What Next? A Nightmare of Petpets, Petpetpets and... by kushbi
The release of petpetpets is no longer news. But when the first petpet was
unveiled, who could have thought that the tiny critter would have an even smaller
friend sticking along for the ride? When Bat Boy was released, who could have
guessed that one day, even petpets could be drawn into the scheming influence
of that sulking Korbat with a Darigan petpet paint brush?
We may yet see Donna the Kadoatie donning a jewelled crown and wailing for
its humble subjects at the Kadoatery. That is, if the Royal petpet paint
brush ever falls into Neopia. Alas, this is beyond the prediction of anyone
without a Jhudora's crystal ball. But the possibilities are endless: will petpets
one day have every paint brush to correspond to those that Neopets have? No
surprises if they do.
What looms in the future consists not just a comprehensive range of petpet
paint brushes. What is at stake in this world of rapidly shrinking critters
is the prospect of petpetpet paint brushes. Yes, you're reading it right.
In the near future, we're looking at faerie Mootixes and island Cooties. Imagine
torturing your petpet with a dung Breebly. Or a grey Yurble with a grey Faellie
with a grey Lady Blurg. Oh joy.
Do not be alarmed if your Neopet's petpet finds a petpetpet while snooping
around in Darigan's chambers on the floating citadel. Due to the influx of ever-increasing
variations of the Neopian bug, my guess is that we will soon be seeing petpetpets
of different distinct origins. They would have sworn loyalty to one very big
Korbat to wreak havoc in Meridell or they could be fans of cold, icy climates.
Just be wary of which of these creatures you allow onto your beloved petpet.
A quarrel between a petpetpet and its host has yet to be witnessed, but better
to be safe than sorry, yeah?
But that's not all. Have you ever left a petpet in your inventory for some
time, only to discover that the greedy little thing devoured a milk chocolate
Chia? Rather unexpectedly, petpets are (in)famous for their periodic feasting
of food left in your inventory. Neopets are considerably larger in size (excuse
me, Pea Chia owners) yet how many of them gobble up cheese at the rate of Drackonacks?
Considering the influence that your petpet has on its impressionable petpetpet,
I hypothesise that one day petpetpets will be sipping drinks left to sit in
your inventory. Sticking along with a petpet on the journey around Neopia is
rather tiring so do not be caught off guard by leaving an expensive brew in
the same room as a Skidget. Fortunately, leaving a Larnikin with a Blue Draik
Egg will not have the same result as leaving a Kadoatie with the latter, simply
because the petpet will 'splode if it were to express such an enormous appetite.
Enough of the morbid, let us progress to the insane. In Year 5, ask anyone
the odds of the crazy laboratory scientist having a petpet and they would have
said "zilch", "impossible" or "I think you think too much". I have no idea how
in Neopia any creature could possibly put up with his constant cackle and rehashing
of laser theory. But something did. And that something has come to haunt us
as the mad Kookith, gleeful operator of the petpet laboratory. It could be a
blessing ("My Spyder turned into a Hasee!! OMG!!") or a terrible curse ("My
Gallion disappeared! Noooo..."). Either way, we now know, by precedence, that
it is completely plausible for the sterile coat wearing, swirly-eyed petpet
to have a petpetpet.
After all, a crazed petpetpet is not that hard to imagine. If you need help
doing so, just look at the Mootix Warrior. Any petpetpet wielding a faerie slingshot
is bordering on berserk, in my opinion. Hence those of you who find it intoxicating
to use the ray on an innocent creature once a day may well start saving up.
The petpetpet lab map could be coming our way. That Moffit could turn into a
Mootix! Or disappear forever.
On another note, when Neopets go off to test their skills in the Battledome,
petpetpets are good company for the lonely petpet. Now, when petpets compete
in the petpet arena, what entertains their petpetpets?
Read carefully: Petpetpetpets.
Yes, Neopia has ever-expanding space for even tinier creatures and petpetpetpets
will have no problem hitching a ride with a generous Fleaf or oblivious Skritch.
At the rate that petpets are getting involved in exciting activities (visiting
the Turmaculus, cannonballing into the Symol hole, sparring with other petpets),
a Guild of Petpetpets (complete with Lawyerbot Moach) will soon be formed to
grouse about the lack of entertainment available to them. What should we do?
Give all the Aboogalae and Veespae of Neopia a pet of their very own:
Something has happened!
Cutiecoo's Flankin has found something! What could it be? Click here to
find out!
Petpetpetpets will even come with a magnifying option so we can all admire
the intricate details on their tiny bodies. With reference to current petpetpets,
we may expect to see some petpetpetpets with ultra long legs, spiky body, colourful
feelers and maybe even engulfed in a fireball ala Flankin.
Speaking of entertainment for petpetpets, the battle arena may just be welcoming
its first combatants of the sort. The Mootix Warrior is a huge influence on
the whole petpetpet population in Neopia. This Battledome challenger strikes
fear in the hearts of battling Neopets, especially those sent (with not much
choice) to defeat the tiny critter for Judge Hog. Neon messages are flashing
in every Mootix's miniature mind, "We can intimidate that Darigan Neopet too!".
To make things worse, all other petpetpets will be thinking, "We can't let Mootixes
have all the fun!" And so the battle starts: Petpetpet Battle Arena is formed.
If you extrapolate all the points mentioned above to the concept of pets for
petpetpets, a whole dimension of possibilities will emerge. Petpetpetpet paint
brushes and petpetpetpet laboratory, petpetpetpet Neohome furniture...need I
add more? Actually I will, because Neopia is ever expanding, with new lands
discovered or rebuilt at a consistent rate each year. Who knows what lies in
unexplored regions? Thus, to top it off, in the future, some of us will be inviting
Neopixels to live beside the pets of petpetpets, as petpetpetpetpets, simply
known as pet^5. As the Haiku Kougra says, contemplate this and return
tomorrow for another Neopian Haiku. Be prepared to make a space in
your spiffy Neohome for the whole bunch of critters and remember to prepare
some ear muffs for your Neopet. One of the more conspicuous implications of
these ever-shrinking creatures is the change in the description right below
your Neopet's petpet.
Cutiepie the Mazzew (300 days and 1 hour old) and its Mozito
and its Grimo* and its (insert petpetpetpet
name) ... ...**
*Grimo being a hypothetical petpetpetpet name. ** "and its (insert petpetpetpetpet
Also, if you complete the whole Neopet-petpet-petpetpet-petpetpetpet-petpetpetpetpet
line up, you may even get an "OHEMGEE! Magnify ME!" avatar.
But beware; there is just so much company a Neopet can take. Your pretty painted
Neopet could just have a greater chance of turning blue from all that company
due to an overdose of companionship. In addition, there could be a risk of your
petpet running away (read: poofing into thin air) from the nightmare of 3 noisy
critters following its every step. I sure would, wouldn't you?