The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 177,714,884 Issue: 360 | 19th day of Gathering, Y10
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A Faerie Festival Day Lunch

by kwake_


Aaaaaand, welcome to today’s episode of “So You Think You Can Cook”! Today’s topic: The famous Faerie Festival! Now, every year, the Faeries hold a grand celebration to honor, well, themselves! Rumor has it that they’re particularly giving this time of year, so if you meet one, don’t be afraid to go say hi! Unless it’s a dark Faerie. Then run.

Anyway, the Faeries have always blessed Neopets with magical abilities and what-not, but in my opinion, the best gift a Faerie could give me is some delicious Faerie food! Taelia’s cakes and sweets are to die for; Illusen makes the best vegetarian hot dogs on Neopia (no offence, Hubert), and Fuhnah makes the spiciest chicken nuggets I’ve ever tasted!

So, in tribute to the Faerie Festival, I’ve put together some of my favourite Faerieland recipes to make one amazing Faerie luncheon! Dig in~

Faerie Toasted Cheese Sandwich with Starberry Dipping Sauce

These sandwiches are heavenly; melted cheese between two buttery pieces of toast, with a sweet Starberry sauce to dip in. The perfect meal to celebrate Faerie cuisine!


5x Extra Cheesy Cheddar Crisps

2x Faerie Toast With Butter

1x Starberry Faerie Bubble


Place one piece of Faerie Toast butter-side down on a frying pan. Add the five cheddar crisps and wait until the cheese has started to melt. Once it’s gooey, place a second piece of toast butter-side up and press down with a spatula. Flip after a minute or so and grill the second side. Once grilled to preference, place it on a plate and cut into triangles. Serve with the Starberry juice sauce.

Faerie Mushroom Soup with Faerie Dumplings

A creamy, nutritious mushroom soup, with a plate of Faerie Dumplings on the side. A great side-dish for all times of the day!


1x Soup Faerie Mushroom

1x Earth Faerie Mushroom

3x Garlic Bulbs

1x onion

8x Faerie Dumplings


Puree one Soup Faerie Mushroom and one Earth Faerie Mushroom in a blender and begin crushing the garlic bulbs.

Bring a pot to medium-high heat and pour the mushroom puree. Continually stir, while finely chopping the garlic and onion. After about eight minutes, add in the chopped garlic and onion and bring down to a simmer, ready to serve! Also, dipping the Faerie Dumplings makes for a delicious addition to your lunch.

Choco-berry Faerie Milkshake

What Faerie lunch would be complete without a Faerie milkshake? A cold chocolate milkshake with islandberry juice drizzled on top, served with a Fire Faerie Straw.


1 bowl of Creamy Cloud Ice Cream

2x Earth Faerie Brownies

1x Islandberry Faerie Bubble

1x Fire Faerie Straw


Melt the two brownies in a pan and leave on simmer. Meanwhile, pop the Faerie Bubble and pour the Islandberry juice into a small bowl to sit for later. Pour a bowlful of Creamy Cloud Ice Cream and the melted chocolate into a container. Fastened lid tightly and shake until well mixed. Pour out into a tall milkshake glass and drizzle the Islandberry juice on top. Serve with a Fire Faerie Straw for an extra sugary boost!

Faerie Lemon Meringue Pie

Let’s finish off this lunch buffet with a classic that never gets old. A crisp crust encases frothy meringue and melts in your mouth. Mmmmm...


2x Orange Cloud Cookies

1x Lemon Faerie Bubble

1x Faerie Pastry Pie Crust

2 cups of Lemint Custard


Begin by mashing together the two cloud cookies together until they’re light and frothy. While mashing, add in small amounts of Lemon Faerie Bubble juice until a light yellow. Place in fridge to cool for twenty minutes.

If you want to make your own pie crust, you can use Faerie Pastry and sugar. If not, they’re available in stores for around 2700 Neopoints. Add in two cups of lemint custard and spread evenly. Add the chilled meringue in generous dollops and heat in oven for ten minutes, or until the meringue is a golden brown.


A great lunch for one! But wait! What happens if you’re inviting guests over? What if you’re having your own little party, or just want to lie back with your Neopets and watch the Faerie Parade on Neovision?

Well then, I have got some wonderful finger foods for you!

Illusen’s Famous Chocolate and Gooseberry Acorns

This is one of Illusen’s own recipes, so credit goes out to her! Delicious acorns smothered in chocolate and gooseberry sauce... A simple snack and perfect for vegetarian Neopets!


20x Illusen Acorns (enough to fill a large bowl)

1 cup of Illusen’s Chocolate and Gooseberry Sauce


Heat the sauce over a stove at medium-high heat and stir to reduce air bubbles. Spread foil over a baking sheet. Dip the acorns in the sauce, then place them on the baking sheet. Once all twenty or so are done, refrigerate them for twenty minutes, or until the chocolate-gooseberry sauce is hardened.

Remove and serve in a large snack bowl!

Faerie Fruity Punch

A delicious blend of juices and a splash of magic bubbles, and you have one happy crowd!


2x Lemon Faerie Bubbles

1x Thornberry Faerie Bubble

1x Raspberry Faerie Bubble

2 bottles of Delicious Faerie Bubbles

4 cups of crushed ice


In a large punch bowl, mix the lemon juice, thornberry juice and raspberry juice. Add ice and slowly pour in the faerie bubbles. This tart and yummy punch will surely get your guests into the Faerie Festival spirit!

Faerie Artichoke Dip


3 tbsp of powdered Fire Faerie Mushroom

4x Faerie Artichokes

1 cup of melted cheese


Chop the four Faerie Artichoke finely, and combined with the melted cheese in a mixing bowl. Carefully add in the powered Fire Faerie Mushroom (it could burn a hole through your kitchen floor!) and stir until smooth.

Serve with Faerie Crisps or plain potato chips!


With all of these recipes, what are you waiting for?! Go out and cook up yourself a storm for the Faerie Festival! Who knows? Maybe with a big enough party, the Faeries will just decide to come a-knocking on your door instead!

That wraps up this week’s episode of “So You Think You Can Cook”! I’ll see all you cooks next time!

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