We Are HUGE Rock Stars!! by anya500
CONCERT HALL - We are HUGE rock stars!!
Well, they are... or at least that’s what they told me!
Unfortunately here in Neopia, Gruundo aren't very well known on the music scene.
Hailing from Neopia’s moon, Kreludor, they are one of the newest bands to play
the Tyrannian concert hall where, to be honest, Chomby and the Fungus Balls
have had it all sewn up for years. At a Gruundo gig, queues are virtually non-existent,
yet fans flock to see other bands such as 2 Gallon Hatz, Jazzmosis and Twisted
Roses. And as for Sticks N Stones...? Well they're just a wannabe rock band.
I mean, Gruundo are a pure heavy metal band.... loud guitars, banging drums,
they have it all...
Well apart from the fans…
So here I am - Anya, a regular visitor to the concert hall, and a massive Gruundo
fan, begging you all to rock out with me and the best band here in Neopia!
Now I have to point out that Gruundo themselves are quite publicity shy and
didn’t want to be interviewed when I sneaked backstage at their last concert.
They did, however, want to send a message to the fans that they will keep on
rocking although it would be nice to do it to concerts that were at least half
full! They wanted to remind everyone that Gruundo merchandise is on sale at
every gig and prices will go up once the rest of Neopia realises what true rock
legends they are!
Also, their debut album "We are HUGE rock stars" is in the shops now… well
when I say "in the shops" I mean that every so often it appears on the shop
wiz… it is rare, but all their loyal fans (such as myself) have a copy of it.
Indeed it is a work of metal genius and for me, the album of the year!
For the rest of you, here's a quick lowdown on the tracks:
1) “Avatar Mania” – starting as they mean to go on, smooth riffs and a kicking
beat showcases the band's potential as hard rockers yelling about the avatar
collecting craze that is currently sweeping Neopia. A good opener to the album
and maybe a future single!
2) “Don't You Wish You Were Me” - originally penned by Dr. Sloth, Gruundo have
remixed this track with a heavier sound and added a fantastic guitar solo. Sloth
has been quoted as being pleased with the reworking but actually demanded a
writing credit on the album or vowed to destroy Gruundo and take over Kreludor!
3) “Stay Hungry” - Smooth riffs and a kicking chorus of "Sabre-X won't give
you more", makes this track one of the most hard-hitting songs ever to be written
about only being allowed one serving of omelette (a subject which Gruundo are
passionate about). You'll be pressing the repeat button on your CD player as
it's a song that deserves to be played over and over again!
4) “Snake Shape” - rumoured to be dedicated to the Wadjet petpet, "Snake Shape"
is a more melodic and soulful offering and the simple chorus of "hiss hiss hiss"
will be running through your head for days on end! Definitely one of the highlights
on the album and it would appeal to metal and non-metal fans alike.
5) “Feel The Burn” – This was written by Gruundo’s lead guitarist after he
failed to complete a Fire Faerie quest a few months back. It’s rumoured that
he still has scorch marks on his guitar from the encounter but as a tribute,
there are impressive fireworks set off on stage during the live performance
of this song. Definitely not to be missed!
6) “Jhudora Is Good” - returning to their dark side, Gruundo wrote this especially
for Jhudora (after she "insisted" that they do). The lyrics are slightly darker
here and overtones of pure metal make this not for the faint-hearted! One of
the heavier tracks on the album and also one of the best.
7) “Carousel Whisper” - The Deserted Fairground may never seem the same again
after hearing the rocking riffs in tribute to Gruundo's all time favourite ride.
Sssidney from the Scratchcard Kiosk makes a guest appearance on tambourine.
8) “Ward Is My Shepherd” - Inspired by Extreme Herder, an impressive drum solo
makes this one of the stand out tracks on the album. Gruundo are in negotiations
to get half a dozen babaas up on stage while this track is performed live!
9) “Nameless Faceless” – Another song about petpets (these guys really love
the little critters!), this goes out to all those petpets whose owners have
no imagination, leaving them to be simply called “no name”. A strong, heavy
beat and raging vocals make this one of my favourites on the whole album.
10) “Diseased” - This loud, heavy and somewhat bizarre track focuses on the
danger that is poisonous jelly. It is thought that the band wrote this amazing
metal rampage after accidentally consuming the jelly after a gig last year and
they had to cancel a few appearances for nearly three weeks after.
11) “It's Cold Outside” - This is, by far, one of the best tracks to rock out
to on the album. Inspired by the Snow Faerie after she left Gruundo waiting
on Terror Mountain for nearly six hours after an autograph signing, it is one
of the most angry songs featured.
12) “All That Remains” - A late addition to the album, “All That Remains” is
a tribute to those poor petpets who were turned into a pile of soot by the petpet
laboratory ray. Sad and mournful but still with a kicking beat – they have definitely
left the best to last!
So that's it, the phenomenon that is Gruundo!! Kind of scary looking and true
rockers at heart but despite this, they also show their soft side and their
love of petpets! And if you haven't checked out one of their concerts I strongly
suggest you do because once these "HUGE rock stars" gain recognition throughout
Neopia, then you may find their tickets will be sold out faster than a buyable
Faerie Queen Doll on the shop wiz!!
Until the next album...
Anya (roving reporter and massive Gruundo fan urging you all to support live
music in Neopia)