Snowball Fight! by fip
SNOWBALL FIGHT: Sigh. We all enjoy snowball fights, don't we?
We don't?
I do?
Okay, whatever! To the point!
In occasion of the - err - winter, we have been awarded yet another wonderful
snowy game, with our favourite pastime - hitting Faeries with snow! Shame the
Fountain Faerie wasn't there, I'd hit her all the time. With snow, I mean.
Err - sorry, the point of the game is NOT hitting the faeries. (pout) But still,
hitting Adee with snow is just as fun! And that Kyrii judge from Rink Runner!
Now, in occasion of TNT's awesome game programmer(s?) new game, I decided to
make another game guide for you hopeless players! Bow to me, you puny - err
- never mind.
Now... the basics. (grin)
The Basics
Using your mouse - and that means your LEFT mouse button... y'know, the opposite
of right - and Koug the Blue Kougra (yes, I made up this name too) you are supposed
to throw snowballs at the Neopets and Petpets on the other side of the cool-colorful-stone-thing
wall. That means no hitting Faeries, because then the game ends soon and you'll
have to start ANOTHER game to hit them.
Err. Back to the point.
You start with 50 snowballs (which appear as 5 big snowballs, which each hit
turn smaller and smaller and on the 10th hit they disappear), and that is the
maximum of snowballs you can have. The game ends when you finish all of your
snowballs. The game isn't timed at all and there are endless Neopets/Petpets/Faeries
that keep on coming up and going back down a few seconds later if you don't
hit them. Meaning you can just leave the game open on the background and stop
whenever you want.
Hitting a Neopet or Petpet - you lose a snowball. Unless you threw a
shoe on them, which in that case, you lose a shoe. (-cough- No, you can't throw
shoes at them. You can take off your own shoe and whack it on the screen, but
that's a bad idea)
Hitting a Faerie - you lose TEN snowballs (gasp!) which is bad. Ooh,
yeah, bad. Baad. Fun, but bad.
Hitting Dieter the Polarchuck - you earn 10 snowballs. (More about that
The points you get from hitting each Neopet/Petpet depends on how well you
hit them. If you hit them on the face, or a good hit generally, you usually
get 10 points, and on the Meepit you can get up to 20 points (I bet those nasty,
evil Meepits controlled the game to make them be worth more). If you hit a Neopet/Petpet
on the sides, or just barely, or not very well, you'll usually get 5 points.
Dieter the Polarchuck. Oh, Dieter the Polarchuck. Yes, Dieter the Polarchuck.
I must stop saying Dieter the Polarchuck.
This guy - err - thing - erm, Petpet - is occasionally spotted in the background,
parachuting down to the ground. Your point - to hit him. Hitting him earns you
10 snowballs (meaning another big snowball on the left side thing). It's a bit
hard to hit him though since he's pretty small (in the game at least) and far
The wind. If you read the instructions (pah! Who needs instructions?) you probably
noticed that at the end there was a line reading "A little hint: Pay attention
to the wind!"
Now, that tip is helpful! Yeah, it really is! But you may or may not be wondering
- how do we see the wind? How does that tip help?
First of all, you can see the wind according to the snow falling on the ground.
Noticed it? Good.
Now, you probably noticed that it falls in some direction - sometimes left,
sometimes right, sometimes it falls straight down.
Now, how does this help us?
Well, if you can add one and one, you probably know that if the snow falls
in some direction, snowballs we throw will fly in that angle too (well, that's
not so true unless the wind is REALLY strong, but whatever) meaning if the snow
is falling to the right, a snowball we throw will probably fly off to the right
and land higher than what we threw.
So, how do we not let this annoying bit annoy us?
Simple! As the instructions read, pay attention to the wind. If the
snow is falling left, throw the snowballs a little bit off the right side of
the Neopet/Petpet => the snowball will fly slightly left because of the wind
=> the snowball hits the place. Voila!
Same with Dieter the Polarchuck.
Oh, and the direction of the wind CAN change, so keep on watching the snow
falling to see the direction.
Some Info
There is a new level every 6 Neopets/Petpets you hit. Each level is a bit faster.
The characters move sideways while they're up.
The snowballs you throw either hit the character's face (in the same spot each
time) or the side of them - it doesn't appear on the exact place you threw it.
The Phantom Orange-Shirt Guy - Oliver - the main (or maybe only? -shrug-) game
programmer - appears rarely on the other side of the wall. He is worth 25 points
when hit.
If you wait a while on the Instructions/main page, a Snowbeast runs out of
the cave roaring. :D
Basic Tips
If you really read the basic part, you'd see that I did leave some tips, so
these tips will be more direct and... err... tip-py.
1) Don't hit the Faeries. Really, I mean it. If you're so miserable from playing
the game, just end it.
2) Try to hit the Neopets/Petpets as quickly as possible when they pop up -
you never know when you may come to click them and at the very moment they'll
go down and a Faerie comes up.
3) Try to hit Dieter (according to the wind) but don't waste too many snowballs
or time on him, and keep an eye on the Neopets/Petpets popping up while you're
trying to hit Dieter - hit them too!
4) The characters move, so click quickly! ;D
5) Use only one snowball at a time, even if you're sure you're missing the
character. It's better to miss a Neopet/Petpet and hit another one later instead
rather than throw two snowballs when you only needed one.
That's it, basically! :D I hope this somewhat basic guide helped you get on
your feet and throw some snowballs!
Fip Note! Yay, another article! =) Anyhow, I wrote this article during this
game was beta-testing, therefore it might have changed since then. If it had
since the article was written and published, I'll -probably- write the changes
on my lookup. :)