Katie and Terry by kindheartedfairy
The twelve-year-old blue Acara walked through Neopia Central.
She wore a crimson red cloak over her torn plain azure T-shirt and matching shorts.
In her left hand she held a piece of torn, old, and yellowish paper, close to
her, as if of important value. She stopped, unfolded the piece of paper, and read
it for a moment. Her bright yellow eyes darted from one Neopet to the next, as
if looking for someone. Katie walked up to a Yellow Ogrin. "Excuse me, but could
you tell me where the Haunted Woods are?"
"Uh… yeah," the Ogrin replied. "But why would
you want to go there?"
"I'm… visiting my grandparents, who live in
the Haunted woods," she lied. It was untrue. She had run away from home a month
ago to live with her mother, who had disappeared over two years ago.
"Oh, well, for whatever reason you're going
to that awful, frightening place, it's thataway," the Ogrin said, pointing to
Katie's left.
She thanked him and walked off in that direction,
thinking about her mother.
Though it had only been two years since she
had last seen her mother, she hardly remembered anything about her. She was
a Halloween Acara, now living in the heart of the Haunted Woods, if the map
was up to date, and Katie was sure it was. But what was her mother's name? Cheryl.
Cheryl. That was her mother's name: Cheryl. Cheryl, a sorceress with great powers,
but had been ridiculed by some other sorcerers and sorceresses.
Katie remembered something else. She was only
a witch by her mother's kind's measure, but most at her age were nearly enchanters.
If Katie were to learn her mother's magic, she would have two missed years of
training to catch up with. And she would be alone.
With the help of various pets, Katie soon reached
the edge of the Haunted Woods. She could tell why the pets that had pointed
out the way for her had been uneasy at the thought of it, but she found herself
entering the dark shadow created by the bare trees, unafraid.
Soon, it became so dark that hardly any light
shone through the trees. Katie whispered a few strange words and a sphere of
white light covered her hand like a glove. The Acara's bright golden eyes reflected
the light most eyes would never see, and she could glimpse several figures disappearing
into the shadows, frightened by the light. Yet Katie could see them well, and
let the light fade. She did not need her spell to see through the darkness.
After a long, unmeasured time of walking, Katie
spotted a light. She confidently walked towards it and soon there appeared many
more. As she came closer, she could see clearly the many Neohomes in the Haunted
Woods, filled with Neopets performing magic as though it was a thing everyone
could do. Of course, that was, in fact, the reason.
Katie walked through the town, looking for a
familiar face. But she could see none. Maybe she could ask for directions.
"Um, hello?" she asked an Island Bori carrying
a stack of books that went up to his chin. "Can you tell me where... I think
her name is Cheryl? She's a Halloween Acara, and she's supposed to live somewhere
in this town."
"Yes," the Bori replied. "I know where she lives.
I'm her neighbor. Why are you looking for her?"
"Because she's my mother," the Acara replied.
"I see... are you Katie or Tori?"
"Well, if you walk with me, when I enter my
home, your mother's is the smaller one on the left. My son, Terry, will probably
be helping her clean up her home."
So Katie quietly followed the Bori, and thanked
him as he went to his family, while she went to finally be reunited with her
long lost family member.
"Mom? It's me, Katie," called the Acara as she
walked through the quiet Neohome. Unlike the Maraquan Neohome Katie had grown
up in, this one was dry, and made from wood, with different furniture.
"Who are you?" a voice asked.
Katie looked in the direction the voice had
come from, to see a Faerie Bori standing in a doorway, carrying some small boxes
stacked up on top of each other. "I'm Katie, Cheryl's daughter. Are you... Terry?"
"Yes," Terry answered. "Your mom is upstairs,
in her bedroom. Lately, she's been worried sick about you and your brothers
and sisters. Come on, follow me." He put down the pile of small boxes he had
been holding and led her up a flight of carpeted stairs.
As Katie followed the Bori, every memory of
her mother she had seemed to pop up in her main thoughts. She remembered how
she and her mother had collected shells for a necklace for Katie. It had been
lost long ago, but Katie remembered how it looked so much like her mother's
necklace, which now lay in her sister's possession. She remembered finding out
she was magical at a young age, and how she had learned faster than her siblings,
but had helped them perform the spells she could do, either with ease or difficulty.
She remembered, not long before her mother had left, of how she had created
her own spells, just a few simple, but to her then, and still even now, they
were working wonders. She had felt as though she had written a book, and she
had discovered it would be published. She felt as she had when discovering her
powers. She had been delighted at creating her first spell, and had celebrated
individually for two days.
Before Katie could think about her other memories,
they reached the top of the staircase. Terry opened a nearby door.
Inside, there were so many wonderful things,
Katie couldn't believe she hadn't remembered what her mother's room had been
like at home. But now she did. She recognized the emerald-green velvet curtains,
the ocean-blue bed her mother now stood by, her back turned, and the crimson
chairs, the same colour as Katie's cloak. She spotted a larger, amethyst-colored
cloak hanging near the bed, and she spotted something new, which she also liked,
though she had never seen it before. A few strange black petpets walked across
the floor.
"What are those?" Katie asked in a curious tone
of voice.
"They're Spyders," Terry answered as the Halloween
Acara turned around.
"Katie!" her mother cried as she ran forward,
arms spread wide.
"Mom, I missed you so much!" Katie answered
as the two embraced.
"Where were you?"
"With Dad. Soon, I'm going to get Amy, Candy,
Mickey, and Tori here, also. But I'd like to stay here for a little and practice
my magic. I haven't used it for a long time."
"Very well. I can teach you, but maybe you should
get settled and find out who everyone is," Terry said.
Katie panicked for a moment, and her head jerked
to look at Terry. "Sorry. I forgot you were there."
"It's okay. I'd probably forget about others
if I just saw a loved one after two years."
Terry was so energetic, Katie's tour of her
new home seemed to be a blur. At the end, the Bori seemed to have used up nearly
every bit of enthusiasm he had.
"Well, I guess you're going to go back to your
mom," he said sadly.
"Are you... unhappy?" Katie asked.
"No." Terry whispered something that Katie barely
made out. "I just wish I had a friend."
"I'll be your friend!" Katie said, intending
for that to stay as truthful as she meant it at that very moment.
"Really?" he asked. "No one my age lives near
me-until now."
"I need a friend too," she answered. "I haven't
had one for years."
Katie proceeded to tell him her story: of her
father's cruelty, her siblings, how she had run away, and how she still intended
to go back for her siblings, who she knew were still loyal, and still wanted
to keep to promise she had made to herself the day she had left.
The End