Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Fiesty Freaks

by eevilbirdiezuh

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Common Sense
Warning: Do NOT Paint your skeith chocolate!

by supergirl_lazergirl


Etana the Coward: Part Two
She moved numbly back into the library. What should she do now? She laughed out loud, her eyes stinging and throat tight. Of course, Etana the Coward would do nothing...

by xialavin


Tea Time!

Er... sorry. Let me rephrase that.

by 8311050


Not All Werelupes Are Bad
I had a splitting headache. Staring at unreadable script for hours on end starts to take a toll after a while, you know? That's when it happened...

by anna_invincible

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