Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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by lilyed

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Aria of the Aeons: Part One
His dreamscape is filled with color, a collection of rainbow shapes that no other would be able to understand.

by kittengriffin


Ocean Scented Tears
The cool waves crashed around her feet and the sun shone on the small Xweetok's face, as if rejuvenating her. The day was bright and alive but inside she felt the exact opposite.

by emilyg96angel


The Loveliest Uni
A charming story about a Uni that learns that being lovely is more than just looking pretty.

by pandora


It All Began with a Faerie Paint Brush
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

by evaniab

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