Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 189,738,557 Issue: 559 | 23rd day of Hiding, Y14
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Pteri Terror

by _lozza

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Most carefully plan their pet's dip in those magical waters centered in Neopia Central. Well, my girl may have slipped. That is the current hypothesis, anyway.

by riverpond


10 Amazing Alien Aisha Facts
With the help of some Alien Aisha sources who wish to remain anonymous, I've been able to learn more about these mysterious interstellar travelers. Here are ten little-known facts about Alien Aishas that might just make you wish you had six ears.

by biscuitqueen


Cutest Mutant Items
I looked at all of the Mutant items in Neopia and found the cutest ones of all!

by pinkcrown123


Dissonance: Part Two
"You've ruined so many lives, and I don't think that you care."

by lithoxide

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