World Dominate: Over-Cheery - Part Six by fierwym
When Victoria awoke from her trance, it was to find herself
in a place she had never been before. The walls were dark, the bars that encaged
her were dark, the air around her was dark. In fact, the only light that came
to her was from a small torch near a tunnel, though it did not emit very much
She was frightened. The trance of the plant had
worn off, and she was just now realizing that she had fallen into it. She wanted
to know what the plant had been. She wanted to know why it had hypnotized her.
She wanted to know where she was now. She wanted to know who had her imprisoned.
She didn't have to wait long for her answer.
Less than an hour after she woke, two shadowy shapes emerged from the tunnel
next to the torch. They walked up to her cage and she realized with a thrill
of horror that they were Meepits. Instantly all the tales she had heard while
growing up came back to her, all the tales that the Meepits were planning to
take over the world. She had never once dreamed that she would be a prisoner
of theirs.
There were two of them, a pink one and a green
one with little armguards emblazoned with bolts of lightning. In the green Meepit's
hands was a small slip of paper and a pencil. Around each Meepit's neck was
a small, strange little device. The taller of the two, the pink Meepit, moved
forward slightly, while the other stood back as a sign of deference.
"Young Wocky, what is your name?" asked the Meepit.
"V-v-victoria," she said, her voice shaking slightly
in her fear. The Meepit seemed to notice this, and his hungry eyes grew a bit
more eager, as if her fear were all just one big game.
"Victoria," repeated the Meepit. "I am Master
Alexander, leader of the Meepits that will take over your world. You recently
possessed something of ours. Do you remember?"
"It was a plant," she said softly.
"Yes," the Master agreed. "It is one of our next
projects in preparation to take over the world. But you won't go telling this,
won't you?" he asked, though it wasn't really a question. His eyes shimmered
Slightly hypnotized, Victoria answered, "I will
The Meepit nodded and smiled sinisterly, releasing
her from his stare. "I shall be letting you return to the surface soon," he
told her. "But first you must do some tasks for me."
"What are you going to make me do?" asked Victoria,
"Nothing terribly horrible," said the Meepit
casually. At this moment a soft scurrying sound emitted from the tunnel with
the torch, and the pink Meepit that had spoken to her turned to see the intruder.
A yellow Meepit half-ran, half-walked out, bowing his head slightly to the leader.
"Master, something urgent has occurred. You must
The Meepit sighed heavily. "Lead on. Agent 53,
take over from here."
The pink Meepit that had been called Master followed
the yellow one out, and soon the caged Wocky and the green Meepit were alone.
"You don't have to be frightened," said the green
Meepit, gazing at her with his unblinking eyes. For the first time since her
waking and finding herself caged, Victoria felt suddenly calm. There was something
about this Meepit with lightning-marked armguards that didn't make him intimidating,
at least to her. Perhaps it was the way he didn't use his hypnotizing powers
to calm her, or something in the way he spoke. She felt that she could trust
him… though she had no idea why.
When most of the fear had left her eyes, he spoke
again. "The plant that you bought in that shop was one of our own inventions
- you know our intentions toward the world, so I will not go any further about
the use we'll put to it. The plant is simply called Mission 503, and there are
countless ones that have been grown down here. There is only one thing you must
do in order to gain your freedom back. Since you were the first Pet to have
bought the plant, we desire that you name it."
"So that's why it didn't have a name tag on it,"
Victoria said softly. "It wasn't… ready."
"Yes," the Meepit said. "Name it for us."
"I called it a Cheery Plant," she told him quietly,
and though she was still afraid, she was glad that she was able to keep the
fear out of her voice. He quickly jotted down the name on the piece of paper
he had brought. "But I never realized what it was…"
"Since you noticed that it had no name tag,"
the Meepit went on without listening the rest of her sentence. "You will have
also noticed that there was no description. We also ask that you give us one."
He pushed the piece of paper through the bars
of her cage, along with the pencil. "I will be back in a while," he told her.
"Do not be frightened."
Then he left, leaving Victoria with nothing more
than the pencil and paper, and the flickering light of the torch to write by.
She stared down at the paper, looking at the
words "Cheery Plant" that the Meepit had scrawled across the top of the page.
She didn't know how to describe the plant. At first it had been so wonderful,
such a nice gift for her to find. But now…
Sudden recklessness stole over her. She wondered
briefly exactly what the Meepits would allow their plant to be described as.
Taking up the pencil and setting an ironic grimace to her face, she felt that
the Meepits had to pay for allowing their plant to hypnotize her. She placed
the dull edge of the pencil to the paper, hesitated, and finally began to write:
Why is it so happy? Because it is extremely
foul and belongs to the Meepit.
"There," she whispered, looking down at what
she had wrote. Most likely they would keep her down in the dark cage forever
for writing such a thing, but inside Victoria felt a small flicker of achievement.
In some small, silent way, she had defied the force that were planning to enslave
the world. Even if no one ever knew, it gave her some small comfort that at
least she had tried.
An hour passed before the sounds of the Meepits
returning reached Victoria's ears. At some point during the hour she had shoved
the piece of paper back through the bars and laid down with her back toward
the tunnel where the Meepits would come, wishing rather to hear what they had
to say about what she had wrote rather than see them. At least this way, she
could pretend that she was asleep.
"The Wocky is sleeping," said the commanding
voice of the Master. She heard him walk over and pick up the paper, silently
reading what she had wrote there.
"WHAT!!" the Meepit roared, though Victoria moved
slightly like she was shifting in her sleep, making it seem like she hadn't
been awakened by his cry of fury.
"What is it, Master?" asked the Meepit called
Agent 53, and though he used a tone of deference, Victoria could almost catch
the faint ringing of amusement.
"Look at what she has written!" growled the Master,
shoving it into the other's hand. There was a pause in which Victoria knew he
was reading it. She heard a slight chuckle, which surprised her more than anything
"This can be fixed," said Agent 53. "And since
the plant was under my power, and since it was this Wocky that bought it, it
should be I that decides her future now."
"You are right," the Master said in a low growl.
"Decide what to do about her and the description. I must attend to other things."
And with that, Master Alexander left.
"That was a brave thing to do, Victoria," said
Agent 53 softly when the Master had left. She decided to stop feigning sleep
and turned over.
"What will happen to me now?" she asked him.
"You shall be released," he said simply.
"What?" she asked. "I thought you wouldn't let
me… after what I did."
He smiled slightly, the most un-Meepit-ish smile
she could ever believe possible. "You know our plans for the future - they aren't
exactly hidden. I doubt there are any that do not fear us. I doubt that any
would trust one of us, unless they had very good reason to. But just because
our goal is world domination doesn't mean that all will fall under our rule.
As a Meepit, and second in rank only to Master Alexander, I have the power to
protect some from our rule. You have fallen under our power once because of
a plant that you bought. I…"
He hesitated slightly, peering over his shoulder
as if to make sure he wasn't being overheard. He looked back at her and began
speaking again, his voice lowered to a barely-audible whisper. She leaned closer
to him, her face a mere inch from the bars that caged her. "I'm in a difficult
position, to tell you the truth. They all expect me to be right behind the Master
when it is time for us to take action. But I have heard some things lately that
have made me wonder exactly what I should do." He smiled at the incredulous
look on her face. "You wonder why I would doubt such a thing, or even why I
tell you. Let me just say this: darkness lurks only in the hearts of individuals,
not in a shadow cast over an entire race."
He walked over to her cage while she was still
pondering what he had said, and unlocked the door. It swung forward with a slight
groan. "The tunnel exit is behind the cage," he told her. "Don't worry about
the description - I will take care of that. Tell no one what you have heard
down here, and my protection will shield you when the time comes."
He turned and began to head back through the
tunnel with the torch, carrying with him the paper and the description.
"Agent 53?" Victoria asked suddenly, and he turned
around. "How come I can understand you? Petpets and Pets can't communicate through
speech like we've been doing."
He smiled slightly, and pointed at the small
little device around his neck. "Translator," he told her.
"But we aren't supposed to have things like that
on Neopia!" she accused.
"We stole them from the Space Station," he said
"You aren't supposed to do that," she said.
His grin deepened. "We are the ones planning
world domination," he told her cunningly. "Who says we have to follow rules?"
The tunnel that Victoria emerged from was built
underneath the Brain Tree, though he let her pass willingly enough. It took
her some time to travel back to the Neopian Central, and she pondered all that
she had learned on the way back. The strange plant, her capture, her task to
create a name and description for that plant…
It had been a strange little plant, something
she thought good that had actually been bad. A bit too over-cheery, she thought
grimly to herself.
But the thought that kept resurfacing in her
mind was the fact that Agent 53 was doubtful about his position and future goal.
Before, when she had learned of the Meepits and their ways, she had thought
them all evil. Everyone thought so. But perhaps she was mistaken like she had
been about the plant. Perhaps she had thought them all bad when really some
had been good. Perhaps, maybe, there was some small glimmer of light in the
darkness of the Meepits' hearts… Perhaps it came by the name of Agent 53.
Welcome to the underwater fishing cavern!
This trapped air pocket has created an underwater lake with all kinds of strange
and wondrous sea creatures, as well as some... other interesting things. Take
a place on the jetty and start fishing! But be patient. You might have to wait
a while between catches.
This was the sign that greeted the yellow Cybunny
as she entered the Underwater Fishing Cavern, her first time there, though it
had opened several months before. She smiled and cast her line into the cool
waters, looking around. The red-brown walls of the cavern were a startling contrast
to the cool blue waters where the fish and other things waited. She sat on the
jetty for a while, and suddenly felt a small tug - she had caught something!
She reeled her line it, hoping for something
other than the Scrawnyfish or Lesser Spotted Fish that many were rumored to
catch, though she guessed that they were better than rotting driftwood. To her
slight surprise, neither a fish nor a piece of wood came up out of the water,
but a small plant.
She pulled it onto the jetty and examined it.
The plant had a small sack that she guessed was where the roots were, and five
long, thin stems. At the top of each stem was a leaf. She stared at the plant.
The plant was smiling at her! She smiled slightly in return. She had managed
to catch something new!
Over time, many would begin to catch this strange
smiling plant from the depths of the Underwater Fishing Cavern, smiling at the
thing that smiled back, taking it home with them without the slightest thought
of what it might really be. Each plant carried its own name tag that bore the
Cheery Plant
Why is it so happy? Because it tastes extremely
foul and no one dares eat it.
No one ever thought to actually eat it and discover
the truth behind those words. No one ever considered that it may have not been
the original description - after all, why would anyone have changed it in the
first place? No one ever considered the idea that the plants were not simply
things to be caught, that the plants were not given, but released. The
only ones that knew the truth were far below the surface, smiling at the new
ploy of their scheme. They, and a certain Wocky that really did know the true
description of the plant…
It belongs to the Meepit.
The End
Author's Note - You have been warned!! Oh, also… Sorry for my long absence
from the Times. I went on a family vacation a few weeks back and fell way behind
with my writing plans. It's taken me all this time to finally write and submit
a new story.
Strangely, this was intended to be a short story, though somehow it grew
into a six-part series. *shrugs* And yes, there will be a sequel to this story,
and I'll probably be rotating its plot with the Chronicle's plot, so I don't
tire of either one of them.
Is there anything else I must say? Um… Get to work on your own stories!
*cackles insanely*