For an easier life Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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Neopian Mysteries

by lunabunny16

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Great stories!


A Shadow and a Mist
"Wow, Shadow, you really outdid yourself this time. We'll make a fortune out of this!" GreyWeaver's constant response every time Shadow came back.

by wonderousfool


A Student of Spirit
There have always been the lucky few who, devoting their lives to the art of combat taught by the Techo Master, are allowed to live at those hallowed halls, gaining insight and skill for free -- or so they think. Rather than paying in codestones, they pay in labor.

by inyuchan


Things That NeoQuest 2 Characters Would NEVER Say
Rohane's mother: Go Away! When you left home, you left! Don’t come back for free rest!

by moonlight717


Wrawk the Merciless: Part One
"Now I can actually get back to plotting my evil schemes!"

by simsman24000

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