Fyora's Chambers - An Altadorian Tragedy by leucothea
Character List:
Fyora, Queen of the Faeries
Miklane, an older, female Faerie Aisha
Faerieland Inhabitants 1 - 6
Various Neopian Explorers
Scene: A stage, set to resemble a large, high-ceilinged room made of stone.
Twilight filtering through Large Patterned Arched windows at the left, rear,
and right of the stage reveal lavish décor, which, if one was playing a word-association
game, would surely evoke terms such as "purple" and "puffy". Many of the furnishings
seem to be inspired by the Faerie Queen: several comfortable groupings of Fyora
Print Bean Bags here and there, a Fyora Inspired Vanity and Queen Fyora Rocking
Chair in the far left corner, two Fyora Inspired Bookcases and a Fyora Inspired
Bedroom Desk in the far right… and a large, canopied Fyora Print Bed in the
near left of the scene. But the most singular aspect of this room is a luminous,
swirling, purple circle in its exact center - one about as wide and high as
a Fyora Inspired Bathtub would be long (if such a thing existed) though it seems
to be entirely without depth. Twin stone staircases at the front of the front
go from ground to stage level, providing access to the scene.
[Enter six FAERIELAND INHABITANTS - Simply unremarkable pets of various
species. They silently ascend the right staircase and take a place at the near
right of the scene - # 3 -6 in a back row, # 1 and 2 in a front. INHABITANT
ONE, a Scorchio, holds a small Faellie. All stand quietly for several moments.
Then the Faellie lets out a squeak - a soft one, but it echoes in the utter
Inhabitant 1: Hush!
All Inhabitants: Hush!
[chanting in unison]
"Hush! Hush!" -
That's what she wanted, Fyora the Queen
When this gateway disrupted her daily routine!
Two pets filled with courage, they searched long and hard
And found the location was no average yard -
For this magic door, where two separate worlds meet
Just happened to be in the Faerie Queen's suite!
This story of woe, of sleeplessness' weight
Began on the first day of Running, Year Eight
[As the INHABITANTS fall silent, the lights come up on the room.
Enter FYORA and MIKLANE via the left staircase. FYORA is visibly exhausted,
and leans on MIKLANE for support. They make their way to a Bean Bag formation
in the near center of the scene, where they settle down in facing seats.]
Fyora: By Kreludor! What a busy day I've had! First with those two, brave explorers
finding that portal [she waves a hand at the swirlyness] to Altador.
Believe me, that was a serious blast from the past! I haven't been over there
in… oh, probably about a thousand years. My own room… whoever would have thought
that this, of all places, had the potential to be a trans-dimensional gateway?
And then later, when I was working at the Hidden Tower - don't even get me started!
There were SO many customers today… and then there was that Baby Chomby who
was trying to play with the Rainbow Swirly Thing, and that Eyrie who just insisted
that I accept bushels of Strange Green Seeds as payment... You know, being Queen
of Faerieland and Faeries in general is hard enough WITHOUT having to run that
invisible pile of rock! At least the day's over now… I can finally rest.
Miklane: You certainly deserve it, my lady. Is there anything I can get for
you before you go to bed?
Fyora: Thank you, old friend, but there is nothing I need right now. Only …
[she yawns] some sleep.
Miklane: Good night, my lady.
Fyora: Good night, Miklane.
[MIKLANE rises from the Bean Bag and walks toward the left staircase. She
stops suddenly, cocking her head slightly as if surprised.]
Miklane: Do you hear something?
[Enter about five NEOPIAN EXPLORERS - more unremarkable pets of various species
- who rush up the left staircase in a mass, chattering wildly. Phrases such as
"new shops have already started restocking", "fancy new Flash map", and "wish
I had a PS2" can be picked out. They stampede past MIKLANE and the seated FYORA,
towards the portal, with only one small Lenny pausing to give FYORA a quick curtsy.
Exeunt EXPLORERS, through the portal.
MIKLANE stands and FYORA sits in shocked silence.]
Fyora: … What?... Who - ?
[Enter another set of EXPLORERS, this time up the left staircase. None even
seem to notice that the Faerie Queen is there as they hurry noisily towards the
Exeunt EXPLORERS, portal.]
Miklane: They're… going to Altador…
Fyora: Through my private chambers?! [she pulls herself to her feet]
This is an outrage! Miklane… please go downstairs and inform the guards to GUARD
the palace gates!
Miklane: As fast as my wings can take me, my lady!
[MIKLANE rises into the air with a flutter of her wings.]
Miklane: [hovering] I'll find out what's going on!
[Exit MIKLANE, swooping between the two staircases.
FYORA wearily sinks back into her Bean Bag as the INHABITANTS begin to chant.]
All Inhabitants:
Fly, fly, Miklane, fly!
Take your wings and find out why!
[Enter more EXPLORERS, left stair.
Exeunt more EXPLORERS, portal.
FYORA appears to attempt casting a spell, but then just throws up her hands.]
Fyora: I'm… too spent to do magic…
All Inhabitants:
Without any thought for her self-themed décor
Neopians came, by the dozen, by score -
To Fyora's own chambers, on that fateful night
Drawn by the glow of Altadorian light.
Fyora had already had a tough day, and
It seemed that her troubles were likely to stay.
[Enter more EXPLORERS, right stair.
FYORA jumps up, wildly gesturing for them to stop. They ignore her.
Exeunt EXPLORERS, portal.]
All Inhabitants:
Stop! Stop! Pets, please stop!
Fyora's so tired she's likely to drop!
[Enter more EXPLORERS, left stair.
FYORA stands sullenly, glaring as they go by.
Exeunt EXPLORERS, portal.]
Fyora: [with despair] They're tracking all sorts of dirt into the rug…
and it's only a matter of time until someone trips over a Bean Bag… maybe even
tears one… and those little white bean things are impossible to clean up…
[She stands, with silent agitation. Then suddenly, she yawns - in a huge,
very un-Faerie-Queen-like fashion.]
Fyora: By Kreludor! Let them tear as many Bean Bags as they want! Just as long
as they let me sleep!
[She stumbles over to the Fyora Print Bed, and tosses herself on it, facedown.
Enter EXPLORERS, right - chattering as loud as all the others. FYORA grabs
a pillow and places it over her head, holding it down tight with one hand.
Exeunt EXPLORERS, portal
Enter MIKLANE, flying up between the two staircases.]
Miklane: My lady!
[MIKLANE lands next to the bed. FYORA pulls the pillow off of her head.]
Fyora: [unintelligibly] Gmmmfuhhhfuhhh.
Miklane: [whispering] My lady…
[FYORA slowly rolls onto her back, and opens one eye.]
Fyora: Gmmm….Sleepysleep…
[Enter EXPLORERS, left and right. There's more this time, and they're louder
than ever.
FYORA pops open her other eye.
Fyora: Miklane! Tell me what's going on!
Miklane: My lady… TNT… it seems they posted the news about the portal - about
Altador - about the shops - for everyone to see! Hundreds, maybe thousands of
Neopians are on their way… the Palace guards can't be found, I think they've
run… can't blame them really.
[As MIKLANE speaks, FYORA's eyes slowly shut. She shakes her head, as if
to keep herself awake, but it's clearly no use.]
Miklane: [continuing] My lady, you've got to get out of here! What you've
seen so far is only a trickle… in only minutes there'll be as many as can fit
through the hallways!
Fyora: [asleep] Znnnnork…
Miklane: My Lady!… Queen Fyora!
[Enter dozens of EXPLORERS, left and right. All are chattering excitedly,
with incredible volume. Several of them trip over and tear Bean Bags in their
rush for the portal, sending thousands of little white bean things flying. FYORA
pops up, awakened by the noise.]
Fyora: Whatwhere?! Huh? … Miklane?
[MIKLANE takes flight, hovering right beside the bed]
Miklane: [shouting over the din] Fly, my lady! Come with me… my Neohome
has a spare room you can stay in tonight!
[As EXPLORERS continue to pour into the room, FYORA jumps from the bed into
the air, purple wings whirring. She and MIKLANE fly above the crowd, heading for
the place between the staircases.
Exit, MIKLANE who swoops down right away. FYORA, however, pauses, hovering.]
Fyora: How can this be happening to me?! I am the Queen of Faerieland and Faeries
in general… but it seems Neopia has abandoned me for the sake of a shiny new
map and a couple of shops. Tonight I'll sleep tonight only by the pity of an
old friend! Oh! Woe… is me.
[The lights dim, and the EXPLORERS grow silent.
Exeunt all EXPLORERS via their closest exit. Exit FYORA, who flutters off.
Only the INHABITANTS remain.]
All Inhabitants: [chanting softly]
Woe was Fyora, the Faerie Queen
When that gateway disrupted her daily routine.
Disrespected and weary, she left her abode
To stay with a friend while the travelers flowed.
Don't be too complacent, take heed of this tale -
Beware of the times when a new world's unveiled!
[The lights fade off]