Make Your Own Neopets Costume by shootingstar22151
So, Halloween approaches and you don’t know what to dress up as? Well, here’s an idea that will surely make your day! Dress up like your neopet! I know what you are thinking at first. How can I dress up as one of my neopets if they don’t sell costumes for them? Well, my delighted reader, make one! How to do that? Well, lucky for you, I have broken it down to a few easy steps that can help anyone create their very own Neopets Halloween Costume.1. Pick a Neopet
Yep, there it is, step one, plain as day. You need to pick a neopet to dress up as. Maybe pick one of the ones you own. Maybe pick one of your dream pets. Maybe pick a pet that has been painted Halloween. Since you are making the costume, you can be any neopet you want to be! So options could be infinite! And of course, maybe you might want to add some NC Mall items to jazz it up even more. 2. List what you might need
Well, now that you know what neopet you want to dress up as, write down possible items you might need. For example, let’s say that I wanted to be a Plushie Shoyru. I might need some yellow wings, a blue shirt, blue pants (jeans might work here), red fabric squares, and a few safety pins. So, of course, I would write all of this down on a simple list. You may also print out a picture of the neopet you want to dress up as to have another helpful tool. Trust me, this list and picture will come in handy later. 3. Grab an Adult and head to your nearest Halloween Store
With your list and picture handy, get an adult and hop into the car and drive to the Halloween store nearest you. Look around the store. Look down the accessory aisles. This is where you might find those yellow Plushie Shoyru wings, or a Pirate hat to match your favorite Pirate Neopet. Maybe they might have some bunny ears that will actually make a BETTER pair of Cybunny ears. Just open your eyes nice and wide and look around. Have the adult help you, of course (this is where your picture of the Neopet you printed out may come in handy).
Now, if you wanted to be a dressed up Neopet, such as pirate, royal, or maybe fruit Chia, you might want to take a look down where they have the full costumes. For example, take an already put together pirate costume and add the neopet traits to it. Let’s say you wanted to be a Pirate Lupe. Well, if we took a look onto your list, which should include a long sleeved white shirt with collar, a red bandana with white polka dots, and grey pants. You look at the full costumes sections and see such a costume. It’s made your day, but you realize that if you just wear that, you’ll be an ordinary human pirate. That, of course, would be no fun, so what do you do? Go back to the accessory aisle and look for a pair of wolf ears! Or maybe a wolf tail. OR BOTH! Then, when you wear your costume, put on everything plus the wolf ears and/or tail. Now you arrrrrrrrre a Pirate Lupe.
Don’t forget to add a few NC Mall items if you want them. These will probably also be down the accessory aisle. Some black or dark purple wings might make some great Wings of Darkness. Maybe, if you wanted to be a brown Cybunny with a Wizarding Apprentice Robe, buy a wizard’s robe, some brown bunny ears, a brown scarf for the fluff around the neck, and wear some brown clothing underneath. These, of course, are a few of many examples. 4. WAIT! Halloween stores don’t have that!
Yep, I bet you might have run into this little problem. The Halloween store doesn’t have that blue shirt for your Plushie Shoyru costume. Don’t worry, a blue shirt might be in your closet at home! Take a look in there, and you might find such an item. If you just needed a plain blue shirt and you happen to have a design on it, take the red patches of fabric and safety pins and cover it up. Add your blue pants/jeans and blue wings with a few patches on those, and presto! You have yourself a costume of a Plushie Shoyru. This concept can apply to any neopet costume. Let’s say you wanted to be a disco Moehog. You bought an orange afro wig, some cool black sunglasses, and a pig’s nose that you will paint yellow later at the Halloween store, but they had no green shirts with disco designs. Well, maybe you could go to a fabric store and find one there, or, if you didn’t want to spend too much money on it and go overboard, you could take some green construction paper and draw some disco designs on there yourself. Grab that green shirt from your closet and safety pin the paper to it. Now you are as hip as the Moehogs were in the 60s.
This may also be applied to the NC Mall items as well. Let’s say you wanted some Green X-Ray goggles. Instead of crying that the Halloween stores don’t carry such a thing, hunt in your pool supplies for a pair of green goggles. Wear those and tell people you can see through walls on Halloween. 5. Time to put it all on
Great job! You are almost there to successfully creating your very own Neopet’s Halloween Costume. All you have to do now is put it on! No matter what neopet you decided to dress up as, it looks great. Grab a camera and take some pictures. Maybe you could get a few friends to dress up as Neopets as well and have a Neopet’s Costume party. 6. Trick-or-Treat
You made it, you got it on, now you need to use it. With amazing neopet costumes you made, you deserve double the candy and you’ll get double the fun. A lot of people admire it when someone can make their very own costume, and you yourself will have a sense of pride as you parade the streets of your neighborhood on Halloween night. When the day is over, give yourself a pat on the back for all the effort you put into this year’s Halloween.