The Legend that Lurks Behind the Tree by element4star
This is a continuation of "The
Beast that Lurks Behind the Tree," which I never felt ended quite right.
Ever since her encounter with the beast that lurks behind
the tree, Samantha the Wocky had been searching for answers. What was the beast?
Why was it there? Why did the Brain Tree guard the entrance to its lair? She
had sworn to herself that she would find answers. And now, hopefully, she had
her chance.
She was sitting in a small room in the Faerie
Library, looking desperately at the dusty tomes piled around her. She had read
about every detail of the Haunted Woods (many of which made her quite sick),
but she still could not find anything about the elusive beast.
Samantha threw down another useless book with
a sigh. At least my intelligence will be higher when I leave here, she
thought to herself. Giving up hope, she pushed her chair away from the desk,
in the process knocking off one of the books piled there. As she bent down to
pick it up, she noticed a small book lying under the desk. She got down on her
hands and knees and reached under the desk to get it. Sitting once again in
front of the desk, she wiped off the thick coating of dust on the cover so she
could read the title: The Tragedy of Two Brothers. Samantha pulled the
candle a little closer and began to read:
Once in the Haunted Woods, there lived two
brothers. Murik, the younger, was continually picked on. Brion, the older, was
supposed to watch out for him, but usually failed.
One day, a group of bullies decided to pick
on Murik. Being too weak to fight back, he called out to his brother. Brion
tried not to show it, but he had always been afraid of the bullies. Because
of this he ignored his calls for help.
That night, Brion discovered his brother was
missing. He went looking for him. He looked everywhere. Finally, he noticed
a gap between some of the trees. He entered it and walked down a path that led
to a small grove. In the center, he saw his saw his brother kneeling in a triangle
made of three stones. He was about to call out and apologize when he saw the
shadowy form of a dark faerie standing behind Murik.
Peeking out from behind a tree, he heard the
faerie say to his brother: "This will help you beat up those bullies." Laughing
evilly, she began to chant:
"By the powers of the dark,
Take this one within the stones,
Fear and Hatred, my words do hark,
And teach him now what shadows know."
All of a sudden, a dark mist began swirling
around Murik. Brion let out a yelp, which caused the faerie to turn and look
at his hiding place.
"Run while you still have time," she called
to him. "Next time you will not be as lucky."
And run he did, all the way to the opening
between the trees. When he finally reached the open air, he fell on his knees
and began to cry. He sobbed for hours, knowing, deep in his heart, he had caused
this. When he returned home and told his parents what happened, they insisted
on going to look for Murik. They never came back.
The years passed. People grew curious about
the rumored "Shadow Beast," and despite Brion's warnings, ventured in and never
Brion took to the habit of standing guard
at the entrance to the grove. Passing Neopets would give him food and Neopoints
because they felt sorry for him. One day, an earth faerie passed by him. He
called out to her to end his misery. The kind faerie took pity on him and turned
him into a tree. To keep his mind off his miserable thoughts, she gave him a
thirst for knowledge.
Still, if you visit the Haunted Woods, you
will be able to see Brion, now named the Brain Tree. And if you look carefully
behind him, you will see the entrance to the lair of the beast that lurks behind
the tree.
Samantha shut the book with a thud and stared
at it. Now she knew the terrible secret. As she left the library, she recalled
the Brain Tree's parting words to her:
"It is my pain to bear."
I finally understand what he meant, she
thought to herself. She began to walk towards the palace. There was someone
she had to talk to.
Samantha felt a rush of excitement as she stood
before Fyora. She had just presented the Faerie Queen with her problem. Would
she be able to help her?
Fyora slowly raised her head, and Samantha jumped
to attention. "I have heard of such spells, of which you speak," she began.
Samantha's heart leaped. "But I do not know the spell to counteract them." Samantha's
heart fell back.
"However," Fyora said, "I will grant you permission
to enter my personal library so you may try to find the counter spell."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" shouted Samantha.
"Your Majesty," she added humbly.
"Go, my child. May you find what you seek."
Samantha was led to up a couple of flights of
stairs to a wooden door. Upon entering, she was amazed by the sheer beauty and
staggering size of the Faerie Queen's personal library. As if in a dream, she
walked over to the Light Magic section, where she collected a pile of books.
She carried them over to a very comfortable armchair, and began to read.
Samantha woke with a start. She looked out the
library's huge windows and saw it was already dark out. I must have dozed
off, she thought to herself. While she was sleeping, someone had placed
a blanket around her shoulders. At her side was a warm cup of hot chocolate.
She turned her gaze to the book she had been
reading before she fell asleep. She began to scan the pages for something that
might help her. When she reached the last chapter, she noted that it was titled
Counter curses for Dark Magic. She began to flip through it with increasing
interest. Finally she reached a page that held counter curses for transformations
and found what she was looking for. It read:
And for the transformation of body to shadow,
take a crystal pure and place it in the center of stones in which the beast
was created. When the beast doth appear, chant thy words:
"By the powers of the Light,
Hark my words and come to me.
Destroy the powers of the Night,
And let the chained now be free."
Samantha stared stupidly at the page for a minute.
Then it hit her. "I found it!" she cried.
A minute later, Queen Fyora came rushing into
the room. "You found it?" she asked quietly. "I knew you would. But now we have
not a minute to wait. You must get to the Haunted Woods as soon as possible.
We cannot let those two brothers suffer any longer." She pulled a short wand
from her belt. "The Wand of Transportation," she explained.
Fyora tapped Samantha twice on the head. Before
she disappeared, Samantha felt the Faerie Queen slip something cool and smooth
into her paw. One minute, she felt herself spinning through space and time,
the next, she had landed on the same bone-lined path she remembered from her
last trip to this place. She opened her paw and saw a beautiful crystal sitting
A crystal pure, she remembered with a smile.
She began walking up the path. When she reached the grove, she slowly approached
the triangle of stones and placed the crystal in the center. She slowly stepped
back. After a few minutes, the space inside the triangle darkened, and the beast
began to appear. This time, though, Samantha was not afraid. She began to chant:
"By the power of the Light,
Hark my words and come to me.
Destroy the powers of the Night,
And let the chained now be free."
A bright light radiated from the crystal. Samantha
threw up her arms to protect her eyes. When the grove finally darkened, she
saw, kneeling in the triangle, a young Wocky around her age dressed in rather
old-fashioned clothing.
"Who are you?" he asked fearfully. "Why am I
here?" Then it dawned on him. "The dark faerie. Where is she? I remember her
saying some words, and then it all went black."
"It's all right, Murik. You were under a curse
and I undid it," Samantha said soothingly. She felt it wise not to tell him
he had spent the last century devouring Neopets.
"You know my name? How? Did my brother tell...
my brother. How is he? Did he escape the faerie?" Murik asked with increasing
worry in his voice.
"Don't worry," said Samantha. "I'll take
you to see your brother right now."
As they walked to the entrance, Murik explained
that he had been upset that his brother had not stood up for him when he was
being bullied and he had wanted to teach him a lesson. "Once I see him, I'll
apologize for running away," he said.
They reached the gap between the trees. As Samantha
stepped in front of Brain Tree, he opened his mouth to speak. Then he noticed
the Wocky beside.
"Murik?" he whispered. "Murik! It's you."
Murik looked confused. "Brion? Is that you? Why
are you a tree?"
The two brothers looked at each other for a minute.
Then Murik ran up and hugged his older brother (the best way a Wocky can hug
a tree).
The Brain Tree/Brion looked over the top of his
brother's head at Samantha. "Thank you," he whispered.
Samantha smiled at him, despite the tears in
her eyes. As she walked away, she wondered what her next adventure would be.
The End