Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 184,658,392 Issue: 487 | 25th day of Running, Y13
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Team Mayhem

by dark_moon_blossom

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Faerie Quests
Dreams DO come true - sometimes.

by roxanna203


No right to say
I feel for the guy.

by osaaru


Misunderstood: The Thief
"Rascal," he said with an appreciative smile, "let's go to Brightvale. I heard they got new guards that we can test out!"

by skyrules1777


The Igloo Garage Sale - It Isn't Just a Game
The moment I stumbled out of bed, I took a face-dive at the floor as I tripped over some piece of junk. Again.

by weepingwillowy

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