Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,472,088 Issue: 535 | 9th day of Running, Y14
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by mistyqee

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Toaster Strudel - Obvious Answers
Sunglasses make everything cooler.

by signingupso


Magician Chronicles: The White Daffodil - Part One
Many years ago in a now forgotten kingdom lived a king, a queen, and a princess. The queen loved her daughter greatly and raised her with the knowledge to run the city. Yet the king...

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Order of Four: Part Seven
Once there, I experienced some difficulty in finding Mr. Lance Carlisle – everybody in Neovia seemed to know his name, but it was some time before I could wrangle an address out of anybody.

by jokerhahaazzz


Spacerocket: First Day at Work
Oh, Space...

by athanasiusagrona

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