What Started as a Day in Terror Mountain... by actress_to_be17
Most people who play Neopets have a certain goal they want to achieve in the game.
Some people want to be the richest Neopian ever. Others want to have all the avies
that ever came out. Some want to get that super-rare Pea Chia, and others; others
just enjoy meeting nice people from all over the world.
Me? I have more than one goal. I want all the avies, and I want a Pea Chia
ever since I laid eyes on one. But most of all, I want one of my pets to be
the most educated pet in all of Neopia. That’s right, I want...
The Neopian Book Award!!! That gold book on my pet’s lookup, the glory of having
read so many books… All of it. That is my Neopian dream.
As I was yet again searching for a new book, parchment, or old note to read
for my beautiful pets, I suddenly came across an old issue of the Neopian Times.
Yes, it was no other than “Neopian Times Issue 3.” No big deal, right? We’ve
all seen them, we all got them for free from Tombola, more than once, if I might
say so myself, and we all have more than one in our Safety Deposit Box. The
Shop Wizard can find them for as little as 30 NP, which would be less than say,
what I earned from playing Hasee Bounce this morning. But this very copy of
the third issue of the Neopian Times was indeed very special. Because this copy
was the start for my research.
When I first saw that copy of the NT, I thought to myself, well, if the third
issue has been printed for the public, why hasn’t the 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th
been? What about issue 100 or all the other issues in between??? So there I
was, searching every shop, every gallery, and every trade post out there, looking
for another issue of the NT. And here I am, a few weeks later, with nothing
but my aching legs to show for it. I looked through every search engine, every
help-site, and asked every single person I knew, and still, no other copy of
the NT was available to buy. And this was where I started asking other people
for their opinions on this very important matter.
I saw a nice looking yellow Bruce on Main Street in Terror Mountain, and asked
for a few minutes of his time.
ME: Do you like to read?
YB: Sure, I read the Neopian Times once a week, as well as the occasional book.
ME: And have you ever read Neopian Times Issue 3?
YB: As a matter of fact, I have.
ME: Have you ever gotten one from Tombola in Mystery Island?
YB: Why, of course, I got one last Monday. I have read that issue of the NT
quite a few times, actually.
ME: That is great. Now tell me sir, have you ever come across a different issue
of the NT for sale in the shops, the trading post, or anywhere else, for that
YB: Hummm… Now that you mention it, no I have not. That is quite odd.
ME: Yes it is. Thank you for your time. Just one last question ple-
YB: I must dash. The Snowager is sleeping and I want to sneak in there before
he wakes up. Thanks for the chat.
And with that, the yellow Bruce ran off, leaving me to my thoughts.
That, of course, was a pet’s opinion. I decided that before I let this case
rest, I will get two more Neopians' opinions. A pet owner and a petpet.
I kept walking around Terror Mountain until the sun began to set. Then I went
to the shops. Shopping never hurt anyone. Between getting a new book for my
pet Everlasting Love, getting Red Red Ruby Girl’s petpet a new toy, and stopping
at Grooming Parlor to get Pink Love Angel a new hair brush and some soap, I
ran into my dear friend Rose. I decided she would be the perfect pet owner to
ME: Do you like to read?
ROSE: Yepper…
ME: And have you ever read Neopian Times Issue 3?
ROSE: Yes, I have.
ME: Have you ever gotten one from Tombola in Mystery Island?
ROSE: That is actually the only place I have ever gotten them.
ME: I see... Now tell me, have you ever stumbled across a different issue of
the NT for sale in the shops, the trading post, or anywhere else, for that matter?
ROSE: No. To my knowledge, that is the only one available for sale.
ME: I understand. Thank you for your time. Just one last question please.
ROSE: Sure enough.
ME: If more issues of the NT become available for sale, would you buy them
for your pets or as a gift to a friend?
ROSE: Yes I would.
ME: Thanks Rose, I will see you soon.
As I walked back home, I thought about my third and final interview. A petpet.
I had the perfect petpet in mind. He is currently living in my friend Shade’s
gallery, and his name is Green Day. Green Day the Fir. I though I would wait
until tomorrow when the shops and galleries are open to the public, so I went
straight home to tell my beautiful red pets all about my day.
As I told Everlasting Love, Pink Love Angel, and Red Red Ruby Girl about the
day, I got some very interesting responses.
Love thought the yellow Bruce was somewhat rude, and that he should have stayed
to hear my last question. How does this tie into my topic, you ask? Well, if
people had an issue of the NT to sit and read, instead of rushing off to bother
the Snowager, they would learn to be more patient with each other.
Pink asked me to say ‘Hi’ to Rose the next time I ran into her, and Ruby Girl
asked to see the stuff I bought. It was right then I realized that I had left
my bags on the bench I sat on with Rose as I was rushing home. I told my girls
about forgetting their stuff, but they were really nice about it…
As we went to bed, I thought about my interview with Green Day the Fir. I should
probably ask him the same questions that I had asked the yellow Bruce and my
friend Rose….. As I was setting up my note pad, I fell asleep.
Morning came, and after feeding the girls I went straight to Shade’s gallery.
As I was walking through the HUGE display of petpets, toys, and presents, I
realized that so many of the petpets around Neopia are little known about… Some
of them I have never seen. I decided that I will interview two petpets, and
not just one. I would interview Green Day and his good friend the Taweret.
Finally, I saw Green Day. After the usual hi conversation, I decided to ask
my questions, because I needed to go soon.
ME: Do you like it when your owner reads to you?
GD: Yes, of course. I always enjoy doing stuff with my owner.
ME: And has one of your owners ever read Neopian Times Issue 3 to you?
GD: Yes, of course. More than once I think…
ME: Has your owner ever received one from Tombola in Mystery Island?
GD: Yes, I think so. We get quite a few fun things from the cool guy who runs
ME: That must be fun. Now tell me, have you ever come across a different issue
of the NT for sale in the shops, the trading post, or anywhere else, for that
GD: No, I don’t think I have. None of my owners ever mentioned it to me, and
no one has ever read one to me.
ME: I understand. Thank you for your time. Just one last question please.
GD: Go ahead. I like it when you come to visit.
ME: If more issues of the NT become available for sale, would you like to hear
them read to you by someone?
GD: Of course. The NT is always very interesting.
ME: Thanks Green Day. Say hi to Shade for me.
Meanwhile, the Taweret has fallen asleep, so I decided that Green Day would
be enough for now… As I walked into the NT office, I decided to wait in line
and submit my research as an article. And that, my friend, is what you are reading
Thanks: I want to thank my friends Rose and Shade, for allowing me to use
their opinion and gallery in this article. I also want to thank my friend Naomis
for editing it and of course, my amazing pets, and Green Day the best Fir in
all of Neopia!! -xx