Neglect's Revenge: Part One by ewagon
"Vendette! Breakfast is ready!"
Vendette sighed and trudged downstairs while
muttering, "Soon this will all be worth it. Soon I'll be a Darigan Kougra."
Vendette arrived downstairs and looked briefly
around the kitchen. It was the usual breakfast. Some fishing food, some gross
food, and the very familiar jelly and omelettes. This looked promising; there
was no poisonous jelly or rotten omelettes. If he ate any more of those he really
would be sick.
His owner spotted the dismay in his eyes and
said, "Cheer up, Vendette, we're only another one hundred thousand neopoints
away from your Darigan paint brush. If we budget our neopoints, keep finding
jobs, and visiting the Money Tree, of course, then we might be able to get your
paint brush in a week or two!"
The Kougra looked up, excited as well as joyful.
"Race you to the Money Tree?"
"No way, you'd beat me without a doubt. I'll
clean up our breakfast mess, then meet you there."
Vendette bounded away as fast as lightning towards
the Money Tree.
His owner finished up with her work and started
walking towards the Money Tree to help her prized pet get more neopoints. On
the way there, she started to wonder, "Does Vendette ever get lonely, having
no siblings around? After all, he's all alone and we might enjoy having a new
brother or sister…"
Suddenly the sound of a whimpering, maybe crying
pet caught her attention. She stood still for a moment, wondering if it was
merely her imagination calling to her. She heard nothing so she decided to continue
walking. Once again, she heard the sound of a crying pet. It seemed like it
was coming from behind the hospital, so she ran there to investigate. What she
saw shocked her; it was a baby Aisha no more than a few hours old, all alone
while sitting on the dirt covered ground. She burst out speaking to it, "Oh,
you poor baby! Where's your owner? You must not have one, you poor innocent
baby. I think I'll adopt you, and I'll name you Innocenza! That means innocence.
Oh you poor dear, let's go introduce you to your big brother!" She continued
babbling to the Aisha while she walked towards the Money Tree.
In the time it took her to get to the Money
Tree she had already decided that the little Aisha would have her own room and
furniture. She would also require toys to keep her occupied, as well as play
pens in almost every room. Not to mention way more cleaning supplies and baby
food, of course. She was so caught up in the joy of now owning this pet, whose
color she didn't yet know, that she didn't even think that perhaps Vendette
wouldn't be as thrilled as she was. The thought never even entered her mind,
let alone her thoughts.
When she finally arrived at the tree, with Innocenza
in tow, she saw that Vendette's hands were absolutely filled with neopoints.
She didn't know how many, but she figured it was many tens of thousands. When
Vendette saw her, he staggered up to her and spoke with what little strength
he had left, "Someone… generous… rich… all to me… ninety thousand."
She realized that this was very heavy so she
took about half of it and walked off to the bank to deposit it. She then deposited
it and ran back to the Money Tree to get the rest so that she could deposit
that as well. But when she got there, Vendette stopped her.
"What is that, that thing? It's been clinging
to my leg ever since you left, and didn't I see you walk up with it? It seems
to have a few major issues with the whole concept of not drooling all over me!"
She giggled and answered, "That's your new baby
sister, and her name is Innocenza! Isn't she just adorable?"
"It's my new WHAT? How could you do this to
me?! You know how expensive it is to take care of a pet! We're only ten thousand
neopoints away from my paint brush and now you're going to throw all that work
away to this Aisha! Now you're going to want to paint her too, what color do
you have in mind? And what about training her? Are you going to try to make
her as strong as me?"
She looked at Vendette, somewhat angrily. "Look,
she was alone. I don't know what color she will be and I'm not spending all
of our neopoints on her, calm down."
Vendette looked back, accusingly, "Oh you won't?
Then I guess she won't have her own room or furniture, we won't have to buy
more cleaning products, or more play pens for almost every room, and she certainly
won't need any baby food. She can eat omelettes and jelly like we do, I guess."
She responded, partially defeated, "It won't
cost that much. Ok, so I will have to buy those things, but then we'll go straight
back to earning neopoints for you. Besides, aren't you being sort of greedy?
You've gotten almost everything you could ever dream about, but now you're mad
at this helpless Aisha because I might be adding a new pet to our family."
Vendette responded doubtfully, "We'll see then,
won't we?"
Vendette proved to be right as their neopoints
slowly dwindled down to one million.
One day, a few months after Innocenza had been
adopted, Vendette yelled at his owner in frustration, "Either Innocenza lives
like we do or you can find yourself a new Kougra!"
His owner stared at him, shocked. "But I thought
that you two were finally getting along, and we're finally making back the neopoints
that we spent on her. It's not her fault, it's mine."
Vendette was beyond speaking in a civil tone,
"Then abandon her! All she's been since you adopted her is trouble. And she
looks like she might be turning invisible. Soon I won't even be able to see
her annoying me!"
A light bulb was almost visible over his owner's
head, "You're just jealous, aren't you? I'm paying more attention to your sister
than you. That isn't all that you're jealous about though, is it? She grew into
a color. You turned blue as you got older, but she's turning invisible."
Vendette argued, his face red and his eyes more
consuming and accusing that fire, "No. We were only ten thousand neopoints away
from my Darigan paint brush. Now we're three hundred thousand neopoints away.
Innocenza isn't innocent at all!"
All he got as a week's worth of grounding and
being immediately sent to his room until he was ready to think about things
Vendette finally cooled over and worked many
times harder towards his prized paint brush. His owner was always checking on
the prices of the paint brushes; he just figured that she was trying to find
and maybe even reserve an inexpensive one. What he didn't know was that she
was looking at more paint brushes then just Darigan.
One day, a few weeks after his owner started
furiously looking at prices, Vendette returned home from the Money Tree only
to receive the shock of his life. In the kitchen, a beautiful royal Aisha was
daintily eating dinner. However, this wasn't any ordinary royal Aisha, it was
his little sister, Innocenza. Vendette just stood where he was, unable to move
or even to close his mouth. This was not what he wanted or expected. What was
going on?
He immediately ran to the bank and asked how
many neopoints they had saved up. The total was a mere three hundred thousand
neopoints. Something was wrong, very wrong. When he had deposited the neopoints
a few hours before there had been one million one hundred thousand; this was
not right.
He ran back home and immediately confronted
his owner, who was absolutely consumed with cheerfulness and joy.
"Why is Innocenza royal? Why do we only have
three hundred thousand neopoints left?"
His owner just danced around gleefully while
hardly responding with, "I found a royal paint brush for almost one million
neopoints less than it's worth. I immediately withdrew the neopoints and bought
it. Then I took Innocenza to the rainbow pool with me and painted her! Isn't
it simply marvelous?"
Vendette cried out in pain, sorrow, and shock,
"Of course it isn't, what happened to my Darigan paint brush? Have you forgotten
how long I've been working with you so that we could buy one?"
His owner just shrugged and responded, "We can
save up again. This chance would never have come again; this is a once in a
lifetime sort of thing. I still can't believe it was underpriced so much! This
is so wonderful."
Vendette stopped crying and ran away from his
old home while screaming at his old owner, "I hope having one pet again is just
as marvelous as that underpriced paint brush!"
To be continued...