A Guide To Understanding Abbreviations On The Boards by jotty346
So, in order to write this article, I spent a great deal of time on the boards researching and finding out the meanings of various acronyms and abbreviations.
People wander the boards wondering what it means when people say things such as UFT, UC, NTY, lol, ITTPD; well, this guide will explain it all!
So first of all, for those who don't know, an abbreviation is a letter or group of letters taken from a word to shorten it... for example, peo instead of Peophin.
Acronyms are words which have been formed by taking the first letters of a phrase and turning it into a word, such as lol, a very common one which means laughing out loud!
I understand that many Neopians, especially newbies or people who have taken long periods of time out of Neopets, find it hard to understand the new words and acronyms that people are now using on the boards. This guide is to help some people who find it hard to decipher the acronyms and abbreviations that are now so widely used on the boards it's become normal to use them!
I decided to make this guide for you all because when I first started trying to get to grips with the boards, I didn't understand a word of it, so hopefully this guide will help others who were once as clueless as me about the way our fellow Neopians talk (well, type) when on the boards.
Now I too had a hard time getting to grips with this, so let me get started... Commonly used on all boards -
Peo - Peophin lol - Laughing out loud
XD - Well, this one is just a smiley face... or laughing face (tilt your head to the left). ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing MSP - Malevolent Sentient Poogle GTG/G2G - Got to go
BRB - Be right back AC - Avatar chat TC - Trade chat PC - Pound chat BD - Battledome
KQ - Key Quest NTY - No thank you
TTYL - Talk to you later Rper - Roleplayer RP - Roleplay
They are used on almost all of the boards; they are very common and should be very useful for you to learn, as chances are you will come across them whilst chatting on the boards!
What's used on the AC (avatar chat) -
FQD - Faerie Queen doll
BOP - Bag of peanuts
MR - Mummy Ruki
ITTPD - I taunt the Pant Devil Ppots - Prickly potions
IQ - Island Quiggle Icy - Icy snowflake MSPP - Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie SuAP - Super attack pea
OG - Orange Grundo
BGC - Bony Grarrl club Meowy - Meowclops
Collat - Collateral
Werelupe - Halloween Lupe
COT - Carnival of Terror (this is a very new one)
Most of the AC ones are avatar items or avatar related so if you're asking to be lent avatar items it's good to know these ones! What's used on the TC (trade chat)-
ETS - Easy to sell HTS - Hard to sell
OTB - Offer to beat R - Rarity
MP - Morphing potion / my price TP - Transmogrification potion / Trading post UB - Unbuyable RS - Resell/Restock RSer - Reseller (Someone who buys to resell the item) PPPB - Petpet paint brush
PB - Paint brush MP - My price
LDPB - Lost Desert paint brush
LDPPPB - Lost Desert pet pet paint brush
Most of these have to do with selling things, so if you're trying to sell something on the TC, these should come in very handy to you! What's used on the PC (pound chat) -
UFT - Up for trade OTB - Offer to beat
UFA - Up for adoption
LE - Limited edition (pets such as Draik, Krawk, Poogle, Chomby, Lutari, Koi, Tonu)
UC - Unconverted (for those who don't understand this, TNT converted some pets a while ago but the original drawings of some still remain, these pets are very old and rare making them very desirable)
C - Converted
VWN - very well named
WN- Well named
DN - Decent named
BN - badly named
VBN - Very badly named BD - Battledome (On the PC this term is used to tell someone if their pet has a lot of Battledome experience or very good stats) App - Application Xwee - Xweetok
Most of these are to do with trading pets and should help you if you're having difficulties understanding things. What's used on the Battledome chat -
YB - Ylanas blaster WOR - Wand of reality
(They use many acronyms for items; in fact, they practically use acronyms for all items on there XD)
Many of the Battledome chat ones are similar to the TC ones, just to let you know! So you may see ones such as OTB, MP, TP, and what not, but that's because they often sell and trade Battledome items on there!
So now that you've read them all, challenge yourself. Try and remember them when you're on the boards when someone uses one of them! Or you could even come up with your very own!!
So test yourself by trying to decipher the following phrases:
First one will be a AC one: Looking to be lent ITTPD and FQD, for low or partial collat. Can lend Meowy in return
Next one is a TC one:
Selling MPs and TPs at RSer price
Another TC one for you:
Calling all RSers selling LDPPPB, TPs, MPs and more.
You have to love the TC. Here's my final TC one XD: OTB - 120k
TP - 290k
MP - 200k
Also buying UBs r99s and PBs, NO HTSs please only ETS
Now a PC one: 20 VWN pets UFT, 2 UC, 1 LE, 3 BD
Another PC one for you! :
DN UC Semi BD LE Pet UFT, Seeking VWN UCs, OTB - Pirate peo
Well, that's all I have for now, hope you had fun with my little test!
There are new ones constantly being created and used, so try to keep on top of it all so you don't find yourself lost on the boards not understanding anything. Hopefully this guide helped you catch up with all the latest and older ones used! Well, I hope you enjoyed my guide to the abbreviations and acronyms used on the boards and I hope it helped you a little as well!
So next time you're on the boards, try using them out and see how it goes! Anyways TTYL G2G now!