The Adventures of Star by dancingqween888
If your pets are anything like mine, you’ve got one crazy
household there. Yep, my pets are the most insane creatures in the history of
Neopia, most of all my dear glowing Lupe, Star.
I regret naming her Star. Stars are supposed to be barely noticeable unless
they are scattered across the sky at midnight. Star, however, is more like an
asteroid headed for planet Neopia.
Always with a trick up her sleeve and a witty comeback on the tip of her tongue,
you can tell when she’s coming up your neck of the woods. If you’re lucky, she’ll
tell you ahead of time and you’ll be able to put your antique crystal Jubjub
from Grandma away before she gets there and breaks it. I take that back. She
won’t break it; she’ll shatter it into a million pieces.
But I’m getting off topic.
These are some of the Neomails from shop owners and friends regarding my dear
Lupe Star.
Please, don’t get the wrong impression. Star is an awesome Lupe, and I love
her. She was my first pet, after all. She’s kind and sweet, she’s just a little…eccentric.
Okay, a LOT eccentric. But like I said, Star is approachable. Don’t run in the
other direction when you see her or she’ll kill me for writing this story.
1. To: dancingqween888
From: Jeran the Lupe
Please, please, PLEASE, for the safety of everyone and everything in this whole
entire castle, come collect your Lupe. She seems to have gotten stuck in a Werelupe
trap of some sort and has everyone who tried to help her out of it in it with
2. To: dancingqween888
From: Kauvara
It seems as if your Lupe has gotten into the Aisha transmogrification potions.
Please come pick up your mutant Aisha as soon as possible before she breaks
every single bottle in this shop and you owe me a couple million Neopoints.
3. To: dancingqween888
From: Fyora the Faerie Queen
Lucky you! Your Lupe has discovered the Hidden Tower, and you now have access
to it! However, I do need you to come bring her to the Neopian Hospital. She
found the Hidden Tower by slamming into it head on and will probably need a
few stitches.
4. To: dancingqween888
From: Chomby and the Fungus Balls
Do us a favor and never let your Lupe go to any of our concerts again unless
she is supervised. Enough said.
(No, I didn’t let Star go to this concert. She went through a little pickpocket
stage in life. I think you get my drift, do you not?)
5. To: dancingqween888
From: Caylis
Get your annoying brat of a Lupe out of Maraqua! She’s got her head stuck in
a huge crack and is howling so loudly it’s waking up everyone from here to Kreludor!
6. To: dancingqween888
From: The Library Faerie
Please collect your Lupe from the library. She’s being a bit disruptive. Well,
more than a bit disruptive. Let’s just say that you might be paying for several
hospital bills, as Star tipped the biggest, heaviest, oldest shelf in the library
over on at least 20 people, all looking through the enormous, 50-pound each
volumes on this particular shelf.
(And yes, I did pay 20 HUGE hospital bills that very day. Needless to say,
Star was grounded for months.)
7. To: dancingqween888
From: crossseaweed (my friend)
Novalee, Star has gotten into a spot of trouble with the Spiky Bush in the
backyard. Would you mind coming over here for a minute? Oh, and it wasn’t all
her fault. Dipp (her Lupe, by the way) is in big trouble as well…
8. To: dancingqween888
From: Adam
Please, please, please, for the sake of all things good and shiny, PLEASE get
your Lupe out of my office! She’s gotten into my hoard of asparagus and nearly
all of it is now in her enormous stomach! Who knew such a small Lupe could eat
that much asparagus…I love her, she’s my idol!!! No, don’t bother with picking
her up, she can stay as long as she wants.
9. To: dancingqween888
From: Miss Snowflake
I know you want your article in the Neopian Times, but your Lupe is going a
bit…overboard. Would you mind bringing her home, she’s being a bit of a nuisance.
I don’t think that any of the other authors will appreciate it when I tell them
that their many pages of stories and articles have been ripped to shreds and
fed to her Meturf…
10. To: dancingqween888
From: Captain Scarblade
I be realizin’ that Star’s brother Mild be wantin’ a Pirate paint brush. And
I be realizin’ that she doesn’t have a birthday gift for him. But I not be havin’
a spare paint brush under me pillow! Get her out of me ship. NOW!!!
11. To: dancingqween888
From: The Techo Master
I would appreciate it if you would remove your Lupe from the Training Academy
as soon as possible. She has gotten into my codestone hoard and is attempting
to steal the codestones. Ahhh! No! Come back here with those codestones, you
little rascal!!!
12. To: dancingqween888
From: The Wannabe Sorcerer (from the flash game Hubrid’s Hero Heist)
Uh…I don’t know how to tell you this, but I mistook your Lupe for a Lupe in
the game, and um…could you pick up your vegetable? Sorry…
(If you’ve never played the game – you use your wand to make your enemies tiny,
then squish them. When they are squished, they turn into a Neopian vegetable.
You then collect the vegetable for a certain amount of points.)
13. To: dancingqween888
From: The Pharmacy Shopkeeper
I’m afraid that your Lupe is a bit overdosed with unneeded medications…you
may want to keep her in bed for a few days.
14. To: dancingqween888
From: Hubrid Nox
Does your Lupe have a death wish? She’s been begging me to let her switch places
with MAGAX in our game MAGAX: Destroyer. If I were you, I’d keep her away from
that game for a while.
15. To: dancingqween888
From: Edna the Witch
I officially hate your Lupe. She has managed to either crack or shatter every
single potion bottle in this room. Do you have any idea how many quests I gave
out to make those potions?!?! Get your blasted Lupe outta here!!!
16. To: dancingqween888
From: Jhudora
Your Lupe is very ill. And I don’t like her AT ALL. She found my store of Poisonous
Lollypops. Do you need any more information? You’re lucky I didn’t take her
as a slave! Get her off my cloud or I’ll get her off myself!
(I wasn’t there in time and Jhudora got Star off her cloud in her own special
way. Let’s just say that my poor Lupe was in the hospital for several weeks.)
These are just some of the many Neomails from various people I have gotten.
Needless to say, I have been embarrassed many, many times. I was in several
sticky situations, such as the one with Jhudora and Edna. But she was my first
pet ever, and how can you not love a pet like her?
The End
Author's Note: Hope you liked this! It was fun to write and it amused my
friend very much. A HUGE thank you to a friend who shall remain anonymous to
keep her from being bombarded with Neomail. You know who you are ;) And I welcome
Neomail with constructive criticism! I like knowing that my story was actually