends with a hideous Hissi like him. Still she was very kind and he'd do anything for her. But he knew the moment he set foot (or tail, as it were) on stage the next day, he'd destroy the band's chances of ever becoming famous. All because he was a Hissi.

      Satch sighed as he fluttered down to the street. He looked at his reflection in the shop window. His scaly red face, his shifty yellow eyes, and his pointy fangs--nothing that resembled beauty.

      "Why couldn't I have been born something else?" he muttered out loud. "Why'd I have to be a Hissi? I could've been something great like an Acara or an Eyrie or even a..."

      Satch saw the answer to his problems displayed in the shop window: a starry Cybunny morphing potion! Starry was one of the most popular colors in all Neopia, especially if you were a Cybunny. But did he really want to go that far? Completely change who and what he was just to win a contest? And what would his father say?

      "Hey, bub? I'm going to be closing soon. Is there anything you want?"

      Satch looked up to see a large blue Chia standing over him. He had been sweeping out his shop when he noticed the young Hissi gazing in his window.

      "Yes, sir," said Satch, removing his hat as a sign of respect. "I was just looking at that potion in the window."

      "Ahh, good choice," said the Chia. "I can go as low as 5,000 Neopoints."

      Satch felt his heart sink. "I don't have that kind of money..."

      Satch then heard the faint music coming from inside the shop. It was a soft, jazzy tune from a band he knew too well: Jazzmosis. He looked down at his hat, which he was crumpling in his wings out of nervousness.

      "Uh, excuse me," he asked politely. "Are you a Jazzmosis fan?"

      The Chia chuckled. "You kidding? I love those guys! I've been a fan since they first came out."

      "Well, I have here an authentic Jazzmosis Year 2 hat. I've had it since their Swamp Tour. It's yours for the Cybunny potion."

      The Chia thought for a moment. "Well... that is a rare collectable, but you sure you want to give that up, kid? You look like you're a fan, too."

      "I am, but I really need that potion. I just think it's time for a change."

      "I don't know..."


      The Chia sighed heavily as he saw the eagerness in the young Hissi's eyes. He took the hat and studied it closely, making sure it was what Satch said it was. "You sure about this?"

      Satch looked down at his scaly body, the only thing standing between him and his lifelong dream. "Yeah... I'm sure."

      When the transaction was complete, Satch slowly slithered out of the store with the potion in tow. He looked back to see the Chia carefully placing the hat in a glass case above his counter, writing a "Not for Sale" sign next to it. Guilt filled his heart like a ton of bricks. It was one of the nicest gifts his father had ever given him and he traded it away for pride.

      "You didn't have any choice, Satch," he muttered to himself. "You would never have raised the money by tomorrow. Besides, it's just a hat. Dad will understand. And you got this now. This'll definitely help you win."

      Satch pulled the Starry Cybunny potion carefully out of his bag. He turned the oddly shaped bottle over in his hands, watching as the star-detailed liquid swished softly inside. The instructions were simple enough: Drink entire contents of bottle till last drop without stopping. May cause dizziness, muscle spasms, skin irritation, and upset stomach. Do not use if you have history of heart failure, allergies, or high self-esteem.

      He gazed at his reflection in the bottle one last time. Even when he lived in the swamp, there were times growing up when he felt out of place. Neoschool, on the street, in restaurants. He was used to odd looks, but his father had always been there for him, telling him to be proud of who he was. Of what he was. But his father wasn't there to talk him out of it. It was his choice and his alone.

      "It's for the band," he said softly as he started to pull out the cork. "I'm doing it for the band."

      Someone suddenly bumped into him from behind, almost making him drop the bottle. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see... Satch?"

      Satch turned to see that it was Billie carrying a brown paper bag. She looked slightly frazzled as her one ear drooped over her eye.

      "Billie?" he asked, quickly hiding the potion behind his back. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at practice?"

      "Shouldn't you?" she replied, adjusting her beret. "Wait, where's your hat?"

      Satch bit his lip as he tried to think of a reasonable explanation, but the clap of thunder interrupted him. They both looked up to see heavy rain clouds forming overhead. In an instant, they were drenched in a sudden downpour.

      "Oh no!" cried Billie. "Not now!"

      Billie ran to the nearest diner as Satch followed close behind. As they caught they're breath in the doorway, Satch noticed something odd happening to Billie. It was a strange illusion, but it almost looked like her fur was melting. A silver puddle was forming around her feet. She clutched the bag tightly to her body as she shivered, not from the rain but from her tears.

      Satch gasped as he finally saw Billie in her true light. "Billie! You're... gray?"

      Billie couldn't say anything as she looked at Satch with her drooping ears and bloodshot eyes. She choked out a sob as she hurried into the diner. Still carrying the potion, Satch followed. He saw the trail of wet silver paw prints leading to the booth where Billie was crying.

      "Billie?" he asked softly. "I don't understand. How long have you been gray?"

      "Since I was born!" she sobbed. "You weren't suppose to find out. Please don't tell the band! If they found out I was gray, they'd kick me out!"

      "Come on, Billie," he said, sitting across from her. "They'd never..."

      "Yes, they would! People hate gray Neopets! We're like cursed or something!"

      "Ok, ok. Let's just calm down. Maybe we should start from the beginning."

      Billie sniffed and took a deep breath. "Ok... I've always wanted to be a musician, but ever since I was little, people judged me for being gray. They assumed that just because I was depressing to look at, I had no talent. But I wanted to play more than anything. The Jazz Tones put an ad in the paper for a keyboardist, but I was afraid of what they'd think of me. I didn't have enough money for a professional paint job, so this was all I could afford."

      Billie reached into her bag and pulled out three tubs of Faerie Bliss silver sparkle paint. "It's the best I could do. It gives you the appearance of a painted pet, but it washes right off with water so I have to keep plenty in stock."

      "You've been using this stuff every day and they've never found out?" asked Satch.

      Billie shook her head. "I didn't have any choice, Satch. This has happened to me before. Everyone I've met has either been mean to me or felt bad for me, but would never be my friend. Disguising myself was the only way I could lead a normal life."

      Satch twitched his tail nervously. "I wouldn't exactly call it 'normal,' Billie. I'm sure if you told them the truth, the Jazz Tones would still like you."

      Billie sniffed. "Right, that'll be the day. When you're gray, you might as well kiss your social life goodbye." She sighed heavily as she glanced out the window as the last few drops from the shower plopped on the street. "All my life, I've been surrounded by such beautiful colors. Faerie, starry, royal. Even primary colors like red and blue are more popular than me. I always wanted to walk among them and just be part of that beautiful masterpiece of life. But who'd want an ugly thing like me as their friend?"

      Billie buried her head in her arms on the table as she softly cried. Satch just watched, still unable to grasp what he had heard. "You're not ugly, Billie," he said quietly. "No matter what color you are, you're still the prettiest girl I've ever met. There are a lot worse things in this world than being gray..."

      Billie didn't say anything as she shed the rest of her tears. When the last one was spent, she wiped her face with her sleeve. "Thanks Satch. That was really..."

      Billie looked up to see a Starry Cybunny Morphing potion sitting in front of her. She took the bottle delicately in her paws, turning it over to make sure it was real. For a moment, her heart filled with hope that she could finally become a beautiful Cybunny just like she always dreamed off. Then she noticed that Satch was nowhere to be found.

To be continued…

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Other Episodes

» Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part One
» Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part Two
» Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part Four

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