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Fangtastic Meals for a Halloween Party!

by xoxkar


It's Halloween night and your guests are arriving any minute now, as you are hosting the annual Halloween celebration. You take one last glance around the room to check that everything is in its proper place. The pumpkin shaped bowl by the door is filled to the brim with all sorts of delicious candy, a welcome snack for your guests. Black and orange streamers have been carefully placed wall to wall, the lights on the crystal chandelier have been dimmed, the flames on the black vampire candles are flickering in the dark, and the main centerpiece, a spooky carved jack-o-lantern which is now lit, is giving the room an eerie effect. The festive tablecloth has been dusted with ghost confetti, and the crackling fireplace is roaring, giving the room some light and warmth. Your vampire's coffin, witch's broom, and bubbling cauldron are strategically placed around the room to give it the finishing touch to resemble a haunted mansion. The background Halloween music has been turned on low, with sounds of ghostly moans, cackling witches are drifting through the room. You are now ready for your guests to arrive.

You hear a knock on the door, and you know your guests have arrived. They enter the house dressed as goblins, ghosts, witches, vampires, and other spooky Halloween creatures. After welcoming your guests to the party, you excuse yourself to the kitchen. A good Halloween party must have festive decorations, games and activities, but the most important part is the food you serve your guests. Your must have a menu that includes tasty appetizers, snacks, drinks, a delicious main course, and last but not least, a divine dessert.

Deciding what to serve at your party can be a tough decision; you want a few choices so even the pickiest guest can find something they love. So I have formed a menu that includes the most delicious meals that will leave your guests wanting more.


Drinks at a party are an absolute must; your guests need to something they can enjoy before the main meal is served. These festive drinks are sure to bewitch your guests!

The spooky shake is one of the most popular spooky drinks served at celebrations. This drink has a charming pumpkin decoration on top of the pumpkin flavored whipped cream; it also includes dark chocolate bat wings in the middle of the glass to set the Halloween mood.

Frothy fruit juice is great for those who fancy a drink that is bursting with fresh juicy flavors. This delicious juice has been placed in a blender with shaved ice to give it a chilled froth. The juice is then poured into a festive Halloween themed glass.

Haunted milk is great for those who enjoy something a bit more simple. Thick creamy milk has been mixed together with a secret ingredient that give its the name of haunted milk; the taste alone will have your guests gulping it down. This spooky looking glass makes it the perfect drink to serve at any spooky event.


You will need something to tide your guests over at the party until the main courses are served. This appetizers are ghostly light, so your guests aren't full by the time dinner has been served.

Bat kebabs are easy to prepare and serve at any Halloween party. What could be better than a fresh bat that has been barbequed on an oak stick? These will hit the spot of any guest.

Chilled Eyes with Clam Sauce may startle you with how spooky they look, but they taste delicious. This clam shell has been filled with fresh juicy eyeballs, and then covered in a tasty cream and clam sauce.

Tomb chips are great for appetizers; not only are they delicious, they are also served in a tombstone shaped container! These chips are great served with any choice of spooky dip.

Main Course

The main course is the most important course of the night, and these meals are frighteningly tasty and fangtastic!

Slimy pumpkin soup is a must have, because who doesn't enjoy a nice hot bowl of soup on a cold night? This delectable dish is made from the freshest slime available in the Haunted Woods market. The soup is then served in a spooky carved pumpkin bowl with a bone shaped spoon to give your guests a fright!

Crypt of spaghetti is one of the more popular main courses served. The pasta has been cooked to perfection, and then tossed in a blood red tomato sauce. Instead of using just your ordinary serving bowl, this spaghetti is served in a miniature coffin! Your guests will be impressed when served their crypt of spaghetti, not only by the taste, but by the presentation.

For those who prefer a more simple dish, rest in peace of chicken is the perfect meal to serve them. This chicken is prepared by coating a fresh piece of chicken left on its bone in spicy breadcrumbs; it is then roasted in the oven until done. Everyone will want to sink their fangs into this!


A proper meal is not complete without a dessert to finish it off, so here is a list of spooktacular desserts. These bootiful desserts are the perfect finish to any meal.

Chocolate Ice Cream Apple Lanterns are great for a Halloween treat. This terrifyingly tasty treat is made from an apple that has been carved into a menacing shape. It is then stuffed with chocolate ice cream. A perfect dessert that goes well after any meal.

Spooky Pumpkin Gateau not only looks great, it also tastes great! This gateau is a tangy, almost chewy pumpkin treat that has had cream cheese icing drizzled over it. All your guests will be asking for seconds when you serve them this!

Box of Skull Truffles are always a hit. These delicious truffles are great by themselves, or as edible decorations around another dessert. This truffles are made from divine milk chocolate that has been carefully shaped into little skulls. These truffles also have a tasty strawberry filling inside!

These meals are sure to please any guest, or monster that attends your party. Happy Halloween!

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