White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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Colours of Y12

by redhare


Welcome to Colours of Y12. We are here to elect the most outstanding Neopet colours released in Year 12 (from now on referred to simply as Y12). We invited a number of distinguished Neopians, all recognized as experts in their fields of activity, to select the best colours in eight different categories. The judges were assigned according to their expertise and the results are as follows:

The Neopian Petpet Shopkeeper - Cutest Colour Award

When it comes to paint brush colours, the cutest ones are always the most sought after; therefore they deserve to be celebrated first. Who better to judge this category than the Usul who runs the Neopian Petpet Shop in Neopia Central? Dealing all day with the most adorable little critters, she knows what is cute and what is not, and now reveals the winner:

"Now that the baby and faerie versions of every Neopet species have been released, I'm a little bit concerned about the future. You see, four new paint brushes were created on Y12 and not a single one is a cute colour! Could this mean there is an evil plan to decutify Neopia? Just look at how ugly the new Mutant Uni is! ...

(a bunch of Altador Cup Board-like conspiracy theories later)

... and finally, back to the original topic, the cutest new colour of the year is the Baby Lutari!"

The Eizzil Trophy for Y12's Cutest New Colour goes to the Baby Lutari.

Runner up: Desert JubJub

The Techo Master - Fiercest Looking Colour Award

Cutesy is not everything; strength also plays a strong part in Neopian life. Menacing looking pets also have their fans, so must be praised as well. And who else would be able to tell the fierce from the farce other than the Techo Master from Mystery Island Training School? Please, Master. Enlighten us:

"To look strong does not equal being strong, but scares the enemies away. If that is your strategy of liking, then the Robot Ogrin is your choice of looking."

The Black Belt Trophy for Y12's Fiercest Looking Colour goes to the Robot Ogrin.

Runner up: Darigan Chia

Gourmet Club Maitre D' - Yummiest Colour Award

Have you ever noticed how important colours based on food have become? Among the 122 pet colours released on Y12, 25 were "edible". Only a judge with refined taste can look at the multitude of jellies, chocolates, biscuits, custards and strawberries and pick a winner, so we asked the famous Gourmet Club Quiggle for help. What's on the menu for today, Maitre D'?

"Pets in edible colours are not meant to please the stomach, they are meant to please the eyes! This time the colour that appeased the hunger of my eyes was neither Jelly nor Strawberry. The most delicious sight of the year was that of the Chocolate Draik, whose mix of chocolate, waffle and cream was a recipe for great success. Let's just hope Y13 sees the release of some healthier edible colours, like more Fruit Chias or maybe a Salad Paint Brush."

The Bon Appetit Trophy for Y12's Yummiest Colour goes to the Chocolate Draik.

Runner up: Biscuit Ixi

Unis Clothing Shopkeeper - Most Well Dressed Award

Many colours nowadays are famous rather for the clothes and accessories they give than for the change they make on the Neopet. Such is the value put on those items that they inspired their own prize. To judge this category properly we needed someone with a grasp on every aspect of the market, from fabric to fashion trends. Enter everyone's favorite Uni Fashionista, the Uni Clothing Shopkeeper:

"Y12 was a year where most clothing colours went back to their roots. Most royals were based on European Royalty (just like the old days) and most Desert pets had a skirt and a couple of accessories. Surprisingly, the colour that stood out the most in a fashion sense was the Halloween Scorchio, whose clothes go well with other paint brush colours, and can also be used to compose a myriad of combinations with other clothes and accessories."

The Faboo Trophy for Y12's Most Well Dressed Colour goes to the Halloween Scorchio.

Runner up: Royalboy Kiko

Moss Tullerby - Best Colour of a New Paint Brush Award

Last year saw the release of four new exciting paint brushes: Relic, Woodland, Transparent and Maractite. We certainly could not afford to let such an event go away without proper celebration. While there isn't really an "expert" on new brushes, we decided to bestow the honor upon Moss Tullerby, from the Save the Wheels campaign:

"All paint brushes released last year were beautiful. Well, one actually wasn't, but it was very impressive anyway and we could even say it pushed the boundaries of paint brush colours as we know it. Of course I'm talking about the Transparent Paint Brush. The Transparent Skeith, being the pet that shocked Neopia on its release, takes the trophy home. By the way, talking about transparency, aren't the Glass Bottom Boats from Kiko Lake in need of repairs? Looks like time for another campaign..."

The Political Correctness Trophy for Y12's Best Colour of a New Paint Brush goes to the Transparent Skeith.

Runner up: Maractite Usul

Lab Ray Scientist - Most Eccentric Award

Not all players want their pets to look either cute or cool, as there is a taste for everything there are also some players that prefer an "alternative" look for their pets. To judge this category we summon the responsible for the "nonstandardization" of many pets that lurk all over Neopia, The Lab Ray Scientist:

"It has been brought to my attention that I'm rumored to have a certain 'taste' for the ugly and weird. Let me take this opportunity to let all Neopians know that in reality I'm all for cuteness. Y12 had many new cute colours like the Snot Lenny and the Zombie Poogle, but unfortunately the Petpet Shopkeeper got to judge that. I didn't know the meaning of the word 'eccentric' but was told it defines someone who looks just like me. Does that mean good looking? If that's the case, then Mutant Ogrin takes the cake!"

The Bananas Trophy of Y12's Most Eccentric Colour goes to the Mutant Ogrin.

Runner up: Maraquan Bori

Fountain Faerie - Special Award

We understand that when it comes to colours there are so many concepts and so much creativity involved that you can never have enough categories to cover everything. The Special Award tries to compensate that by rewarding excellent colours that do not fit other categories. Our guest judge is no other than the Fountain Faerie herself:

"We had so many adorable and creative new colours last year, it's a shame only one can win. So many colours with intelligent references like the Halloween Scorchio, The Royalboy Kiko and the Desert Eyrie, but in the end my favorite is that lovely Camouflage Nimmo that reminds me of a real froglet."

The Rainbow Trophy Y12's Special Award goes to the Camouflage Nimmo

Runner up: Halloween Xweetok

Angry Orange Yurble - Most Boring Colour Award

Every decent 'best of the year' award ceremony needs a comic 'worst of the year' type of prize. Since we already know all the best it's time to know the worst. With you, the Neopet that is always near during the boring and repetitive steps of every plot, your judge, the infamous Angry Orange Yurble:

"Ewwww! What kind of category is this they give me to judge? The knowledge of a hundred professions gone to waste. Blargh! Anyway, even the simplest colour can shine if done well, just take a look at the Checkered Scorchio, for example. Some colours had from a lackluster to a mixed performance this year, like Biscuit and Zombie, but no colour will ever be more boring than Invisible. There is no way to 'pick on the details' because there is literally no 'detail' that can be picked about it."

The Anger Management Trophy of Y12's Most Boring Colour goes to the Invisible Kougra

Runner up: Biscuit Gelert

Happiness Faerie - Best Colour of the Year

Our event now reaches its decisive moments. We already have a winner for each of the eight categories, and it's time to know which, among them, is the colour that defined the last year. From this moment on, every time one thinks of Y12 this colour will come to mind. Judging the category she, who brings hope and happiness to the hearts of every Neopian: The Happiness Faerie!

"With so many wonderful colours released last year it would be a burden to pick only one. Thanks to the kindness of my fellow judges the options were narrowed to the final eight. Being the Happiness Faerie my criteria will be to choose none other than the colour that will better cheer the hearts of all Neopians, I could choose none other than the colour that will cheer the hearts of all Neopians. The Best Colour of Y12 is..."

(a couple of seconds that actually lasted centuries)

"...The Mutant Ogrin!" *innocent grin*

The Happy, Happy, Fun, Fun Trophy of Y12's Best Colour of the Year goes to the Mutant Ogrin

Runner up: Robot Ogrin

It looks surreal, but the choice has been made: The Mutant Ogrin is THE COLOUR OF Y12. Who will understand what goes through our judge's mind? But she is the Happiness Faerie after all, so she probably sees something we are missing.

Thank you very much for your audience, I hope you enjoyed the time you spent with us. Looking forward to (hopefully) meeting again next year for Colours of Y13!

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