When the Weather is Grey: Part Two by puppy200010
"Does it really matter? I have some things to tell you,
and you'd best know them before you go back to that village.
"You are, quite obviously, not in Neopia Central
anymore. Your coloring, along with all that rain you had last night, has brought
you to this island. The island doesn't have a name; the people here feel that
naming it will make it seem like a more permanent home, imprisonment. On this
island, it never stops raining, and the other pets here have gone a little bit
insane because of it.
"Which brings me to the pets living here. They
are all grey in color now, most of them starting here as shadow, or possibly
Halloween, or some other sort of dark coloring. All of them have been deposited
here just as you have, but none of them have escaped yet. Nor can they, anymore.
"When you checked the huts earlier, they were
all empty. Every morning, just as the sun is starting to rise, all the pets
leave their huts and go to the far end of the island, on the cliff, to see the
sunrise in the distance. With it raining here all the time, they don't get to
see the sun often, so they take advantage of it every chance they get. I, however,
think they've all lost it. They can almost never see the sun anyway, because
it's always so hazy!
"I really would not suggest going back there;
those pets could make you lose your mind! They want you to be one of them!"
he roared, scaring several Whoots out of several close trees. "They want you
to become one of them," he repeated in an intense whisper, almost seeming a
bit mad himself.
"One of them? I don't understand..."
"Here," he said, motioning for her to follow
him. "I'll show you."
Nili followed him on a zig-zagged path through
the woods. Eventually the huts came back into sight, and the Tuskaninny signaled
to be quiet. The two flattened their backs against one of the huts. She had
a small view of the village town square, where the residents of the huts were
"She's gotten away!"
"Yes, she's gone. We must find her before that
Tuskaninny poisons her mind..."
The Tuskaninny signaled for her to leave, and
they went back into the forest. "See?" said the Tuskaninny once they were far
enough into the forest to not be heard. "They don't even have the sense anymore
to realize that they are insane, not I." His gaze wandered around the forest.
"Stay here, in the woods, until you can escape..." His voice trailed off, and
he was gone into thin air.
"But where?" Nili shouted to the treetops, knowing
he was gone.
A voice drifted on the air. "Follow the
path..." After receiving the information, she wasn't even sure if she had
heard the voice, or if it had all been in her head. Follow the path? What
path? I'm in the middle of the woods! Nili's eyes immediately settled on
a narrow strip of moss growing on the ground. Is that the path? her
mind wondered, but her feet were already moving down it, hopefully carrying
her to wherever the Tuskaninny had meant for her to go. Trees and plants passed
her, and after walking for a solid thirty minutes, Nili was beginning to think
that the path was leading her in circles. She started to veer off the path,
but the voice came again. "Trust the path..." She sighed, starting
to feel the effects of being in constant rain and went back to following the
endless path. Finally she could notice a change in scenery, and the forest started
to thin out. The shore of the island came into view. Staring down the shoreline,
she could spot a steep cliff farther down the island. So that's
the cliff the Tuskaninny talked about.
Nili was tempted to stare out into the ocean,
searching for something, or anything on the horizon, but the voice
urged her on. She obeyed, and followed the path back into the forest.
Just when it seemed she could walk no farther,
the path finally came to an end. Standing at the end of the path, she could
see an immense rock formation in front of her. Walking around to the side, she
could see that it was actually a cave. Not even caring if it was already occupied,
or what it looked like inside, Nili crawled in and fell immediately asleep.
* * *
When she awoke, she could still hear the constant
drumming of rain on the cave's roof. It really never ends, she thought
in slight disbelief. She had a strong desire to go back to sleep, since it felt
like the middle of the night, but she tried to stay awake, knowing that there
were things that she should be doing, rather than sleeping. She still hadn't
had time to rationally think through her situation since she had gotten here.
How am I going to get food? If I want to
steal it from the village, I'm going to have to figure out how to get back there...
What is in this cave, anyway? It's too dark in here to be able to tell. Why
does it rain constantly here? And why doesn't the island flood from it?
Her list of questions went on, most of them unanswered. Finally she got up and
left the cave, trying to serve her growling stomach.
She wondered if she could just find food in
the forest. I once read about those leaf tacos in Illusen's Glade...
Nili shook her head at the ridiculous statement. This wasn't Illusen's Glade,
and she wasn't going to be dining on anything nearly that extravagant here.
Considering the dampness, Nili thought for a second that she could possibly
find some Woo Woo Grubs to eat under some rocks, but she quickly reconsidered,
remembering the last time she had tried to eat one of those. A large tree grew
off to the side of the cave, and she climbed it, hoping to spot a kind of fruit-bearing
tree. She didn't see any, but she did see the village. Its people were leaving,
most likely getting ready to go for their daily cliff expedition. Figuring she
could steal food from there, she dropped down out of the tree and ran in the
straightest possible path towards the huts.
Once she got there, she had no idea where to
look. All of the huts had seemed empty, she recalled. Off in the corner
of the town was a larger hut that Nili did not remember seeing the previous
day. She entered it and couldn't believe her good luck. The hut seemed to be
for storage. On shelved were bags of Neocrackers, loaves of bread, and cans
of olives. In a big basket on the floor were several pieces of fruit, ranging
from bananas and void berries to strange, unfamiliar pieces of fruit that Nili
had never seen before or even heard about.
She emptied a potato sack that had been in the
corner, and the potatoes rolled about on the floor in a huge pile, threatening
to trip her. I'm playing thief tonight, Nili reluctantly realized.
She loaded up the sack with a selection of food, grabbed two matches from a
small stash she had found, and left quickly, not wanting to run into the "others"
on their way home. That Tuskaninny is starting to get to you, she scolded
herself as she exited the town. Stop thinking that way!
On the trip back to the cave, Nili's shoulder
quickly went numb from the weight of the sack on her back. The cave came back
into view after thirty minutes of walking, and she immediately dug voraciously
into the sack of food, devouring a zeenana in several seconds. Once she had
had her fill, she went back inside to try and come up with a solution to the
darkness of the cave. The first thing that came to mind was a fire, but finding
dry sticks and leaves to kindle the fire would be next to impossible in the
constant rain. While she blindly paced around the pitch-black cave, she tripped
over a large pile of something. Squinting in the darkness and using her sense
of touch, she deduced that she had found exactly what she needed to start a
fire-dry wood.
She moved the pile of wood to what seemed like
the flattest section of cave and attempted to strike the match. Nothing. This
time she struck it faster and harder, and it lit, finally giving Nili light
to see. The cave was spacious from the inside and was much drier than Nili had
expected, considering the weather conditions outside. The walls of the cave
were all made of cold, grey stone and were slightly damp. The floor of the cave
was by no means flat, and Nili was happy she hadn't ventured far into the cave.
By the light of the fire, she could see a big ditch in the cave's floor deeper
in the cave that she most definitely would have fallen into had she still been
in pitch-black darkness.
By closer examination, Nili noticed that the
cave looked like it had once been lived in. Paintings covered rocks at the back
of the cave, and soot covered the ceiling in places. Who- or what- has lived
here? wondered Nili curiously. And will it come back? she wondered
more frantically. No, she assured herself, it won't.
She spent the rest of the afternoon exploring
the cave, going as deep into it as she dared, the firelight never reaching quite
far enough. She examined the paintings on the walls and the rocks, and finally
around 6 PM (or so her internal clock told her), she sat down by the fire, attempting
to get warm and dry out her surprisingly still damp clothing. She had intended
to try to go out and explore the surrounding woods after drying off, but she
fell asleep next to the fire.
To be continued...