Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 187,324,720 Issue: 515 | 7th day of Collecting, Y13
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The (Stupid) Owner and her Aisha

by i_luv_aishas13

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Eyrie Day Makeovers!
I've compiled a list of what I think is the top five coolest and best Eyrie colors for you to consider painting your Eyrie, along with some wearables you might consider.

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Thread by Thread
Melany loved her sister dearly, but sometimes she just wished that they would stop fighting.

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Magic Managment

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The Citadel - Seven Years Later
It was a cold, dark night in the Darigan Citadel. Then again, it was ALWAYS cold and dark up in the Citadel, even when it was a warm summer in Meridell.

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