Where ARE They Now? by stopthespamming
The Lutari. Graceful, smart, cunning, friendly. This species is the top Neopet
to have. The lucky owners who were able to get this limited edition pet sometimes
decide they don't want their Lutari anymore. So, they put them up for adoption.
But, they must've forgotten that the lovely Lutari doesn't actually go into the
pound. The question is why. Why are they not in the pound? Have they been neonapped?
I, Chief reporter SpamStopper, was on the case at once. This daring Kougra has
come up with 10 theories to solve this mystery. Where are they now? YOU decide.
Theory 1- Lutari Island
This yet undiscovered island somewhere near Maraqua could be the original
home of the Lutari. Found by Mystery Island explorers, then brought to Neopia,
the Lutari might have decided that Lutari Island was really their original home.
So, when Neopians tried to put them up for adoption, they merely snuck away
to Lutari Island. Being the good swimmers that they are, they could easily swim
back to their original home.
While on my quest to find the real answer to this mystery, I came upon a Meridell
farmer, sailing to sell his goods at Altador. He gave me a spine-tingling story
about seeing the Lutari fleeing to its home.
"I was bringing my goods over to Altador, when I looked into the water. There,
I saw several flashes of yellow, blue, green, and red. I watched in awe as one
jumped out of the water. I gasped as I saw a Lutari. I watched more and more
jump from the water. All Lutaris. They turned right, and I looked at their destination.
I saw a small spec that could have been an island in the distance. They must've
been swimming to that island."
Obviously, because of this evidence, there must be a Lutari Island, and all
Lutaris carelessly abandoned are headed there.
Theory 2- Dr. Sloth
We all know that Dr. Sloth has many powers. But does he have a soft side?
I went undercover as a Grundo to find out. My first stop, the Virtupets Space
Station. I went to the Grundos Café and talked to the head chef.
"Me master, Dr. Sloth, is good Neopet. He have soft side, though. He have
new craze. Called 'Lutari.' Me not know what this is, but is all Dr. Sloth talk
about. He has plushie of Lutari. Plays with it day after day. Is cute plushie."
So Dr. Sloth has a Lutari plushie? This can only mean one thing. Dr. Sloth
is hypnotizing Neopians to give up their Lutaris. Then, he sends his Grundos
to get them before they go into the pound. You say this is not enough evidence?
Well, there's more. I talked to Starlight, owner of the Space Armour shop.
"Hi! *giggles* You wanted to know about Dr. Sloth, right? Well, he's a really
sweetie once you get to know him! He even has an adorable passion! The Lutari!
Imagine that! He loves to hang posters of them all over his office!"
Posters, eh? Then that settles it. Dr. Sloth is at fault for the disappearing
Theory 3- Meepits
Meepits. They have tried to take over the world before, but now they are only
concerned about the Lutaris. We all know that they can be cute one minute, and
taking over Neopia by storm the next. But what are their current goals? Could
it be to get all the Lutaris to try to take over Neopia again?? Or do they just
want some new friends? We saw a copy of the Neopian Times in our hands. One
of the main stories was of sightings of Meepits and Lutaris talking together.
As you can see, Meepits have tricks up their sleeves that you can only dream
about. Obviously, Meepits have taken the Lutaris.
Theory 4- Altadorian Archives
The Archives. Home of about 498,239 books, this library has twists and turns.
A wrong turn, and you could easily get lost. Perhaps the Lutari, making its
way to the pound, decided to read a book. Mistaking the Altadorian Archives
as the Book Shop, an innocent Lutari walks in. As she looks for the perfect
book, she gets lost in the 100 rooms of the Archives. I found a young Lutari
who got lost in the Archives, but was lucky enough to be found by the Archivist.
Theory 5- Kelp Restaurant
The Kelp restaurant is known for its delectable treats and dishes. But, who
could be making this wonderful food? Could it be none other than the Lutaris
themselves? I went undercover to find out.
As I came into the kitchen, I found several of the workers to be talking about
Lutari Island. Could this be a clue? As I searched farther, I found several
posters containing Lutaris on them. So might the Lutaris be cooking up a storm
at the Kelp Restaurant?
Theory 6- Dr. Death
We all know him. When we go to adopt a Neopet, he's always there to give us
a glare. He's the one who encourages this abandonment of your Neopets. But could
he be behind the missing Lutaris? In an interview with a Korbat guard, he describes
how the Lutaris were banging against their cages. Dr. Death grumbles and takes
the cages out the door. When he saw Dr. Death next, the cages were nowhere in
Where and why does he take them? The world may never know.
Theory 7- The Auction House
The Auction House. Home to several great deals and items, it is known for its
great keeper, a friendly Scorchio. But this Scorchio might need some help. A
Lutari, looking for a job after he was abandoned, could easily want to work
at the Auction House. So could these Lutaris be trying to help out at the Auction
Theory 8- Ice Cream Cart
As we all know, there is a cute little shop in Happy Valley called the Ice
Cream Cart. But did you know that the owner happens to be a Lutari? Yes, the
stunning truth has been revealed that Mr. Chipper is indeed a Lutari. A Lutari
could have easily needed the money, so they decided to come and work for Mr.
Chipper. When asked if he has any employees, he responded with a stutter, "Uh,
I have none." When asked why, he responded, "I've got nothing to hide! I have
no Lutaris to work for me!" With that, we were urged away from his cart.
This leaves two questions unanswered. First, why did he stutter after saying
that he had none? Why did he assume we wanted to know if he had any Lutaris
working for him? For these reasons, it is obvious that Mr. Chipper has something
to hide. Could it be the missing Lutaris? The world may never know.
Theory 9- Jhudora
We know of Jhudora's ways to take over Neopia. But could she do this large
task alone? Yes indeed, she may need a helper around the cloud to help with
this large task. So could the Lutaris, looking for work, see that Jhudora needed
help and accept the job offer? When we took a look around the cloud, everything
was in place. But when we talked to Jhudora herself, she said "There's no way
I did this all by myself!" So she needed help? Lutaris to the rescue!
Theory 10- The Kelp Restaurant
We know of this magnificent restaurant because of its delectable dishes and
sweets. But who could be making this fine food? Could it be none other than
the Lutari itself? We decided to go undercover in the Kelp Restaurant to find
As I began my expedition, I came upon a young Yurble. "The answer is in the
jelly," he said with a wink. I looked in the plate of lime jelly and saw a shocking
image. The jelly was shaped in some sort of an object. With a little configuring,
I discovered that it was in fact a Lutari. As I began to look around, I discovered
posters of a Lutari in one of the offices. A coincidence? I think not!
* * * * *
So there you have it. 10 theories of where they are. So could they be with
the evil Dr. Sloth? Or could they just be lost in the Altadorian Archives. YOU