Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 90,556,056 Issue: 163 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y6
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Boochi, Zap Me!

by humanbodygirl


I'm sure many users out here would just LOVE to have a cute little baby neopet. I confess I am one of those users. But not all of us want to spend 10 or so hours playing games. That's why we would love Boochi to zap our little Cybunny, Kougra, or Gelert (and so on and so forth) into a baby. Well, to help all of you that are wishing this, I've created a list of things that *may* improve your chances of being zapped by that adorable baby Bruce we call Boochi. If these things that I mentioned do not work, please don’t form an angry mob and come after me! *ahem* Well, on with the list (I hope you won’t form an angry mob, pretend I never said that).

1. Tell your neopet to act, talk, and behave like a spoiled baby. Boochi may become more attracted to zapping him/her. Best of wishes in persuading your pet to do so, Silvie wouldn't do it for me.

2. Walk around wearing a "Boochi Rox Mah Sox" pin (make sure it has a picture of Boochi on it, in case he can’t read what it says). Just ignore the stares from other users; they're just amazed you thought of such a good idea. I did this until my best friend started to act like I was a freak. But it should work out better for you. *cough* maybe *cough*

3. Go baby crazy! Buy plain Neohome furniture and some paint. Paint baby related pictures on the furniture and put it in your Neohome. Boochi should come over to check out your Neohome (and possibly zap a pet while doing so). So what if your pets don't like it? They'll survive.

4. For Halloween make your pet dress up as the baby neopet you want it to be. Maybe Boochi will be so kind as to zap your pet. And don’t worry, this won’t embarrass your pet, I’m sure others are doing that too.

5. Declare an official “Boochi Day” to celebrate with your pets. Boochi wouldn’t miss out on coming to a day dedicated to him! Or maybe he would.

6. Make your pet a pretend ray gun that looks like Boochi’s gun. Hopefully Boochi will come and steal it, and in the process zap your pet!

7. Look for Boochi. Go around calling his name in the park, or nursery, wherever you think a baby pet like him would hang out. You might be asked if you lost a pet several times, tell them that you did. That way you’ll end up having several hundred users and pets looking for Boochi with you and should find him in a snap!

8. Go around asking baby Neopets if they saw a baby Bruce wandering around with a ray gun. This will only work if you understand their “ha wen tha wa” talk. I myself can not understand that very well, so this isn’t a good suggestion for me. But you might have better luck.

9. Leave a present outside your front door for Boochi. Maybe he’ll decide to give you a gift also and zap your pet. But if Boochi can’t read I’m not sure if this will work.

10. Form an angry mob and starting yelling Boochi’s name. This may upset Boochi enough that he’ll zap one of the pets. You may be that lucky person.

11. Start a Boochi fan club. At one of you’re meetings Boochi will be sure to come. As long as you bring the pet you want zapped to every meeting, this should work (I hope).

12. Stock your shop with baby neopet items. Boochi has to get his bottles somewhere, doesn’t he? While (if) Boochi visits your shop, maybe he’ll pay you by zapping your pet.

13. Persuade a television network to let you have a Boochi commercial. On that commercial, be sure to tell Boochi your name, your pet’s name, and where you live. Hopefully he’ll respond to your commercial by coming over and zapping your pet.

14. Get a faerie to tell you where Boochi lives. If you stay there long enough hopefully he’ll see you and zap your pet!

15. Boochi seems to enjoy pestering other pets. If you can bribe your pet to behave that way, do so. Possibly Boochi will come and hang out with your pet. While they are playing around, maybe Boochi will zap your pet!

16. Get a Boochi shaped balloon and put it near your Neohome. Maybe Boochi will steal it and in self-defense zap your pet baby!

17. Have a bunch of baby Bruces line up on the sidewalk. Boochi might decide to get in line. Once he is in line, take his ray gun and fire it at your pet. Your pet should become baby. An extra thing to do there is sell his ray gun for a lot of NPs!

18. Put a cradle in your backyard. Boochi should come there to take a nap, and when he does maybe he’ll zap your pet!

19. Put your bottles of sand to use. Arrange all of your bottles of sand to make a picture of Boochi. Eventually he should come along and admire it, and maybe zap your pet too!

20. If all else fails, take out that old Halloween costume and make your pet wear it constantly. Now you have a baby pet! Well, sort of.

Bonus: Write a Neopian Times article about Boochi very much like this one and hope that Boochi reads it. Maybe he’ll do you the favor of giving you the Boochi random event so your Kougra named Silviana becomes baby! *hint* *hint* *hint*

~Author’s Note~

To Reader: Obviously all of the things on this list won’t work, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways. I am open to all feedback, so please Neomail me! To Boochi (if he can read, otherwise TNT will do): Yes I DO want Silviana to be painted baby (right now she’s silver, but she would prefer to be baby).

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