Tricking For Your Treats! by velveteen
Also by tnumfive
Ah, it’s nearly that time again: carved, grinning pumpkins, spooky cobwebs, undead
zombies and of course... CANDY! Naturally, you and your pets will be dressing spooky
to Trick or Treat the unsuspecting citizens of Neopia. Well, before you plan your
outrageous outfit to spook the living daylights out of your neo-neighbours, make
sure you read this article!
Although everyone knows Halloween is a time for munching pumpkin pie, helping
Edna on her quests and visiting the game graveyard, WE know it’s really all
about the candy, right? Sure! Every pet does. Well, here we are with a handy
list of easy to create costume suggestions to trick your way to a maximum Halloween
candy haul this year!
You know the usual story: you bound up to the door of your target neohome dressed
as a terrifying ghost and clutching your huge swag sack. You knock and as the
door creaks open you yell at the top of your voice “TRICK OR TREAT!” But what’s
this? A little old Aisha pops her head out and pats you on the head. Ulch! “What
a cute ghostie you make!” she coos at you and hands you one measly tooth faerie
sweet. Peh! That was hardly worth the effort - that costume took weeks!
Well, we can help you make this year’s celebrations turn in to a candy-filled
party by demonstrating the amazing effects of a mere minimum-effort costume
change and a bit of trickery! Follow this guide and we can assure you you’ll
soon be struggling to walk under the weight of those toffee classics and lemon
NOTE: All costume suggestions, although easy to create, require a great deal
of cunning, craftiness and a general evil nature to pull off. If that’s not
for you, we suggest dressing as a little demon and saving money on your dental
bills. At least you’ll make the tooth faerie happy. Now on with the guide!
# 1: Eliv Thade
To start us off, who else is better to dress as for Halloween than evil, vile
Eliv Thade? An absolute winner when it comes to candy-grabbing. Knock on your
target’s door and yell “Rickt ro Terat!” at the top of your lungs. While they
try to figure out what on earth you just said, swipe their sweets and run!
COSTUME: As if that wasn’t enough, this is also an incredibly simple costume
to make. First, you need to “borrow” your friend/owner/neighbour’s bathrobe
and wrap it around yourself tightly. Next, jump up and down on the spot until
you feel seasick to get that authentic Eliv-green pallor to your face. Simply
add some sticky tape stitches and you’re set to go!
# 2: Jhuidah
Ah! One of the more crafty ways to get yourself some of that lovely confectionery,
dressing as Jhuidah almost guarantees you a sneaky stash of sweets this All
Hallow’s Eve. When you arrive at the door, offer the services of your wonderfully
mysterious Island cooking pot. Who could resist? When they throw their candy
in, just be sure to run far away before they realise you’re not really the island
COSTUME: Firstly for this outfit, you need to backcomb your hair. If you have
no hair, don’t worry, merely borrow your friend’s well-trained walking carpet
petpet and train him to sit still on your head for the evening. Grab yourself
a wooden spoon and pop a flower in your hair (or petpet’s mouth) and you’re
ready to grab that candy!
# 3: Soup Faerie
She does so much good for the poor of Neopia. Needless to say that if she were
to ask for something in return, something like buckets of candy for a new chocolate
soup recipe for example, most Neopians would only be too happy to oblige. Take
advantage of the Soup Faerie’s overwhelming popularity with the population at
large by dressing as her this Halloween.
COSTUME: The costume itself will be simple. Just an old pair of overalls, a
pink shirt, apron and red bandana. Voila! You are the soup faerie! Don’t forget
the ever-important wings. You’ll fool no one as a wingless faerie. We suggest
attaching a small faerie petpet to your back for this and explaining how your
wings shrunk in the wash. Hey, it could happen!
# 4: Skeleton
Simple, yet effective - the classic costume. Yes, it’s the skeleton. Dress
up as a bony spectre and when you knock on a door the owner will take one look
at you and is bound to immediately fill your bag with goodies. They will feel
such pity at your bony appearance and be willing to do anything to fatten you
up a little! Hurrah!
COSTUME: Ah, well, this is a costume for the more adventurous of neopets. Firstly,
simply dress yourself in black. Next you need to sink a pirate ship. Yup! A
couple of cannon balls to the stern should do the trick. Steal their skull and
crossbones flag and attach to your face for an instant menacing skull mask!
A couple of brain tree quests for brain tree branches will supply the bones
and you’re ready for a spot of candy skullduggery. SKULLduggery? Geddit? Never
# 5: Tax Beast
If you’re truly cunning and insanely candy-hungry then this could be the solution
for you! Yes, simply dress yourself to look like the Tax Beast! Stroll up to
your target home and knock loudly on the door. Replace your old “Trick or Treat!”
welcome with a barking “TAX MAN!”. When they open the door, shake your head
sadly and demand they pay their Door Tax immediately. With candy. Pure. Or else.
How evil.
COSTUME: For this outfit, ideally you need a Yurble friend to hide behind.
Convince him to roll down a hill until he’s completely green with grass stains
and attach a couple of zeenanas to his head and you’ll have an outfit to put
horror into the very hearts of most Neopians. Please note that this new Door
Tax is unlikely to work on Mystery Island hut accommodation.
Well, there you have it. We’re sure you’ll be stuffing
your faces in no time. Just remember to brush your teeth. Oh, and don’t eat
your sweets between meals. No, that doesn't mean you can have sweets AS a meal.
*shakes head* Good luck!