Graduation for Seamstress Cybunny: Part Four by anime_cybunny
The first thing I wondered was where the voice was coming
from. It obviously didn't come from me, since I was only able to whisper still.
Colleen and Colette did not have a clue. I pivoted and stared at the hills of
snow that was piled. The piles were almost identical to each other, except I noticed
one that was out of place.
I hopped over to see what the difference was.
At a glance, I saw a paw sticking out of one side of the hill. The paw was one
from a green Kougra.
"Miss Kougra!" I called with a whisper. The teacher
poked her head out of the top of the hill and noticed me.
"Sakura!" She leapt off the hill and raced towards
me. Colette jumped off of the hill that she and Colleen were on. She took Colleen's
sword as well as her own, and hurriedly hopped toward Miss Kougra.
Before she attacked, I fired my Mega Carrot Blaster,
forgetting that there weren't any carrots left. However, a miracle occurred.
"Ouch!" Colette whimpered in anguish. Colleen
dashed over towards her sister. The two twins growled.
"You shouldn't have had the extra carrot in there,
Seamstress!" Colleen yelled right in my face. At first, I thought I was going
"Too bad for you!" I snarled. Colleen's Padded
Cybunny Sword and Colette's Cybunny Sword both fell on the snow. The two sisters
realized what was behind Miss Kougra.
"Come with us to the dungeon," a familiar voice
commanded. It was the officer from the Chia Police! The same five officers that
assisted me earlier surrounded and took Colleen and Colette away from sight.
I sighed with relief.
"What did they do to you this time, Miss Sakura?"
the kind officer asked me.
I simply whispered, "I lost my voice because
of them."
"I see," the officer nodded and took the notes
down on paper. Colleen and Colette exchanged glances after escaping from the
officers and running towards me.
"We didn't make you lose your voice!" Colette
"Actually, you did," I whispered. My throat was
beyond sore at the moment.
"I saw the giant black pot and knew it was you
because you had it earlier," the kind officer said. "I noticed when Sakura fainted
and lost her voice."
The five officers returned and all nodded in
agreement. "We have the perfect chastisement for you," they grinned and took
the twin sisters away - this time for good.
"Glad that's over and done with," Miss Kougra
sighed. She walked off toward a direction that I wasn't sure of. I stayed with
the officer.
"Will you be all right, Miss Sakura?" the kind
officer asked me once again. I nodded and he went off toward the dungeon. It
started to snow and I sat on the ground.
What should I do? Graduation's tomorrow and
I barely have a voice! I asked myself and began to sob. I was beyond distraught
at that point. Since I was the final student in line to graduate, I was supposed
to read off a poem that was written. I hadn't even written the poem yet, either!
I looked on the side of the Mega Carrot Blaster
that I had obtained earlier because of boredom. It turned out that this was
a special Mega Carrot Blaster - it was able to blast up to six or seven carrots
at once! This blaster was also able to blast the steel carrots I used earlier.
I eventually got up from the snow and hopped
toward Shai's Outfitters, wondering where Miss Kougra went. A note was on the
wood counter.
Dear Sakura,
Thank you for letting me stay with you in my
mother's shop. I look forward to seeing you at graduation. Don't forget the
Miss Kougra
I stared at the letter for a few moments. The
time was getting close to midnight, so I came up with a quick haiku. A few minutes
later, before I shut off the lights, I heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it this time?" I yawned and unlocked
the door. I recognized the face instantly - Shai.
"Hello, dear. I'm sorry for getting you late."
The Wocky bowed and stepped into her former shop.
"It's okay," I whispered. Shai suddenly realized
what happened to my voice.
"Well, I can fix your voice instantly." Shai
nodded and had a special wand with her. The energy from it surrounded my throat.
After minutes later, my voice returned to normal.
"That should be fine." Shai slid the wand back
in her pocket. "Now, try to say something."
I knew what I wanted to say. "Thank you very
much, Shai!" I dashed over and forgot that she couldn't be hugged anymore. However,
there was an exception.
"I'll allow one hug." Shai smiled and I was able
to hug the wrinkled Wocky.
"Will you be able to come to graduation? It's
tomorrow!" I exclaimed with glee.
"I'm sorry, Sakura." Shai shook her head. "I'm
not able to do so."
"What about Miss Kougra? I'm sure she'd love
to see you again."
The elderly Wocky shook her head again and repeated,
"I'm not able to do so."
I sat on my cushion with shock. Shai sat on a
nearby sofa. We were both silent for a few minutes. I looked at the clock and
realized that it was midnight.
"I'm sorry, Shai, but I have to go to bed." I
yawned again. Shai got up and grabbed an outfit from the top of the tea coloured
"I made this while you were in school." The Wocky
smiled sweetly. "It's your special outfit for graduation. The school doesn't
give special gowns, do they?"
I shook my head and tried on the gown. It fitted
me perfectly and was as pink as my fur. Shai nodded her head several times.
She noticed that she needed to leave and I nodded.
"Will you go see her?" I begged.
"I'll have to make arrangements." She shrugged
and left after closing the front door. I locked it and went to bed.
The next morning, I bounced out of bed, ate breakfast,
and dashed out the door as usual. I had my graduation outfit on and my poem
ready. However, I saw Shai next to where the boat was.
"Shai!" I exclaimed. "Good morning!"
"Morning, dear." Shai smiled. I knew what was
going to happen next.
"Good morning, Sakura! Today must be Graduation
Day!" The blue Techo waved to me. I waved back and hopped on the boat. Shai
stayed close behind.
The students that were graduating all had gowns
of many different colours and were poorly made. It seemed that the seamstresses
in Neopia Central were not as gifted as the ones in Terror Mountain. They all
stared and gasped when they saw me in my special gown.
"Wow! Look at her!" a Yurble whispered to her
friend. I also heard other positive comments.
"I think they're all jealous of you," Shai whispered.
I nodded in agreement and sensed her next to me.
"Miss Kougra's room is this way," I directed
and hopped down the hallway. All of the other teachers were outside, but I wanted
to show Shai her daughter's classroom. When I entered, I noticed that Miss Kougra
was working at her desk.
"My goodness! You're STILL working?" I gasped
as I approached the desk. Miss Kougra nodded slowly. I noticed that she was
signing a few papers.
"What are those?" I asked and pointed to them.
Miss Kougra smiled at me.
"They're the final grade reports," she replied
and signed the final one. I already knew what my grade was, so I simply nodded.
Shai was right outside of the door.
"Miss Kougra," I began. "I would like you to
meet someone."
"Who would that be?"
"You'll soon find out." I nodded and Shai appeared
in the room. Miss Kougra gasped and got up from her chair. She noticed the elderly
Wocky in front of her and also noticed that she changed a lot.
"Mother," she said and went over to hug her.
I made sure that Shai made an exception for Miss Kougra.
"Thank you, Sakura." Miss Kougra turned and smiled
at me. I nodded and left the room so that the two were able to catch up on old
"There she is!" a student from the first class
noticed me walk out of the school. The principal nodded and turned toward the
many Neopets in the audience - many of them were parents of the graduating students.
My mother couldn't attend because she had business to take care of in the village.
"Welcome families and friends," the principal
began the practiced speech. She went through the paragraphs and commenced the
ceremony. One by one, the students went up to receive their certificates. I
waited quietly in line for my certificate.
While waiting, I looked around for Shai and Miss
Kougra. They seemed to have caught up enough because they were with the rest
of the teachers. No one else, of course, noticed the elderly Wocky.
"Finally, we have Sakura the Cybunny from Class
A," the principal stated. The letters of the classes were in backwards order,
so that the best was saved for last. The audience applauded as I received my
certificate and shook hands with the principal. She winked at me so that I could
start my poem. I nodded and recited it carefully.
Graduation's done,
We are delighted with joy.
Thank you very much!
The many Neopets got up and clapped once again.
I suddenly became nervous, so I hopped off the stage. The principal concluded
the ceremonies and there was a party in the school. Instead of partying, I dashed
toward Miss Kougra's classroom.
She was packing up because the school was to
close for a few months. I entered the classroom, remembering that Shai already
left. Miss Kougra turned and hugged me.
"I'll miss you, Seamstress Cybunny," she said.
"I'll miss you too, Shai's daughter," I replied.
"Just call me Miss Kougra." The teacher winked.
I nodded.
"Call me Sakura." I winked back. My certificate
was in hand and I felt very proud of myself. I discovered my specialization
and completed my teaching training. I figured that I would be both a seamstress
and a teacher - in Terror Mountain, teachers only taught students for about
five months. I hugged Miss Kougra once again and was glad I met her.
The End