Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 182,700,471 Issue: 464 | 8th day of Collecting, Y12
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A Neopian's Guide to Lutra Care
Imagine my surpise when I saw a Lutra perched on his left shoulder, looking irresistible.

by meggierules2129


Ghostkershield VS Faerie Tabard
What are these two items? Why are they so important? Which one's better?

by rider_galbatorix


Oddballs In Neovia
My favorite street lamp, you know the one closest to the graveyard, was burnt out as usual. I loved it, though; it made looking out at all the cracked and weathered headstones so much creepier.

by greyandrainy


Kiochi - Snowager's Icicle

by chibino

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