Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,714,884 Issue: 360 | 19th day of Gathering, Y10
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No More Quests...

by chikolina

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Great stories!


Falling Rain: Part One
High above this Citadel— his Citadel— General Kass was watching. The new moon had risen. And with it, a new dawn must always follow.

by mutedsanity


The Curse of Customization
It was only a matter of time.

Also by cocoaapple

by inuyashalover37


Lab Rats; Episode 1: Mishaps
Accidents happen...

by pandoras_socks


Instead of burning jealousy for what should have been hers, all Caylis feels now is a sort of pity.

by cats9723

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