There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 191,275,577 Issue: 599 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Tales From Elysian Fields: My Dolly, Poe

by bug0704


You're entering a world as real as you make it out to be; there are no limitations to the possible inputs and outputs. But unlike an equation, you can't chart relics of a time yet to come — an opening into the dark matter before us. Free from the shackles of reality, you are about to take a walk in Elysian Fields.


      The summer sun is shining bright as Gaz pulls the last of the party supplies from the pool house attic and onto the patio table. The desert Kougra sorts through the misfits of decorations, desperately trying to remember what Maisy's favourite colour of streamer is. Too stubborn to ask the baby Aisha herself, Gaz decides that yellow represents the month of Relaxing best, and begins to purge the boxes of anything that isn't.

      "I can't — Ow! — possibly begin to — Ow! — decorate with all these toys lying everywhere!" Gaz hears her half sister shout from the other end of the yard. Behind the boxes in her hands stands Zibel, a green Zafara with an odd fashion sense to match her personality, sporting thick, square glasses, assorted bracelets, a red handkerchief around her neck, and a certainly unique yarn and ribbon hat on her head.

      "And to think that more of Maisy's friends are still on their way!" shouts Gaz over the laughter and shrieks of the small Neopets running around her.

      Today is Maisy's birthday, and although her family can afford to have her afternoon banquet at the Presidential Palace or Peophin Water Parks, they have instead decided their large and "grandiloquent" McMansion on the outskirts of Neopia Central will suffice. While Gaz and Zibel are getting the preparations ready for the day's events, Maisy's older sister Priscilla is supposed to be arranging the play area for the smaller ones. But when a sudden "omigosh-I-just-have-to-go-to-this-party" invitation had shown up for Priscilla, she begged her best friend since Neoschool (and, in turn, Zibel) to help set up while she went off to party elsewhere.

      "Why are we even here, anyway?" asks Zibel as she absentmindedly gives a box of nails to a random baby Acara instead of putting it on the table beside her. "It's the weekend, Gaz! We should be looking for deals at the Second-Hand Shoppe, not babysitting for your snob of a friend!"

      Zibel has a point; Priscilla is friends with Gaz, but not so much the other way around. In truth, Gaz finds Priscilla kind of annoying, and not much of a quote-unquote friend.

      Gaz lifts a baby Pteri egg about to be prematurely cracked out of the reach of two small Wocky twins.

      "We're just helping Pri's parents out until she gets back from her thing," Gaz says. She hears the gate of the backyard open, and while turning around almost trips over a small Gnorbu being chased by the same baby Acara, the nails now in between his fingers.

      "Oh, how marvelous!" a cloud Aisha comments as she walks between the picnic tables. "The décor looks fabulous! And yellow is so in! How could you have possibly known, Gaz?"

      Gaz stares at the ridiculousness that is supposedly her best friend: the Aisha is dressed dissimilarly to them, with a fancy blue dress instead of worn-out pants, Summer Fun sunglasses to keep the summer out of her eyes, big and obnoxious Spinacle earrings, a purple scarf made to look like a squid, and a spring negg wig that looks as if someone had spilled a large strawberry kiwi smoothie all over her head.

      "Why thank you for noticing, your highness," Gaz replies, faking a curtsy.

      Not sensing the sarcasm, Priscilla smiles. "I just love the little bow you put in your pretty red hair, darling! Fire faeries are in, too!" She then notices Gaz's vintage Lost Desert Altador Cup jersey and frowns. "That, however, is not. The only good thing about the Lost Desert team is the captain, Leera Heggle. He's so handsome," she says with a giggle.

      "At least she's not the one letting the tanglepus choke her throat," Zibel shoots back at her.

      "Tangle...! SQUIDS ARE IN, TOO!"

      "So how was the party?" Gaz asks.

      "What? Oh, uh huh, party was fun," answers Priscilla, momentarily distracted. Eyeing the mischievous Acara, Priscilla snatches the nails out of its hands.

      "How in Neopia did she get these?" she demands. "Gaz, did Zibel do this?!"

      "I don't think she—"

      "Look, you know I love your sister," says Priscilla, "but if she does ANYTHING to mess up my wittle wubby-lovely Maisy's birthday bash extravaganza... she'll be in big trouble." She turns to Zibel. "Have I made myself clear?"

      The Zafara nods, trying to hold back laughter, simply unable to take someone seriously with a squid around their neck and smoothie on her head.

      "Well, I'm assuming that's a yes," says Priscilla, brushing her dress. "So keep busy and stay out of my way."


      You've witnessed an afternoon event that's unfortunately started on a bad note. What follows isn't so much a mystery in terms of the culprits, but rather a question of which is to blame; who is the most culpable under the given circumstances. You will be allowed ninety percent of the answers, and it is your job to locate the ten unaccounted for. Think of it as a brief distraction away from your own problems, and remember that there are no wrong answers — only misguided choices — in Elysian Fields.


      The party is well underway when Zibel decides it's time to go. She is annoyed with Gaz for dragging her along, frustrated with Priscilla for setting them up in the first place, and sad that she is missing precious hours of time better spent gardening or reading up on advanced magic.

      A gaggle of baby Grundos run by, almost knocking her over. She sees Maisy bouncing after them, happy as can be, dressed in a frilly pink dress and a flower hat a bit too big for her head.

      Zibel pulls the baby Aisha aside. Maisy smiles.

      "Zib Zib!" she says, laughing at her own little joke.

      "Hey, kiddo," Zibel begins, reaching for behind. "I wanted to give you your present before I headed out."

      She produces a small box wrapped in Holiday gift paper. Maisy grabs it out of her hands, ripping it open hastily.

      As if on cue, that's when Priscilla notices and rushes over with Gaz.

      "Look, Sissy!" Maisy shouts, rushing over to her older sibling, smiling wide. "Zib Zib got me a dolly!"

      She is cuddling a small, light brown, makeshift rag doll with yellow buttons for eyes, a beaded necklace, and a thin, black threaded grin sewn across its face. A green patch lies to the right of its stomach, and thick, scraggly string barely passes as its hair.

      "That's... wonderful, sweetie!" says Priscilla, forcing a smile as Maisy sprints off to rejoin her friends, her ugly present in tow.

      "She seems thrilled! Did you make that?" asks Gaz, patting her sister on the back.

      "All by myself!" Zibel answers proudly. She turns to leave before adding just loud enough to be heard, "It's very... special."

      She trots off, leaving behind a pleased Gaz and a frightened Priscilla.


      "'Special,' she told me!" shouts Priscilla over the noise of Gaz cleaning the dishes. "She probably stuffed it with pinchits, knowing your sister."

      "That's not particularly fair," says Gaz, rolling her eyes. "You know, you could help me scrub these plates. I was thinking—"

      "—I'm going to go put the leftover dessert in my room!" Priscilla interrupts, grabbing handfuls of cake and shoving them onto one platter. "Don't want it to, um, go to waste!"

      "It'll go to your waist, more like it," Gaz mutters under her breath as Priscilla rushes up the stairs.

      In her massive room on the third floor, Priscilla places the platter on her bed before picking off a piece for herself. Licking her lips, she exits the room and spies Maisy's door cracked open. Curious, Priscilla carefully peaks inside to find Maisy sitting on the floor, humming to herself as she brushes the small bits of hair that remain on Zibel's doll.

      "Maisy, what are you doing with that... that thing?" Priscilla asks. "Wouldn't you, uh, rather be downstairs with your friends? Or outside with mum and dad?"

      "No thanks," she replies simply. "I'd rather play with Poe."

      "Who?" asks Priscilla.

      "My dolly," Maisy answers. "My dolly, Poe."

      Priscilla sighs.

      "Sweetie, please get rid of it."

      "Her name is Poe."

      "Fine, Maisy, please get rid of Poe," says Priscilla. "Zibel probably put a hex on it, or sneezed all over it, or... something! You know how sickly poor people are! They're so... uncouth." She shudders at the word.

      "Well, if you say so..." Maisy replies in her cheery voice, though she is frowning.

      "That's my wittle sugar-boo bumpkins," says Priscilla, patting the top of Maisy's head before leaving her alone again.

      Alone with Poe.


      The next morning, the entire mansion on the hill is filled with screams coming from Priscilla's room.

      She pushes open her door and slams it shut, breathing heavily. Priscilla catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the wall and sees that she is covered from head to toe in big and itchy red bumps.

      She bursts into Maisy's room.


      Maisy is under the covers, crying.

      "Poe made me do it!" she manages, and then continues to sob.

      Priscilla stops in her tracks.

      "Poe? Your doll? I thought I told you to get rid of it!" Priscilla shouts at her. Maisy is unresponsive, only bawling. Priscilla pulls off the covers and grabs her younger sister, shaking her furiously. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

      "She told me to crack open one of your windows!" cries Maisy, snot running out of her nose, tears gushing from her eyes. In her arms, of course, is the doll she calls Poe. "That's all, honest!"

      Furious, Priscilla snatches it away from Maisy and proceeds to stomp out of the room.

      "NO!" screams Maisy in hysterics. "I NEED IT!"

      "YOU DON'T NEED IT," Priscilla yells from the bottom of the stairs. She unlocks the back door, walks down the porch, and marches a good distance to the lonely well at the edge of the woods that marks a corner of the property. Priscilla hurls the doll with all her might into the bowels of the well, a loud splosh heard from the bottom seconds later.

      Priscilla returns upstairs to find Maisy weeping in her bed, shaking.

      "Sorry for all the, um, hullaballoo," Priscilla says as she sits down next to her sister. "It's just... Tell you what. How about I go make you a tummy yummy cheese omelette for breakfast to cheer you up, huh? How does that sound?"

      Maisy wipes the tears from her eyes and nods, smiling. They take a moment to stare at each other before laughing at how preposterous they both look, and by the time Priscilla opens the door and heads back into her room, the Spyders — and the cake — have retreated out the window.


      "I just don't understand why we're walking through the woods to get to Pri's," says Zibel as she pushes past a low limb. It's nighttime now; the moon high and the silence rich.

      "It's the fastest way to get to her house," says Gaz from in front of her, carrying a lantern so they can see. "I just hope Maisy's throat gets better, the poor thing. Who knew she'd get Ugga Ugga, of all illnesses? Anyway, it's a miracle you were able to get some Gwontek syrup from your garden for her."

      Zibel looks down at the orange vial she's carrying.

      "Yep," she says with a sigh. "Real miracle all right."

      They walk a few more steps before reaching the edge of the forest. They are at the bottom of the hill, and they can see the mansion far up top, light cast from behind every window — signs of life in the foreboding darkness.

      They hear something — a faint noise to the right of them. Gaz shines the lantern to find the back of Priscilla, who is desperately struggling with the bucket attached to the old well.

      "Pri, you OK?" asks Gaz as Priscilla turns around, startled. "You look a little... frazzled."

      "Yeah, your wig's a mess," Zibel adds.

      Priscilla returns her focus to the well.

      "Maisy's throat is tightening," she says. "Dad's out getting the doctor, and since some kid flushed a rattle down the toilet, the pipes aren't working. If I don't get her some water soon, her throat will close up, and I..."

      Priscilla stops. She turns to face Zibel.

      "This is all your fault," she declares, narrowing her eyes. "What did you do to Poe?!"

      "Who's Poe?!" shouts Zibel.

      "THAT'S WHAT SHE NAMED YOUR DUMB DOLL," Priscilla screams back at her. "What did you do, put a curse on it? Some freaky 'voodoo' thing? Chanted some crazy mumbo jumbo around a bonfire and banged some crystal rocks together — I don't know! You said it was 'special,' after all!"

      "I only said that because I didn't want you to think that I couldn't afford to get her a real toy!" Zibel explains.

      "If you had just bought her a regular gift like everyone else, she wouldn't be this sick, I wouldn't be covered in all of these Spyder bites, and—"

      "You left cake in your room!" Gaz points out.

      "Stay out of this!" Priscilla shouts at her. "I've never liked your adopted sister, I'll admit that, but at least I tolerated you, Gaz! Zafaras are downright outlandish, but you Kougras can be so... primitive!"

      Gaz puts the lantern down.

      "Listen, you vain, clay-brained Dribblet. I have always, ALWAYS defended you whenever someone pointed out about how conceited, gossipy, and aggravating you are. I stood up for you even when no one else did. And I've always put up with all the verbal dung you've flung at my sister. But don't you DARE blame whatever problems you're going through right now on her, because this has NOTHING to do with Zibel!"

      "YES, IT DOES," screams the Aisha. "SHE'S NEVER LIKED ME OR MY FAMILY!"

      Priscilla lunges at Zibel, knocking her hard against the ground. They both watch helplessly as the Gwontek syrup flies from their reach and into the earth, the glass shattering and the only available cure seeping into the sodden dirt.

      Roaring, Gaz jumps on top of Priscilla, pinning her down. Priscilla kicks her ruthlessly in the chest, knocking her back, and in a matter of seconds they are both wrestling on the ground, getting closer and closer to the well, until Gaz pushes Priscilla off the ground and into its depths below, never once considering how in the Neopia she was to get out again.

      Her screams are heard for a couple of seconds before stopping, suddenly, with a thud.

      Zibel and Gaz look first at each other, horrified, and then into the pitch black well.

      "It must run at least thirty meters deep," Gaz whispers as Zibel remains motionless. "Fyora, forgive us."

      Instinctively, Gaz darts towards the house, hoping to find some form of aid inside. Zibel stays behind, lost in her thoughts.

      Something tugs at the rope.

      Zibel pulls at it, desperately trying to help the unresponsive Priscilla, who is silent despite the Zafara's continuous bellowing of her name. What she yanks out, however, is not Priscilla in the bucket, but a bunch of rocks, and buried beneath them is none other than Poe herself.

      She stares at its yellow eyes, feeling a mixture of hatred, regret, and the utmost terror.

      "What have I done."


      The power of suggestion, demonstrated tonight as one of the most effective weapons in the universe — one that can win wars, splinter dreams, and even destroy families.

      Who is the most at fault for the fall of Priscilla: Zibel, Gaz, Maisy, or the victim herself? Can the facts be taken at face value, or were supernatural elements at large? Was it a matter of free will, or merely cause and effect? Nonetheless, your answers probably say more about you than they do the riddle, which is something to be expected... from Elysian Fields.

The End

For Thorn, who has always stuck by my side. You saved me!

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