The Secret of Coltzan's Shrine by thunderfox_1_sprague
Have you ever wondered if that rumor about Coltzan’s Shrine true? The rumor that
if you go there at exactly midnight that you will win a million neopoints? Well,
I’ve decided to figure this out and see for myself if you can strike it rich from
this old monument; I am going to do an all night stake out in the Lost Desert
and see for myself, first hand, if I can make it to the richest of the rich by
visiting it at exactly midnight. Little did I know what costs were of this expedition,
and could even cost me my friendship with my neopets….
First, I had to convince my neopets Nightfox, Cloverstone, and Kayla to come
with a stake out at night in the Lost Desert. Of course, used to a cozy bed
in a nicely furnished neohome, they were more than reluctant to come. Kayla
wouldn’t go for she hated bugs, Cloverstone wouldn’t come because she was afraid
of the 1000 Tombs, since she was once turned to a pile of sand, and Nightfox
plain didn’t want to go and miss out on skateboarding. They all had their reasons,
and now I need to find all the answers…..
After a lot of well, forceful pushing, I finally coaxed them (more like literally
dragging them against their will to the Lost Desert) and we got to the Lost
Desert. Of course, Sakhmet was gone from Jazan’s curse so we were all alone
in the desert, with no places to run if danger found us.
Cloverstone whined about being scared, for the Lost Desert was a bad place
to be when no one was around. I was scared as well; bandits wandered the Lost
Desert and the last thing I wanted was for one of my neopets to get hurt. Quickly,
I tried to lure them away from where Sakhmet used to be, so we could start our
hike, and hopefully get to the shrine before dark, for dark is when the bandits
came out.
After a brutal and back breaking hike through the desert, we got to Coltzan’s
Shrine, right as the sun began to set on the dusty sand dunes, turning the world
around us into a cascading blanket of darkness called night.
With us all tired and hungry, I looked at Kayla and asked her what she had
brought for us to eat, for she was in charge of packing the food. The mutant
Ixi just smiled dumbly; she had forgotten to pack the food! Great! Now we were
camping in the middle of the desert with no food and no water! Luckily, my neopets
found some wild tchea fruit trees and we ate our fill of the sweet and tangy
fruit, but yet it had a gross and chalky flavor to it. Could it be? Rotten?
Suddenly, we began spitting the fruit on the ground, groaning and feeling plain
sick. We were eating wild, rotten, tchea fruit. The grossest of all fruits.
It was about 9:30 when Nightfox began whimpering and complaining about being
tired and how he was still a child and needed his rest. I’ll make sure to save
THAT one for when he wants to stay up late again. Yet, I didn’t let him sleep;
he needed to stay up like the rest of us. He cried unhappily when I told him
he couldn’t sleep, even though he was tired and weary from the hiking.
Cloverstone managed to make a small fire, and we sat around it to protect ourselves
from the cold desert night. I stared at my Christmas Zafara, Zafara, and mutant
Ixi and began wondering if it was really a good idea to do this, I could tell
they were having a horrible time, so I pulled out a flute and began playing
a small song; the one Cloverstone liked the most. Than using her heavenly voice,
she sang along, leading my three beloved neopets into a good autumn song.
It was now 10:00, and things weren’t looking to be so good. Kayla and Nightfox
began fighting because they wanted to go home, and I had the worst headache
of my life. It’s probably from that gross wild tchea fruit. Yuck!
It was now 11:00. My neopets were tired from singing and Nightfox had already
fallen asleep, poor little guy. I looked over to Cloverstone, who was sitting
by the fire, humming and poking the blazing timbers with a stick she found.
It was almost time for the whole reason we came here, to get rich… but was money
what this was all about?
Seriously, I pulled my neopets out of their everyday lives and basically forced
them to sleep in the cold desert. Was I being a tad too cruel? Was I just filling
my own desires? Was money all I cared about? These thoughts swarmed my mind
like a hive of buzzes. I finally came to a decision.
I woke my neopets up, it was 11:55. They tiredly followed me, whining about
their aching feet. Little did they know, I wasn’t leading them to Coltzan’s
Shrine. Instead, we came to a large building, with the word ‘neolodge’ on it
in big bold leaders.
My neopets were so happy to get away from the neohome for a couple of days,
and NOT in a desert. Instead of being stuck in the middle of nowhere, they were
spending it in comfort and luxury.
Nightfox ended up beating his record at Meepit Juice Break that day, and Cloverstone
ended up finding a thousand neopoints on the floor. Wow, so I guess we got a
lot more out of not going to Coltzan’s Shrine than if we would’ve become millionaires;
we got the wealth of friendship.
Sure, I gave up the possible chance to be a millionaire, but heck. If I let
money rule my life, my neopets would probably hate me. So take some time to
play with your neopets, believe me, they’ll enjoy it. And next time you think
about going somewhere overnight, remember to bring food, I think those tchea
fruits had something wrong with them! YUCK! Anyways, take my advice, BELIEVE
me, it’ll come in handy. Bye.