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Perfect Plants for Your Neohome Garden

by emmabat_3


As spring disappears into summer, many Neopians find themselves staring into empty plots that they were going to plant gardens in, really they were, and yet they never got around to it.  Why?  They never found anything to plant.  Here is a list of flowers and other plants that would look great in a garden, brought to you by our greatest garden experts, aka my Neopets! “Wait, what—?”  Yes.  You are the greatest garden experts.  Just go with it.

Perfume Mallows—These beautiful white flowers are perfect for any garden.  The white, uniquely shaped petals will look great along any plants, and a pretty pale green glow surrounds the Perfume Mallows, giving them an ethereal appearance.  However, the best thing about these flowers is their scent.  While roses and daisies and other traditional flowers smell sweet and earthy, Perfume Mallows smell like marshmallows!  Ah, what better scent to fill your garden with but the scent of marshmallows?

Pebeanjay Flowers—These flowers are a must-have for any gardener.  They are one of the most well-known flowers in Neopia, after all.  Their petals are colored remarkably like grape jam swirled with peanut butter, making them an interesting addition to your garden.  Our garden experts add that Carmarillers love Pebeanjay Flowers and will flock to your garden if you plant the flowers.  Jam colored petals and Faerie Petpets all year long.  Nearly competes with the scent of marshmallows... oh, marshmallows...

Star of Paradise Flower—Which flower is the most beautiful of them all?  Why, the Star of Paradise Flower, of course, with its diamond-shaped light turquoise petals paired with small orange-and-yellow petals.  This gorgeous flower can not only be placed in original Neohomes but also in Neohomes 2.0!  You can have these exotic flowers anywhere you go.  It requires lots of care and watering every day since it is used to the tropical warmth and humidity of Mystery Island, but the flower is definitely worth the trouble.

Rainbow Morning Flower—This lovely four-petaled flower is great for adding color to any garden.  Cool colored stripes decorate the backs of the petals, while the front of the flower has a gentle gradient from yellow to orange to red.  In the afternoon and night, the flower is closed up, showing off the purples, blues and greens of the backs of the petals, while in the mornings the flowers open up.  Also, this flower's vibrant colors looks great with the pale white of Perfume Mallows, and the Rainbow Morning Flower's sweet scent complements the marshmallow aroma, somehow managing to make the marshmallows smell even better.  *psst—garden experts, say something!* Yes, my garden experts advise planting a pattern of alternating Rainbow Morning Flowers and Perfume Mallows for the best results.

Faerie Bean Plant—It seems that being Faerie makes everything better.  This is perfect in its simplicity, a light green stalk holding up a small brown bean, a plain seed rather than a flower.  The bean is nestled between four spotted, wing-like leaves and antennae-like stems that will grow more beans.  Also, this low-maintenance plant only requires being watered occasionally.  The more you water it, the taller it will get.  A Faerie Bean Plant is perfect for adding a touch of simplistic beauty to your garden.

Strawberry Plant—Have you ever wanted homegrown strawberries? With this small plant, now you can! Juicy red berries form in abundance on this plant, and, before the strawberries grow, small white flowers form, making the plant both a decoration and a food source! Not only the flowers and berries but also the plant itself are great for gardens. Large leaves on long vines mean that one plant can cover lots of ground given time, so you'll only need a few Strawberry Plants. *Disclaimer* We would like to note that you cannot actually gain any items from the Strawberry Plant.

Blazing Frooble Shrub—The description reads, “If you want a bold flash of colour in your garden, this may be just the thing!” The bright red leaves do add a surprising, bright color where green leaves would normally be found, without being tacky or gaudy. The smooth black bark balances out the bright red and gives the shrub an elegant appearance. Blazing Frooble Shrubs would be a nice addition to gardens with pink or white flowers. Again, Perfume Mallows would work well with this plant, or perhaps even a Strawberry Plant.

Rose Tree—The Rose Tree is an unusual twist on a traditional flower. This is a very small tree that grows only about three feet tall and has no branches save for some red roses and a cluster of leaves at the top. Rose Trees do well anywhere as long as they have sunlight and the occasional watering, so they're great for any home. *silence* Hey, garden experts? Garden experts? Come say something, it's been a while! Oh, yes, here, our garden experts say they don't even really care and don't know what in Neopia a Rose Tree even is... wait, that's not right! Give me a second—COME BACK HERE!!!

Colour Lillies—These are fascinating flowers sure to please any Neopet. Older pets can appreciate the beautiful warm coloring of the petals and the otherwise strange and exotic nature of the flower. Littler pets will be enthralled as the wind actually turns the flowers on their stems like living pinwheels. As the flowers turn, a haunting tune fills the air. How can anyone not be captivated? Okay, garden experts, now was not the time I wanted you to come back. And anyhow, that wasn't very polite.

Snap Draik—A green neck rears up in front of you, strangely flat paws poised in the air, a collar of green creating an imposing frame for the—flower? Silly you, the garden monster was only a Snap Draik! Two velvety red petals form the likeness of a Draik's fin-like frills around a tube of petals that look like a snout. Markings on these petals look almost like eyes, completing the face. What a delightful flower! The sweet scent of cinnamon wafts through the air. The Snap Draik even smells wonderful. It may be a little expensive at 30,000 to even 99,999 NP, but it is entirely worth it.

From marshmallow-scented Perfume Mallows to Snap Draiks with an aroma of cinnamon and from fancy Star of Paradise flowers to simple Faerie Bean Plants, as you can see there are plenty of plants to put in your garden!

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