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More than Six Faerie Elements: A Theory By Prof Oak

by meblackittymage13


We are taught there are six elements in Neopia: Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Light, and Dark. We are taught that if a Pet has an affinity for magic, it will fall into one or more of these six elements. We are told that a Pet’s affinity for magic can be influenced by its colour. And yet, we have Paintbrushes that don’t fall into the Six Elements and at least eleven Faeries that don’t seem to fall into these Six Elements either.

          So what does this mean? If all Faeries must be representative of an element of magic, then there must be more elements than just the main six! My friend, Nick Neopia, has encouraged me to post this theory, and so post it I shall!

          To keep in mind, all Paintbrush colours are possible from a combination (or deficit) of the different elements, but not all elements are representative in a colour.

          Fyora - Faerie Queen - (unavailable for comment)

          Let’s start with the queen of all Faeries, Fyora, who represents Royalty. Now what does Royalty mean? A Pet can be born Royal, but they can also be painted or zapped Royal. When they are made Royal, a fancy new outfit appears and this seems to be the main feature of a Royal Pet.

          With this knowledge, it is my hypothesis that every colour that grants clothes or extra features has a tiny sliver of Royalty. As I alluded to, the Royal colour is bursting to the brim with Royal energy, but Royalty can be found in other colours too. Pirates would not exist unless they had rules to rebel against. Holidays would not be on the calendar or have large celebrations without those in power deeming it possible. And Faerie Pets would not be possible without Fyora granting her energy into giving Pets wings, as evidenced by the Faerie Paintbrush once being available for purchase in the Hidden Tower. A tower where Fyora herself is the shopkeeper!

          Aethia - Battle Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Moving on to Aethia the Battle Faerie, and her predecessor Valeane, they represent the element of Justice. How do we know this? And why Justice? Why not protection, determination, strength or even willpower? Well, we know this due to the most recent Festival of Neggs and the tarot cards! Aethia is on the Justice card and represents the consequences of one’s actions. A battle is all about the consequences of one’s actions, but why you are fighting is just as important. While I have not discovered what Paintbrush colour is influenced by this element, I believe this element instead shapes how we think gives us our sense of right and wrong.

          Kari - Negg Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Speaking of the Festival of Neggs, we have learned that Neggs are mysterious objects and Negg-like objects can be found in space! However, Neggs are still a source of food and I believe Kari is a Food element Faerie. There are many food-themed colours in Neopia, and I believe they must be a combination of one of the known elements and of another unknown element. In this case, I believe that the unknown element is Food. (Although Neggs are very mysterious and it is possible the element is actually Negg. Requires further testing.)

          Mira - Space Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          And of course, we can’t forget our other prominent Faerie from the Festival of Neggs; Mira is a Faerie who does not come from Neopia, but instead comes from beyond the stars. It is possible that she represents an element that is not present on Neopia, but I think she represents the element of Technology. Yes, she is made of the cosmos, but what are the cosmos if not the mixture of Air, Fire, and Light? She must represent something else. And what is space travel if not the ultimate achievement of technology? Kreuldor and the VirtuPets Space Stations have the most advanced technology I have ever seen! Technology is also regarded as the opposite of magic, and Mira did not like using magic to solve a problem in her realm. Why would a magical being not want to use magic? Because she represents the element of Technology!

          But Professor, I hear you ask, wouldn’t the Technology element only be detected in the Robot Pets? Not at all my dear reader! This element is present in all non-Faerie-made colours as it was one Scorchio’s inventions that made them possible! (And Dr. Sloth’s ray for Mutant Pets but we don’t talk about that so shush). The Lab Ray is a marvellous bit of technology and has a connection to all the Faerie elements, including the rare ones I’ve proposed here! It is unfortunate that the scientist is a bit mad and was also unavailable for comment while I was researching this topic. But nonetheless, the element of Technology is present in all ray-beam exclusive colours!

          Baelia - Grey Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Now as a Grey Faerie, Baelia actually represents a complete lack of magic. Grey Pets have lost their sense of joy and spark of life, their magic if you will. We know Baelia became a Grey Faerie when she lost her magic, so it stands to reason that if one is separated from the elements, they turn Grey.

          Jhuidah - Island Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Jhuidah was a tricky Faerie to figure out, I’ll admit. She combines her magic with that of Pango Pango to create new things in her Cooking Pot. This could mean she represents experiments, or perhaps creativity. Another element not present in a colour, but perhaps representative in our hearts.

          But that isn’t very scientific, and cooking is a science as much as it is an art form. Therefore, Jhuidah must represent the element of Art. Think about all the crafts and trinkets that can be found on Mystery Island, and think about all the art-themed Paintbrush colours like Oil Paint, Origami, Pastel, Polkadot, Marble, or Mosaic! Even the Mystery Island Paintbrush has more artwork on the handle!

          Kaia - Shenkuu Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Kaia is the newest Faerie, but I believe her element is one of the easiest to figure out. Her wings are similar to that of lotus flowers which could mean an earth element of sorts, but her powers lean more to that of Time. My evidence of this is her unique ability to see into the future; the ability to see the flow of Time. If a Faerie is connected to the flow of Time, then it must be an element!

          It makes even more sense once you remember Neopia’s history! After all, there have been many lands that have been affected or unaffected by the passage of time. One could say it seems like most lands are stuck in the age they are in. Why has Tyrannia not imported ViruPets tech? Because they are stuck in Time. Why are modern Neopians familiar with the wars between Meridell and Darigan Citadel? Because they were pulled through time! The magic of this element affects us all, but its effects are dependent on its location. I believe the element of Time combines with the element of Royalty (and other elements) to create the different holiday Paintbrushes.

          The Tooth Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Now the Tooth Faerie is another very interesting case, as she could be similar to Kaia’s element of Time, but they have different wings and so must be different types. I propose that the Tooth Faerie is representative of life and time on a personal scale. I’m calling this element Youth as life often falls under Light’s domain. The Tooth Faerie collects baby teeth, the physical sign that time is passing and one is growing old. Therefore, she must represent something regarding childhood, and what is childhood but the expression of Youth?

          The Three - (unavailable for comment)

          While little is known about the Three, they seem to be spirits that encourage ambition, revenge, and greed. They are depicted as a Spectral Faerie, a transparent Skeith, and an undead Gelert. They cause war and ruin, and are quite dark themselves, but their abilities are different from those of dark Faeries. The Faerie’s wings are different from a dark Faerie, so she must represent something else. If not a dark Faerie, and it is not known which terrible trait the Faerie encourages, I propose that the Faerie represents the element of Corruption.

          Corruption is a dangerous element that can bring out the worst aspects of one’s personality. Like The Three, traces of this element are almost impossible to find, but if there is a Faerie who represents this element, then trace amounts of it must exist. Without much evidence, I must conclude that this element of Corruption is what turned other elemental Faeries into twisted versions of their kind, like the Drenched.

          And while my equipment has not yet been able to detect it, I believe this element should be found in the wraith, Darigan, ghost, zombie, and transparent colours. Before they were overpowered, Wraiths were full of dark power and destruction, but we know from Faeries like Delina that dark magic itself is not evil. We also know that the citizens of Darigan Citadel were cursed and that the Three were involved in the war between Meridell and Darigan Citadel. Finally, we have the appearance of the Three themselves; for what are ghosts and zombies if not a corrupted or unnatural form of life? And what is transparent if not a corrupted form of light and the Invisible colour?

          The Library Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Next is the Library Faerie, whose name I was not able to find, but does represent the element of Education. She allows all to read the books in her library and educate themselves on any topic they wish. This element is present in who we are as Pets and less present in the Paintbrush colours.

          Taelia - Snow Faerie - (unavailable for comment)

          Honestly, before looking into this, I thought Taelia was a Water Faerie. She heals and she gives out snowballs for quest rewards. She sounds like another prominent Water Faerie I know. But then I began to look deeper into her character and her surrounding environment. She is the Snow Faerie, but I suspect she represents the element of Comfort. What is healing the sick and bringing them in from the cold besides an expression of Comfort? Terror Mountain, the Ice Caves, and Happy Valley all try to make the visitor comfortable and happy during their stay. Why is the only toy repair shop in Neopia located a few doors down from Taelia? Because toys bring people comfort and Taelia is the element of Comfort! The Snow, Toy, Plushie, and Christmas Paintbrush all have a little Comfort in them.

          To summarize, every Faerie represents an element that makes up our world. The most common elements are the core six of Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Light, and Dark, but there are lesser-known elements that helped create our world too. In my research, I have decided to name these previously unknown elements Royalty, Justice, Food, Technology, Art, Time, Youth, Corruption, Education, and Comfort.


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