Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?

by icanhaskaila

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Secret of the North Beach
The north beach had always seemed a bit spooky, especially that little cave. . .

by chestnuttiger787


Oh No, Not Again...: Part Two
If you're the type of creature that trusts evil overlords when they say nothing is going to go wrong, you won't be long for this world.

by fuzzymonkey31


Colours of Y12
Welcome to Colours of Y12. We are here to elect the most outstanding Neopet colours released in Year 12...

by redhare


Lady Sandstorm: Part Five
"So that way must be the room that fills with water! It's down a flight of stairs. Tomos and I fell in there, and then we went that way – so that way must be the library we found!"

by saphira_27

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