Live and Love by soccerhart12
When I’m boredI like to stare at the stars. Each star up there Holds a secret; A separate breath, A new outlook. Maybe someday I’ll travel to a star But I know now That I, Luanne, The infamous purple Elephante, Cannot do anything right. For now. My biggest mistake Was thinking that I cannot make mistakes I just H O P P E D And B R E E Z E D My way through life. Boy, was I an idiot! It all started When HANNAH Entered my school. HANNAH, One of the biggest stars in Neopia, HANNAH, At my school? MY school, A school with low standards, Low grades, And low spirit? That has to be a mistake. Right? Wrong. At first, I wondered who HANNAH Really was. Was she One of those Ego-Maniac Super-stars? Or was she A kind, Down-to-earth Regular pet? I mean, Having TWO games about a person Must make that person Pretty special. Would HANNAH Milk it? She just flounced into the classroom that day Uninvited, Unannounced. Everybody was looking at her. Even I was. (I was foolish back then.) “I am the new student,” HANNAH Happened to say. My jaw dropped. I was in the same room As a famous person And we were going To get to know one another. I hate to say it
I wanted to be her best friend. And I went all out. My hands S H O O K When I Was Assigned To be HANNAH’s Partner In science class. “Hello,” I said. It wasn’t wrong to say Hello. It is a nice, Normal thing to say Hello. HANNAH looked at me Like I wasn’t her equal. Like I didn’t have feelings And if I did, They didn’t matter. Like a wind That quickly rustles through the trees And then is forgotten, And she Was a massive hurricane That leaves mountains Of damage, Debris, And hopelessness. Like, Like, Like, Like, Like...? I wanted to destroy HANNAH. I will never forget The day I destroyed her. Well at least, I PLANNED to destroy her. I destroyed myself instead. It seems, I guess, That everybody joined up with HANNAH In the short period of time that she was at my school. What I did to her, That Usul I hated so much, Destroyed my reputation, And all of my friendships. T H E R E T H E Y G O! GOODBYE POOF, THEY’RE GONE! And I’ll Never See them again. I hate myself. Everybody else does, too. I’m sure you do, dear reader, So go ahead and admit it. I don’t really care. HANNAH Is long gone from my school, But is not forgotten in the hearts of my classmates. It is like a mini HANNAH Has formed in each of their souls. But not mine. For me, HANNAH Is a dark, deep Black hole. Today, Today, Today, today, today Today. A Uni at my school, Named Troya Tripped me. She held her beautiful leg out I tripped, F E L L D O W N Into a big, Heaping plate Of greasy spaghetti On my face. Troya thought she was funny And smeared Some Sauce On My Face. As well. Her snobby friends laughed, But I didn’t think it was that funny. The clock on my wall Keeps a steady rhythm. When I stare out the window, Lost in thought, I can hear the clock Ticking Tocking Ticking Tocking Again and again In a steady rhythm Without ever thinking Of Stopping. I never thought of stopping I never realized what I was doing When I tried to destroy HANNAH. Or was it everybody else, Maggots in HANNAH’s Bright light, The ones who weren’t thinking? I wonder if there is another planet up in space Lost in the cluster of amazing stars. Maybe that planet is the exact same as mine. And a girl Named Luanne Just like me Made the same mistake That I did. I feel sorry for that poor girl, A girl who hides under her sheets at night, Afraid that HANNAH Is going to get her. If I could talk to that girl, what would I say? “You need to find inner strength Put HANNAH Behind you And become a normal pet again.” I think I will take a career As a psychiatrist. There is a new girl at my school. Her name is Eiyell. Eiyell is a plain and dull and boring yellow Scorchio. She is quiet And shy And timid. I don’t think I like her. I have been watching the new girl With the name of Eiyell. She barely talks to anyone Or offers her hand in class. She sits alone at lunch. Poor thing. She should make some friends, Forget that she is new, Have fun, And be herself. I’ve been wondering these days, Why was HANNAH So special to my classmates? Sure, she was famous, But are my classmates really that shallow? Yes, I suppose. However, you are only famous And loved, Because people WANT To love you. If HANNAH’s Next game was a fluke Or too easy or hard, Then not as many pets Would love her. What a strange idea love is. Do I have anybody to love? I read the Neopian Times today. There was an article That screamed out at me With a picture Of amazing colors Right next to it. It was about HANNAH. HANNAH, I guess, Got in trouble. The Defenders Who are now my absolute heroes Caught HANNAH. She injured A small little Warf, Got in front of the papers, And “healed” it. What a riot that caused! Maybe My classmates Will now see through HANNAH
And realize
That what I did was right! Eiyell has been hanging around me Like I used to hang around her. Now, I have better things on my mind. I wonder What lives inside Another’s mind. What is Eiyell thinking right now? Is Troya regretting her bullying? Does HANNAH Remember me? My life has been excavated. It’s a project for school. I should take 10 important things in my life And present them in a creative way. I can’t take down a star Or show the can of paint I used to destroy HANNAH So instead Of important things I used Random things.
A broken blue fuzzle; a third of a Rotten Omelette;
A palm fan; a pair of sandals; A dull grey pearl; a Serf Lens; A wet snowball; a packet of gravel; A Jazzmosis Hat; and a Giant Brown Kelp. I know that this isn’t my Life But will my teacher believe it? What is your life? Does a fan or a necklace represent who you are? This was a stupid assignment. Does HANNAH Have a real life? Or is her life just about Being famous Kissing-up And letting down ordinary pets with dreams? Eiyell spoke today. I had never heard her voice. It is G E N T L Y F A L L I N G Snow In a silent meadow. I love Eiyell’s voice. It makes me feel... ...Happy. “I’ve lived through problems But I have swam gracefully under the bridge Instead of thrashing my way over it. You should, too, Luanne. I know that you have had problems just like me But at least I know how to stop them Before they take over my life.” E I Y E L L S A I D T H I S T O M E. Ever since, I F E E L C R A Z Y. How did she know? Were my true feelings too obvious? I H A V E To talk to Eiyell! She’s gone. She’s gone. I don’t know where she went but She’s gone. Eiyell disappeared. Nobody has a full story And I don’t believe them, anyway. I forgive Hannah.
I have stopped putting her name in all capitals,
Using its own line. That is all done And I wouldn’t have stopped If it weren’t for Eiyell. I learned through Hannah How to love And how to live. My life is the stars once again. I observe them by daydreaming out the window. I still want to visit a star Or a distant planet, someplace similar to home. My life is my poetry. I was writing poetry all along And Eiyell’s words were poetry. I love F L O W I N G Words on strings. My life is knowing how to love. I don’t judge now. That’s what I was doing with Hannah and Eiyell. I see inside the souls now. I think that is something else That genius of a Usul Has taught me. My life is my friends. I have many friends now. They have stopped obsessing about Hannah like I hoped And realized that what I did was right. I don’t care what my friends think of Hannah, though, Because I regret what I did. I have one last stanza Of the poem that I lived And it is this: “I’ve lived through problems But I have swam gracefully under the bridge Instead of thrashing my way over it. You should, too, dear reader. I know that you have had problems just like me But at least I know how to stop them Before they take over my life.”
The End