Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,767,807 Issue: 385 | 27th day of Running, Y11
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The Hero Society - #19

by bearcatt

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Ten Ways Not to Get to Goldrun
Don't you dare tell her I said this, but 100, even 1000 of Jhudora's quests won't gain you access to Goldrun.

Also by hidden_0_o

by akari24


A Star-Spattered Sky: Part Six
"I don't know what to do. There's no one to teach me how to fly and I can't very well teach myself..."

by buds_and_authors


If only he were that way with scratchcards...

by kyrinn


The Top 10 Most Indigestible Foods in Neopia
Steer clear of those "foods" that should never have been classified as edible in the first place.

by fancifully

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