Eddie Quiggle and the Case of the Missing Petpet: Part Two by anela19
Also by melbmanChapter Two – Initial Interrogations The following morning I headed out to speak to Michael Kyrii. As I walked along the crowded streets I wondered why Ava hadn’t seemed as distressed over Charlie as I expected her to. My thoughts were interrupted by a newsie on the street corner waving the latest copy of the NT and shouting to the passers-by. “Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Michael Kyrii apprehended by the Defenders of Neopia over the petnapping of Charlie Kadoatie!” I approached the young cloud Jubjub, picked up a copy of the NT, and threw him two bits. Spread across the front page was a photo of Michael Kyrii being dragged down to DoN Headquarters by a blue Kougra and fire Scorchio Defender. Scanning the article I noted that Ava’s brother had been nabbed since he was the only suspect. There had been no new evidence turned up. It seemed I’d have to head down to the bighouse to speak to Michael Kyrii. I turned around and headed back into town. I wasn’t sure whether Judge Hog would be too forthcoming with letting me speak to the suspect. Those capes don’t really like us gumshoes snooping their cases. DoN Headquarters was a hive of activity. It had been a busy morning for those caped crusaders, having clamped a number of nasty denizens including The Pant Devil and Malkus Vile. To my left, a green Lupe Defender was grilling Mr. Chuckles who was yelling for his mouthpiece.
“Can somebody get Lawyerbot in here for this clown?” the exasperated Lupe barked.
I made my way through the chaos over to Judge Hog and banged a fist down on his desk. I could tell he wasn’t too thrilled to see me. “Detective Quiggle. What do you want?” He sighed. I gave him the run down on the previous day’s events – the hiring of my services by Ava Aisha and her insistence that Michael Kyrii wasn’t responsible for the disappearance of her Kadoatie. I demanded to see the Kyrii on behalf of Miss Aisha. Judge Hog motioned to a blue Kacheek Defender and whispered some orders to him. The Kacheek Defender looked at me sideways and told me to follow him. As I turned away from Judge Hog’s desk I heard him grumbling under his breath something about detectives always trying to interfere with their work.
The Kacheek Defender led me down the hall to a holding cell where Michael Kyrii was impatiently pacing the floor. As soon as he heard us coming he started yelling to be released, and maintained his innocence. The Kacheek Defender pushed a button and the doors slid back. I entered the cell as the doors closed behind me.
“Just call when you’re done,” the Kacheek Defender muttered without looking at me. Then he turned and disappeared down the hall. I shook my head as I stared after him – it was always going to be us and them.
The shadow Kyrii was sullen and non-communicative as I introduced myself. His grey eyes betrayed a hint of fear as he quickly looked me over before turning away.
“Mr Kyrii, I am Detective Eddie Quiggle; your sister has hired me to look into the disappearance of her petpet Charlie. What can you tell me about it?”
The Kyrii glanced up and looked back at the ground dejectedly. “I don’t know anything about it, all I know is that I am getting blamed for it, but I didn’t do it. Really, it wasn’t me.” His tone was hollow and lifeless. At first glance, he didn’t appear to be the kind of Neopian that would do something so dastardly.
“Well, you’re in luck; your sister doesn’t believe it was you and she has hired me to find out who the real petnapper is. Do you know who might be trying to frame you?” Michael was silent. As he looked back towards me I could see he was racking his brain. Was it to think of who might be behind this or maybe to give me some other chump's name to take the heat off him?
I didn’t entirely trust the Kyrii; I guess it was one of those gut feelings you have when you’re around so many shady characters. Obviously Judge Hog didn’t trust him either. I still wondered why he would make an arrest so early without any substantial evidence. I guess he thought he could get my client's brother to crack under the pressure.
“I cannot think of any one person who would want to take Charlie. You know Kadoaties are popular due to their rarity, and on the flip side, it could have been anybody who was sick of its mewing all night.” I nodded in agreement. Kadoaties were renowned for their noise and many Neopians frequent the Kadoatery to feed them, just so they can have a few moments of peace.
It seemed like I wasn’t going to get any more clues here. This case was going nowhere fast and if I didn’t find something soon, I was sure Miss Aisha would hire somebody else.
“Things are not looking good for you!” I taunted, hoping to get a bite. “You’re the only suspect and while the evidence the DoN have now is circumstantial, it’s only a matter of time before they uncover something.”
“I wish they would! Then maybe they will realise I am not the villain here and let me out of this cold damp cell.” Michael proclaimed his innocence once more. It wasn’t uncommon for the guilty to deny their involvement - especially when there was so much on the line. If Michael went down for this, he would lose everything: his Neohome, his Gallery, even his beloved petpet Orson.
“What you need is an alibi. Where were you when the snatch went down?” I queried. Michael sighed in defeat.
“I was at home. I have already told Judge Hog. But he said that there is nobody to back my story. And since I have nobody to back me up, my alibi is worthless.” He was right; his alibi wasn’t looking good. I pressed him further.
“Neighbours? Friends? There must have been somebody who saw you.”
The Kyrii shook his head. “When we first hit the big time, I moved out of my Mootix style apartment, complete with nosey neighbours, for something more secluded and private. The privacy has been great, but what I would give now to be back in my old haunt.”
I decided to point the finger at the Kyrii and see how he reacted.
“Mr Kyrii, it is quite well known that you have been jealous of your sister’s fame since the start of your little Neovision act. She seems quite oblivious to that and I guess that’s why she doesn’t think you’re capable of doing this. I, on the other hand, don’t know about you. In my opinion you certainly have nothing to lose, and taking Charlie from Ava would spell the end for your act as a duo and leave you free to start fresh with Orson.”
“Never!” the Kyrii gagged. “I might not have liked playing second fiddle and I may have wanted to go it alone, but I would never ever take my sister's pet.” He was glowering at me. “You’re no better than the DoN, and you’ve been hired to supposedly try and help me.” He started screaming at me, “Get out, get OUT! And don’t come back!”
That got him fired up, I mused, but it didn’t give me much indication if he was the real criminal in this case. His reaction was the one I was hoping to avoid. It was the one response that someone innocent or guilty could use. Why couldn’t he have just tried to make some lame unfounded excuse? I called out to the Kacheek Defender to come and let me out. I stood there silently while I waited for him to open the door. You could have cut the tension with a Cherry Jelly Sword.
The door opened and I made my exit. “You know the way out,” the Kacheek Defender muttered. As I was walking along the hall, Judge Hog walked past me. I glanced back and saw him motion to the Kacheek Defender to leave the cell door open. I kept walking. As soon as I got to the corner, I stood fast and listened to Hog's speech.
“Mr Kyrii, you are free to go... for now.” Michael Kyrii huffed loudly and pushed past the Kacheek at the door.
“Just-” Judge Hog’s authoritative voice stopped him, “-don’t make any plans to leave Neopia Central,” he commanded purposefully.
So cliché, I thought to myself. Maybe Hog had been watching too many crime shows on Neovision. I made haste and got myself out of there before anybody realised I was listening to the conversation.
I headed back to my office, all along the way trying to figure out how to tell Miss Aisha that I still believed her brother was the one who’d snatched her Kadoatie. When I got there, Ava was already there waiting for me outside.
“Mr Quiggle,” she announced as I unlocked the door. “I believe I have a suspect for you.” She followed me inside and crossed the floor to the Neovision monitor and flicked it on.
Greg Techo of the Petpet Protection League was making a statement. “We here at PPL would like to send our apologies to Miss Ava Aisha over the petnapping of her Kadoatie Charlie. While in the past we have had our disputes with Miss Aisha over her treatment of Charlie, we do not condone taking such extreme measures to protect him. We appeal to the petnapper, or petnappers as it may be, for the safe return of Charlie. We encourage them to bring Charlie, anonymously if they wish, to the Neopian Central PPL Branch where we can ensure he will be properly cared for.” Ava pointed at the jelly Techo on the Neovision screen.
“That Techo there, Mr Quiggle,” she remarked pointedly. “He is the one who has stolen my Charlie.” I stared at Ava quizzically wondering why she was pointing the finger at a representative of the Petpet Protection League. This was an organisation known for always putting the safety and wellbeing of petpets before all else.
To be continued...
(Next week “A New Suspect” is interrogated...) ------------------------------
Detectives Speak 101 - Lesson 2
- The Capes – slang for the Defenders of Neopia. Refers to their wearing of capes.
- Clamped/Nabbed – captured, apprehended.
- Newsie – Young Neopians who distribute the Neopian Times.
- Two bits – 25 neopoints.
- Bighouse – the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters.
- Mouthpiece – Lawyer.
- Run Down – To go over, review.
- Chump – fool.
- Take the heat off – Remove the blame from.
- Old haunt – Previous place of residence.