Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,957,813 Issue: 355 | 15th day of Hiding, Y10
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Blubs... Now Without Water!

by faeriee

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Clashing Colours
The wonderful, the gorgeous Darigan Yooyu!

by ringb


What Kind Of Darigan Are You?
There have been many different periods in Darigan culture, and various different perceivable attitudes within these periods.

by sweettartlucy


The Giant Omelette's Protector: Sabre-X
I was recently given the opportunity to interview the massive omelette’s protector -- Sabre-X.

by aisha_gurl_forever


Pirate Lady: Part Five
Tamzin breathed in a deep lungful of salty air, and let it out again in a laugh as she leaned far out over the railing of the crow's nest.

by concertogreat_8

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