FCR: The Vehicles by heartzanddreamz
FAERIELAND - The Faerie Cloud Racers. I know what you all are thinking. What is
she writing about? We already know about every aspect of it, from the Faeries
involved to…well, everything. Why is she writing about it; haven’t we heard enough?
Well, there is one point that hasn’t been discussed thoroughly enough for me:
the vehicles. Yes, you know what trails they give off and what they look like
and how incredibly fashionable a couple of them are. But where did those faeries
ever get their vehicles? Did they make them or buy them? Did they use magic or
did they build it themselves? *gasp from audience* I know, it’s very controversial.
That’s why I’m here to give you all the details.
I have interviewed the Faeries, and I have the scoop. To be more specific,
I have the right scoop. I have the scoop of delectably delicious double fudge
sundae ice cream you secretly wanted. Except you can’t eat my scoop. You have
to read it. Anyway, moving on…
The Tooth Faerie
For this interview, I had to wait until one of my Uni’s teeth fell out, then
I waited up for the Tooth Faerie. Sure enough, she came, with a special bag
of 250 NP just for girly_gurl_lol. I asked her politely if she would give me
a short interview. She was going to decline but then “decided” to rethink her
Me: “Thank you so much! How did you make your vehicle in the popular game Faerie
Cloud Racers?”
TF: “Please, anyone, help!”
Me: “As long as you answer my questions, no harm will come to you. Now, how
did you make your vehicle?”
TF *sigh*: “OK, fine then. I made it out of one of my biggest tooth-from an
immense Grarrl. It was a very good find. And I left him a great big bag of 1000
NP just to thank him. It was a memorable moment.” *sighing and wiping tear off
Me: “And?”
TF: “Then I decorated it with more little teeth. One was from your Uni, I believe.
Very cute, it was. It runs on my magic, of course. And the trail it leaves-I
fill up the little tank with teeth that I get.”
Me: “So that’s what you use teeth for?”
TF: “Yes, I suppose the secret’s out. But I also use teeth for other things
that I will NOT reveal because they have nothing to do with the game. And you
cannot make me!” *smirks*
Me: “Yeah, well, we’ll see about that.”
There you are. That’s the first interview. What do you mean it’s not good enough?
I think it’s FINE!
The next Faerie I went to was much more available. I didn’t have to kidnap
and tie her up, er, I mean, ask her twice.
For this interview, I went to Meridell. First I stopped by the Wheel of Knowledge
to learn some new interesting fact. Personally, I prefer the Wheel of Excitement.
It’s cheaper and usually gives off some good rewards, but I was feeling lucky
and had a little extra NP. I did learn something though. I learned that the
Wheel of Knowledge has a built-in boxing glove that sometimes pops out, punches
you in the face, and makes you fall in a puddle of mud.
Anyway, I went to Illusen’s Glade. There was a long line of eager owners and
their Neopets waiting to give Illusen whatever she wanted. I tried that once.
I made up a thing called “Give Heartanddreamz whatever she wants”. One guy showed
up on the opening day. And when I asked for a Faerie Paintbrush, he stalked
off, muttering, “Illusen’s Glade is so much better!” Finally the line thins
and I go in to talk to Illusen. She is sitting on the table, her hair blowing
with the wind. Of course, she looks like a symbol of perfection.
Me: “I’m a reporter from the Neopian Times? May I ask you some question about
the new game, Faerie Cloud Racers?”
I: “Um, I guess so.”
Me: “Thank you for giving me permission. Especially after that rather, um,
embarrassing incident. Now, what was your vehicle made out of?”
I: “Leaves and twigs and other natural things. It’s also very environmentally
friendly. It spews seeds, which grow into bushes at a very fast rate. I made
those myself. Aren’t they great?”
Me: “Sure. And what did you decorate it with?”
I: “Oh, you mean, those red eye-looking things? Well, they’re simply huge rocks
that I found. I added a little glitter and polish to make them shine, but they’re
truly from nature. Unlike my sister over there”-jerks head irritably toward
Faerieland-“my vehicle is NOT poisonous nor is it damaging in any way. Unless
you happen to run it into something.” *glares at me*
Me: “I really am sorry about that. Truly sorry.”
You must be wondering about the incident. Yes, well, let’s just say, I crashed
it into a building and then, um, well, we’ll just leave it to your imagination.
On to the next faerie!
Water Faerie
This one took no time at all. I simply went to the Healing Springs.
Me: “Hi! I am a reporter from the Neopian Times. May I ask you a few questions?”
WF *stops smiling*: “Are you another one of those reporters asking those pesky
questions about how I make my potions or where I get my healing abilities from?
One came here once while I was brewing up something and spilled it everywhere.
Needless to say, I told her to go immediately. That was a special batch of potion,
too. And I had just gotten the mixture just right.”
Me (nervously adjusting fake moustache): “No, I am NOT that weird reporter
you are talking about! I wanted to ask you about your vehicle in Faerie Cloud
WF: “Oh, OK then. Go ahead.”
Me: “Well, what did you make it with?”
WF: “Just odds and ends. I used mostly scrap metal from the seas of Neopia.
Pollution is a very bad thing. I found a way to use up just a little from the
dirty waters, but if we all do our part, then one day, the world will become
a much better, and cleaner, place. I magicked the metal a little to make it
into the shape I wanted. I fit it together. Presto! Oh, right, the fins, too.
I made those out of filmy plastic and the same metal.”
Me: “And the little symbols? Do they mean anything?”
WF: “Yes, they are written in Maraquan. It says, ‘The land may shake, the sky
may roar, but the water is always a safe haven.’”
Me: “What about the bubbles it spews?”
WF: “Those are just like the bubbles you can blow out of your bubble wand.
Except my machine works a little better and the bubbles last longer. So, um,
there’s a line, I have to get back to work. Thanks for visiting!”
The Dark Faerie
You thought I would skip over her, didn’t you? You thought I was going to pretend
to forget about this Faerie and not go. But, honestly, it was a cloud over from
the Healing Springs. Why shouldn’t I come here? Aside from the fact that there
is a very big possibility of her turning me into a toad, what with the fact
that the last time I tried her quests, I forgot I had to get her something for
about a month. You do NOT want to ever do that. But, getting back to the point,
I want to prove that I am a very brave and reliable reporter. Stop snickering!
When I arrived at the cloud, a poor little Neopet and his owner were being
turned into, yes you guessed right, toads. I would have helped them, but Jhudora
was glaring at me, so I walked past them. I didn’t have to worry about lines,
cause everyone was avoiding this cloud for at least a mile around. I had all
the time in the world. Too bad I had to spend it with Jhudora. And if you’re
reading this, Jhudora, I want you to know that I think you’re a horrible, terrible
faerie-the best of them all.
So this is how the interview went:
Me: “Um, your Royal Darkness, I am a reporter from the Neopian Times. You are
our favorite faerie, so may I ask you some questions?”
J: “Ha! Your favorite faerie? I’ve seen your polls. My pretty sister Illusen
is the top of your list. Of course, she’s always gotten the attention, she has.
But I can make my own-I don’t need anyone’s help! *mutters darkly*”
Me: “But those were so wrong. We printed an article later saying how the polls
were faulty. YOU were at the top of the list.”
J: “Really? Well, I might just let you be yourself and ask your silly questions.
Go on! Shoot!”
Tip to future journalists: Flattery gets you almost everywhere.
Me: “How did you build your vehicle in FCR?”
J: “That again! I only agreed to be in that stupid game so some evil player
could defeat Illusen’s player! For no other reason at all! But I appreciate
your bravery for coming to my cloud. However, I don’t think you truly want to
know what I did. If I told you, I’d have to kill you, though I might do so anyway.
Go on with your silly questions.”
Me *gulp*: “Um, what about the clouds it spews?”
J *smiling delightedly*: “Oh, those! They’re highly poisonous and increase
pollution! Isn’t that wonderful? My vehicle is a horrible machine. Pollution
may just be smog right now, but one day it will turn to DOOM! DESTRUCTION! CHAOS!”
*laughing evilly and maniacally*
Just to let you know, I sneaked off the cloud.
And, so, there you have it. One of the most important (you couldn’t really
HAVE the game without the vehicles) but most overlooked aspect of the game.
Written out for you.
I realize I did not interview the Light, Space, Fire, or Snow Faeries. I’m
sorry I did not get their opinions. The Space faerie lives among the stars,
thus I couldn’t reach her. I couldn’t find a Fire Faerie. The Light Faerie was
“far too busy” to answer my questions. As for the Snow Faerie, well, I have
my reasons.
I hoped you liked reading this!