Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 185,143,242 Issue: 493 | 6th day of Hunting, Y13
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Murasaki Moments - The Lockout

by shmozie

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Lucy Lost: Part Two
I nodded gravely. If that's what it took, then that's what I'd do.

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Gabriela's Awesome Skill to Fish
Look how my baby Uni can fish!

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The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Nine
"Whoever you are, you'd better come out right now, before I hex you!" Bernadette called. Five faeries emerged from the tunnel, looking rather terrified.

by alex313


Karifki's Beginning: Part Two
"Well, it would depend what your offer was, kid. I'm not gonna take some lame item for your freedom."

by hottie_score06

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