Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Four by petfriendamy
Princess Rose sat on her bed, flipping through the pages
of "The Prophecy of the Indera" while gently stroking the Royal Dagger.
"Let's see... what else does it say about defeating
the Indera?" she thought aloud. "Hmm, blah blah blah... Royal Dagger through
heart... on the Royal Dagger's pedestal?? That means I'd have to drag that little
pipsqueak over here to the castle somehow..."
*Knock knock* "Princess Rose?"
Rose jumped at the sound of her maid knocking
at the door. She quickly folded the blankets over the dagger and book, hopped
off the bed and called, "It's open!"
A pink Bruce walked into Rose's room, azure
eyes meeting the Princess' gaze. The Bruce wore a lacy white apron with a big
bow in the back. She also had a little lacy hat on her head; she was Princess
Rose's maid servant.
"Your father told me to tell you that you should
be getting to bed about now," she explained. "Are you?"
"Yeah, Monina," the Princess replied. "I was
just about to get ready for bed."
"Good for you." Monina the Pink Bruce nodded.
"I guess you've got a big day tomorrow, doing all those inspections..." Monina
said, walking closer to Rose's bed. "Anyway, I'll help you with those blankets..."
"NO!" Princess Rose jumped in front of Monina.
"I mean... heh heh... I think I'll make my own bed, tonight, okay? Heh heh,
you just go along with your maidy little business, now. I can handle this!"
Rose pushed the confused Monina out of her room and slammed the door, locking
With a sigh, Rose walked back to her bed and
folded back the covers. There was the Royal Dagger, still sitting there with
a faint indigo glow. She sat back on the bed and plopped "The Prophecy of the
Indera" on her lap.
"So... where was I..." Rose thought aloud, "oh,
yes. How would I get that Baby Xweetok here to the castle?..."
The Princess sat on her bed for a few seconds,
then finally thought of something. So she moved the book to one of her pillows
and went to her desk. Then she pulled a piece of paper and a pen out of a drawer,
and she started writing something...
* * * * *
"There!" shouted Wanda. "I finally finished
dusting. Now I can finally get some rest!"
"Hold on, Wanda!" said the red Wocky, with a
pile of dust in his hands. "You missed a spot!"
He dropped the pile of dust onto a desk. The
desk was covered with dust again. Wanda groaned.
"HEY!! That's cheating! I'll tell on you!!"
She pointed to the Wocky in anger.
"You can't tell on us ALL!" said the green Kacheek,
also dropping a pile of dust onto a desk.
A lot of the other pets dropped piles of dust
onto desks, so that all of the desks in the room were covered with dust again.
Wanda scowled intensely at the other orphans; they were always trying to get
her in trouble.
"ARRDOOON!!!" she shouted at the top
of her lungs. The green Elephante came running into the room. Wanda then pointed
to the other orphans accusingly. "They're dropping dust on the desks so I have
to dust all over again!"
"No we're not!" said the red Shoyru. "She never
dusted them, she's just trying to make an excuse NOT to dust them!"
"Don't believe him!" Wanda protested. "He's
"No, SHE's lying!"
"He's the liar!"
"No, SHE is!"
"Wanda!" Ardon folded his arms and scowled at
Wanda. "Don't think you can fool me! Now go dust those desks!"
Wanda had an angry look on her face, yet her
eyes were watery. "You'll pay for this."
She angrily dusted the desks that she felt the
other orphans should have been dusting. When Ardon left the room, the other
orphans laughed at her. She tried to ignore them, but felt a tear drip down
her cheek. She knew that was enough. She wanted revenge. She scooped some of
the dust in her hands, and walked over to the red Wocky, who was roaring in
"You think it's so funny, huh?" she said, trying
to sound mean, but she was slightly choked up. "Well, then, how about an encore?"
Wanda threw the dust in the Wocky's face. He
winced, shouting, "Hey!" but Wanda just smiled, and whispered, "You deserved
The Wocky looked at Wanda with a scowl, but
in a guilty corner of his heart felt sorry for her. Wanda just smiled, walked
away and continued to dust, feeling slightly more victorious than she had just
a few seconds ago.
* * * * *
Laura was walking home from the Shop Wizard's
house, in deep thought.
"So there are only five copies of that book?"
she wondered aloud. "No wonder it's so rare..." She looked at Dina, who was
starting to fall asleep. "I really wish I could have read that book. I'd really
like to know what 'the Indera' is..."
Laura looked up at the sky; the sun was starting
to set, and some of the stars were visible higher up in the sky. She felt a
little strange. Just yesterday she was just an average Xweetok mother living
in a little house with a single child; now all of the sudden her life seemed
so much more important... as if she had some kind of burdensome fate... or,
rather, Dina did. But she still felt important, being the mother of someone
who might be some prophesied, magical being that had some kind of burdensome
With tears welling up in her eyes, she tried
to stop thinking about this and continued on her way home.
* * * * *
Early the next morning, Wanda woke up. She was
having some trouble sleeping, thinking about the other orphans teasing her and
Ardon yelling at her... but also, she couldn't stop thinking about Dina. That
baby Xweetok she had stumbled across yesterday, and that book that just so happened
to be in the library. She decided to get up, although the sun had not yet come
up and it was really cold outside the blankets. She felt a slight chill course
down her spine, and decided to head to the library.
She walked down the halls past Ardon's room,
inwardly surprised that he was still asleep. She surmised that she was the only
one up, but still continued down the halls.
She turned a corner into the library. Looking
around, she felt mildly glad that there was no dust. Then she turned to the
bookshelf that had "The Prophecy of the Indera" on it. She had this huge urge
to go and flip through the pages, maybe read the whole book. It was strange,
as if something was calling to her... whispering in her ear... she had to read
this book. With a nod, she pulled the book off the shelf, went and carefully
set it on a table, sat in a chair and flipped the big book open. She started
at page one, and began to read it, page by page, word by word, all the way through.
* * * * *
About two hours later, Ardon's alarm clock went
off. He sat up with a stretch, and looked out the window. The sun had barely
come up past the horizon; it was exactly seven o' clock NST. He climbed out
from under the sheets, and slipped on his slippers. He stumbled towards the
kitchen, but paused, when he heard a voice coming from the library. Confused,
he waddled into it, and saw a drowsy Wanda at the desk, a book plopped open
in front of her. She was reading the book quietly aloud to herself, nodding
off as she did so.
"'...dethrone the Crown the Indera shall,
and..." she said with a yawn, "'...free the people from...' ...from..."
Wanda's head fell into the opened book in front of her, and she began to snore.
Ardon walked over to her with confusion, wondering what she was doing in the
"Wanda...?" Ardon nudged the tired Bori's shoulder,
causing her to suddenly jerk awake.
"Huh?? Wha?? Oh, hi, Ardon," Wanda exclaimed,
her heavy eyelids barely able to stay up.
"What are you doing up so early?" Ardon asked.
"Oh, I..." Wanda looked down at 'The Prophecy
of the Indera.' "...couldn't sleep."
"But why did you come here, to the library,
of all places?" Ardon decided to take the seat next to Wanda, his still tired
legs having trouble supporting his weight.
"I decided that since I couldn't sleep, I'd
at least spend the time reading a good book," she said, making a slight gesture
towards the book on the table. "I've been reading it since about five."
Ardon's eyes widened; even though Wanda had
been reading the book for two hours, she wasn't even an eighth of the way through
it. "Kind of a big book to plow through, isn't it?"
"Yeah," Wanda admitted, covering her mouth as
she yawned, "I keep telling myself to stop and take a break, but it's just so
interesting, I..."
The green Elephante put his hand on Wanda's
shoulder. "Look, why don't you just find a bookmark or something, and read it
some time when you're not going to fall asleep on it."
"I guess you're right..." Wanda lazily pulled
herself off of the chair, and went to get a bookmark from the desk at the front
of the room. Ardon just shook his head with slight confusion.
"Girls..." he muttered to himself, "...they're
so weird."
Wanda returned with a yellow bookmark that looked
like a ruler; it also had bright blue words written on it, saying, "Reading
Rules!" She put the bookmark carefully in-between the opened pages of the book
and closed the book. She then picked up the book, struggling because of her
groggy condition and the book's heavy weight, and took it back to the shelf
she found it on. She carefully pushed the book between two other books, back
where it was when she took it off the shelf.
She sighed and yawned at the same time, and
then exclaimed drowsily, "I guess I'll at least go sit on my bed..."
Ardon watched the sleepy Blue Bori shamble out
of the library with a strange mix of feelings, which Wanda seemed to be good
at making one feel. After Wanda was gone, Ardon sat there for a few silent,
thoughtful seconds, and then he finally stood up with a sigh and drowsily ambled
off to the kitchen.
To be continued...