Shadowchild: Part Five by sara_mossflower
The Spawn Of Her Dark Desires
I kept staring at the words I'd written out a second
time in frustration. They spun through my mind over and over, but I still could
barely comprehend them - there was so little information there that was clear
to me. Why was this now my darkest hour? Whose love and hate had brought forth
this new repugnance?
Neither Aly nor Terzin could come to much of
a conclusion, either. Frey's final words were nothing but an enigmatic verse
beyond us, or at least in this point in time. The only thing we could agree
on was that it was clearly about this Tyrin, my new enemy, and the product of
Frey's dying vengeance.
I looked up at my two friends tiredly. "I give
up," I breathed raggedly. "I don't know what to do."
Terzin shook his head silently and Aly looked
down at the paper sadly. It was clear that they both felt useless, unable to
aid me in finding the full identity of my current opposition.
There was a sudden pounding on my door, yet again.
I jumped at the sound of the aggressive knocking, thinking that it might be
Dayne again, returned from her smoothie-sipping escapade. I reluctantly got
up to answer it, slowed by disappointment.
No sooner had I turned the knob then did Dayne
charge through the door, almost knocking me over. As I caught a glimpse of her
face, I noticed that she appeared to be both angry and somewhat upset. I was
about to ask her what had happened, but I wasn't quick enough; she soon proceeded
with her own outburst.
Dayne stood before us for a moment, shoulders
heaving with each swift breath and eyes watering. "I talked to that Tyrin person
- just now."
Aly's indigo eyes widened considerably. "You
talked to him? How did you manage that without being attacked?"
"I dunno…" groaned the Island Zafara, in a tone
that revealed that she hadn't been listening to Aly's questions to begin with.
She sat down tiredly on my carpet, head hanging dejectedly. "I saw him in the
woods under my balcony, so I thought I'd talk to him, and ask a few questions
about who he was and why he was out to get you." She looked up, but her attention
seemed to be focussed solely on me, as though Aly and Terzin weren't present.
"He's so weird - he acts like, I dunno, a little kid. He doesn't know any basic
stuff; just that he's gotta kill you. He wasn't trying to hide the fact that
he was practically an assassin, and he didn't know what normal words meant!"
I gazed at her evenly. "He didn't know what
normal words meant?" I echoed.
"No! It's like he was born yesterday! Oh, and
he said he doesn't remember anything about himself before he got the sword."
"That is weird," agreed Terzin. "Maybe
he's been possessed, like you were, Dayne, only perhaps she's using Sirocco
instead of the Firejewel."
"I dunno," said the Island Zafara. "I remembered
stuff before I was possessed, and she actually spoke through me." She shivered
at the memory. "That was so freaky."
"But Frey can't speak through him now," Aly
pointed out, although this was a fact clear in all of our minds. "She's dead."
"Yeah," I breathed, then stood up. "I think
that the only way we're going to find anything out is if I meet him. I'm the
one he's looking for, so maybe if he meets his purpose, he'll reveal more about
"But that's dangerous!" Dayne wailed.
"Obviously!" The retort was snapped in
response by Aly, who then brought her purple eyes to meet my blue ones. "It's
a risk he's got to take, and it's not like we won't help him."
"Jeez," mumbled Dayne, "First I think you like
him and now you're kicking him out to fight a psycho."
"Nobody asked you," Aly gritted from between
teeth clenched in irritation.
"It's okay, Dayne," I assured her. "Aly's right
to agree with me - there's nothing else we can do." The last thing I wanted
was for Dayne and Aly to get into a stupid little fight over nothing before
we plunged headlong into the new peril that Tyrin presented me with.
"We should head for the woods right now," Terzin
urged. "Dayne just saw him there, so it would be best to see if he's still there.
That way we don't have to go looking for him or wait for him to attack us."
"Right," I breathed. "You go ahead and try to
find him - I'm gonna get my sword."
Terzin nodded briskly and he and Aly charged
out the door, not wasting a second on the way to confront Tyrin. I realized
that Dayne was at my heels as I raced into my room to fetch my weapon, the Windscythe.
"You don't have to go back down there if you don't want to," I told her as my
fingers closed over the scabbard. "Just don't cling on to me."
"No - I need to tell you something that Tyrin
I turned to face her. "Can you tell me on the
way there? I don't want to leave Terzin and Aly to deal with him on their own
for too long."
"No - but it'll be quick!"
I sighed, hoping she was right. "Fine - what
is it?"
"There's one other thing he knows aside from
the fact that he's got to kill you because of the Storm."
"And that is…?"
"He was born from the emotions of two mages,
and one of them is you."
I began to understand what this meant. "Frey's
the other one. 'Born from the hate of one pair…' That's what the prophecy said."
"No - it said 'Born from the love of one pair
and the hate of another.' I think you're right about Frey and you being the
hateful pair - I never thought about it before, but it makes sense now. But
he doesn't know anything about Frey."
"So she used emotions as a power source for
Tyrin's creation," I murmured. "That explains why she was able to form the prophecy
as she died - the only part of her own strength she used was her hate for me."
"Yeah, that's great, but there's the other pair
too - she used hate and love."
I noticed that Dayne was looking uneasy, and
subconsciously I realized that I was feeling the same way. "So what were you
thinking about all this?"
"Um…well…I figured that the only thing that
made sense…for the 'love of one pair' bit, um, was…uh…you and Aly?"
I felt a nervous rush of blood circulate my
body as she spoke. I strove to dissuade Dayne against her conclusion. "What
are you saying? Dayne, that doesn't make any sense."
"Oh, come on!" she bawled, no longer cowed by
her giddy thoughts. "It's so obvious - so obvious that Frey even knew to use
it in a spell! You soooo like Aly! I'm a girl - I can tell!"
"I do not!"
I rubbed my eyes in frustration. "Dayne, you
always get messed with other people's business - what makes you think that there's
anything remotely like that going on?"
Surprisingly she had an answer ready. "She started
crying when you almost died - hah! There's proof for ya! She like went after
Frey and got all choked up!"
I was stunned. I had almost died while
fighting Frey for the last time - she had run me through and Aly had tried to
vainly defend me, but in the end I had barely managed to evoke the Storm's power
to turn time backwards and therefore save myself. Afterwards, Frey had been
aware of what I'd done, even though it had been in a different time - one where
I would have died by her blade. I then realized that Dayne and Aly had been
witnesses to the shift in reality - did that mean that they both remembered
what had happened?
"Maybe it was more of an act of love,"
I suggested, "As in friendship? Aly tried to protect me when I was dying, so
Frey probably used the energy of that event somehow. Now let's go before Tyrin
makes some kind of move!"
"Pfft." This little sound effect caused the
tuft of tan hair on Dayne's head to be blown back slightly. "Stop denying it
and come clean. It's okay to have a little crush, Sissles!" She tweaked my cheek
annoyingly. "Jeez, you're acting as though I said you were gonna settle down
and start a life like pioneers or something. Don't get so touchy."
I cocked an eyebrow. "Whatever. It's not like
you never had your moments."
"That Tuskaninny guy in grade four? You kept
writing his name on your notebooks with hearts!"
"I did not!"
"And you stood up in class on Valentine's Day
and told everyone you thought he was handsome!"
"Yeah - he was hiding from you all day and his
friends almost threw you in a mud puddle, but I whipped my lunchbox at them!"
"I don't remember that ever happening!"
Yeah right, I thought, ingrate.
I realized how much time we'd wasted talking about such a pointless topic. "Forget
it then - let's go. Terzin and Aly are probably wondering where we are. You
can bug me about my fake infatuations later."
"Fine," sighed Dayne, somewhat grudgingly. She
then sped after me as we headed down to the forest.
Terzin snarled, baring his teeth threateningly
as he observed the dark youth before him. They had been able to find Tyrin fairly
quickly; he'd been seemingly wandering aimlessly through the trees, and oddly
enough, he had made no move to escape through the WindRoads.
Upon being confronted by the two mages, he had
taken up a defensive stance, clearly ready to use Sirocco if need be, his eyes
glittering with hated familiarity towards Aly. Curiously, his free hand clutched
several daisies, which he seemed to almost be protecting.
The Lupe didn't fear the young Shadow Zafara
as much as he feared Frey's capability to create him. Their old enemy had been
more formidable than he had ever thought in the past, to be capable of constructing
life even as she was pulled into death's embrace.
"Mages?" spat Tyrin, more to himself than to
outwardly express his disgust. "Pity you didn't bleed to death," he murmured
in Aly's direction.
Aly didn't respond. She wasn't about to aggravate
him while Sisslio had yet to arrive. If Tyrin decided to lash out at his enemy
from the previous day, she wasn't sure that she and Terzin would be able to
hold him off for long before either party had to inflict serious harm on the
"Where is the Windstorm?" inquired their foe
when he received no reaction towards his previous comments.
"You'll meet him soon enough," Terzin informed
him, and maybe Aly imagined it, but she thought she noticed Tyrin's fur bristling
slightly with almost jovial anticipation. Aly shivered slightly as she recognized
it as anticipation to kill.
Dayne and I broke through the trees a moment
later, the Windscythe drawn from its scabbard and clenched in my hands, at the
ready. The Lupe and both Zafaras whirled around at our arrival, Tyrin's face
twisting into a sinister smile at the sight of me.
"I'm the one you're looking for," I called across
the small distance between us. "Sisslio the Windstorm, the wielder of the Storm."
He took a step forward eagerly, Sirocco gleaming
in his grasp. "Yes. I've awaited this encounter with impatience. Now meet my
blade, father!"
To be continued...