Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 129,296,931 Issue: 201 | 29th day of Swimming, Y7
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Weapon... or Food?

by sunshine_1470

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How to Be an Awesome Rater
Why are they getting the score they’re getting? What are they missing to get the perfect 10? What did they like about it to give it a perfect 10? They’re leaving out the details.

by oozemutt1982


Black and White
Thirsty. Beyond thirsty. Three weeks of continuous walking, and one week of dry desert surroundings had started to take its toll...

by christinetran


A Noteworthy Adventure: Part Two
Gai and I rounded a small hill and saw a cluster of lights. By that time, my legs were screaming for rest, but I just kept telling them that we had to get to a safe place to sleep...

by cosmicfire918


By My Honor: Part Five
The clouds began to twist and turn in a violent whirlwind, funneling down to touch the ground. Emerging from the point where they met was a tall, shadowed form, whose very sight snapped the twins from their numbness, arresting their fear-filled gaze in almost a spell...

by laurelinden

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