Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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The Air Faerie's Quest

by saqo


I was one of THOSE pets. Yes, one of those who looked out at the world from inside a cage. From behind the bars of the Neopian Pound, I watched the world go by without me as a player in it.

     I was created as a basic Yellow Aisha by my owner, given not the most creative of names, and soon she became tired of me. She decided she wanted a Lupe instead, and I was abandoned. I watched my owner walk away from me and I was left to the care of the frightening Dr. Death. There were many of us here, too many to count. Bruces and Ruki, plenty of Kacheeks, Lennies, and Kaus. Many had bad names or just nothing that set us apart as “special”, and so here we stayed, in the Pound, until someone kind was generous enough to adopt us into their family.

     It was a far-off dream that all of us shared, but none dared to wish too hard for.

     Sometimes, they let us out of our cages to walk around the grounds for exercise. On one particular cold November day, this “exercise time” would change my life.

     I awoke that day to the sound of a young pet crying, probably having just arrived. It was something we got used to. It quieted soon, and I know that one of the older pets had come to comfort it. That was something we felt strongly in – sticking together and helping each other. We were all each other had in the world at the moment, after all.

     I sat up and wiped my tired eyes, and gazed through the bars of my cage. It was a bright day, but the air looked crisp and cool. Brown leaves on trees shuddered in the light breeze, some surrendering to it and falling slowly and softly to the ground.

     I ate breakfast quietly, and watched the clock on the opposite side of the room. Tick... tick... tick... Once noon came, my favourite part of the day would come with it. Exercise time, when our area of the Pound would be let out of our cages for one hour to stroll through the grounds, play quiet games, or talk with each other while enjoying the fresh air and nature surrounding us.

     I didn’t notice I had nodded off until the sound of the lock on my cage opening startled me awake.

     “Outside time,” said the tall Grarrl worker, “you have an hour.”

     I nodded and jumped out of my cage and joined the line of cheerful looking pets heading down the hall and to the outside grounds. A smile broke across my face: this was my, as well as everyone else’s, favourite part of the day (except when Neopians came through to look for pets; that was the best!). I followed the crowd out onto the grass field. It was scarcely populated by trees and a few flower patches, but we enjoyed it immensely all the same. I walked by myself to a far corner and sat down, breathing in the fresh air and watching the other pets playing.

     Suddenly, I heard a sound... a woman’s voice, mumbling something. It sounded distressed. I swung around, and saw behind a nearby tree a figure draped in billowing light blue clothing. I approached slowly, and saw that it was an Air Faerie!

     “Excuse me miss,” I said quietly.

     She turned around, startled. “Oh, I... I’m sorry to intrude,” she said, “I’m lost, you see...”


     “Yes... I was visiting a friend here in Neopia Central, and I was on my way back to Faerieland, but I seem to have... lost my way...” She glanced around again, looking bewildered.

     “Faerieland?” I paused, looking around for bearing. “Why, that’s... to the West, I believe. There should be signs on the way.” I pointed to the West.

     “I see...” she said, smiling. “Thank you, little Aisha. I asked quite a few people around here, but all seemed too busy or too disinterested to help me.”

     “It’s no problem,” I said with a small smile, turning to walk back to my corner.

     “Wait, little one. I have a proposition for you.”

     I turned back. “A pro... position?”

     “Yes, it means I have an offer for you. I’ll give you a quest. We don’t usually give quests to pets in the pound as they don’t have owners, but I’ll make an exception in this case. Will you accept my quest, little Aisha?”

     I nodded, eyes wide, heart beating fast.

     “I want you to get me a Gold Eye Shadow. Bring it back to me, and you’ll be rewarded. See you!” She winked and took off then in the direction I had given. I flopped down on the ground. Had that really just happened? Me, an owner-less pet, one who called the Pound my home, had just been offered a quest by an Air Faerie! I giggled excitedly, stood up – and then stopped. Where was I supposed to find Gold Eye Shadow? I froze, looking to the side at the attendant watching us pets. I would have to break out.


     The hour went by quickly. I filed back with everyone in line, and into my cage. I held a thin, almost invisible stick behind my back – this would be my key to escape. I had never considered escaping before; it didn’t seem worth it since I had no owner to escape to. But this quest would give me a chance. At least, with the Air Faerie’s blessing, maybe I could find an owner who wanted me. I put on my usual face and acted like nothing was unusual. I went about my daily events like normal – meals, chatting with the Bruce and Kougra in the cages beside me, and soon darkness fell. This would be my time to act.

     I watched my surroundings carefully as I pretended to be asleep. The attendants finished at 8 pm, with one night guard on duty. I glanced at the clock – it was 7:51. As the attendants got ready to leave, one came in and gave the room I was in a final look over. Seeing nothing was out of the ordinary, she nodded and turned and walked into the main room that leads to the outside. I then whipped out the stick I had smuggled in, stuck it in the lock of my cage, and began manoeuvring it every way I could. As every minute passed, I became more anxious – and then, at last! With a quiet metallic sound, it opened. I silently, silently, removed the lock and placed it beside me, opened the cage door, shut it again, and padded quickly over the floor. I stopped and glanced around the wall – the attendants were chatting as they put on their coats to get ready to leave. One Usul was talking to another about how Dr. Death hadn’t shown up today. They all turned to leave then... and so I made my move. I silently trotted behind them, staying in the shadows, until the last one was about to leave... I flung myself around the corner of the door just as it shut, and froze until all the workers were out of hearing or seeing distance.

     I did it! I was out! I was free!... but my quest was only just starting.


     The sun awoke me the next morning. I had slept on a soft patch of grass near the Money Tree. I wiped my tired eyes, shivering. It had been cold last night, but this adventure would surely be worth it.

     I jumped up and jogged down the road towards Neopia’s main shopping district. The streets were almost deserted at this early hour, and the shops were just now opening. I searched, and searched, until I finally found the Neopian Grooming Parlour. Surely I could find the item here! I opened the door and a tiny bell rang to announce my presence. A Uni worker glanced in my direction.

     “What can I help you with, dear?” she asked in a kind voice.

     “I am looking for Gold Eye Shadow... it’s for a quest.”

     “Well isn’t that exciting!” The Uni smiled and glanced around for a few moments, before pulling a small item off a shelf and placing it on the counter in front of her, “That will be 300 NP, please. And good luck!”

     I nodded, pulling out a few coins from my pocket. My owner had given me a few before I was abandoned, and I had held onto them like they were treasure all this time. I had just enough to purchase the item. I handed them excitedly to the worker, who gave me the item in a small pink bag. I hugged it to my chest. This was my new treasure.

     My next task would not prove easy – I must make it to Faerieland to present the Air Faerie with the item she had asked for. Difficult indeed, but worth it. I was free, after all now! I could go where I wished!

     And so I set off. I was used to living on my own and fending for myself, so the three day long journey wasn’t as hard as you reading this may think. In fact, it was an amazing adventure! I got to see so much of Neopia! After I passed through bustling Neopia Central, I saw Kiko Lake, and even stopped to take a quick swim. When I continued my journey I skimmed the Haunted Woods but stayed careful not to venture inside – and then, finally, I saw the crater and towers telling me that I had reached my destination. I trudged on through the Faerie City, taking in all the sights. Faeries were zooming over my head, spells were being practiced, pets were shopping for petpets and weapons... it was all so magical!

     And then I saw the huge doors: the Faerie Quests building. I let myself in. The air was cool and scented with something like flowers. I walked down the bustling hallways, until I saw a large blue door etched with the words “Air Faerie Quests and Related Matters”. I pushed the heavy door open, and poked my head inside.

     There she was! The Air Faerie! She was blessing a small Scorchio with more speed. The Scorchio smiled and thanked the faerie and walked away with its owner. A few other pets and another human Neopian milled about the room. I approached the faerie slowly, suddenly worried if she would remember me.

     I was worried for no reason, however. The faerie turned to me and smiled widely, “Little Aisha! You made it after all. So glad you could come. Do you have the item for me?”

     I nodded, took the eyeshadow out of the bag, and handed it to her.

     She inspected it, then turned to me and smiled once more. “This is the correct item. You will now be blessed.”

     I waited excitedly, heart pumping nervously, expecting to feel faster. But the Faerie turned to the side and called over the human Neopian and the three pets standing nearby. They approached us and smiled at me. I cocked my head to the side. What was going on?

     “Your blessing, little Aisha,” the Air Faerie said, “is quite special indeed. You do not need speed. You do not need strength, or power, or a higher level. You will be blessed with what you truly need. Today, you will be blessed with a family.”

     I was speechless. The human waved, as did the other pets – a small baby Uni, a cute Faerie Lupe, and a mischievous looking Blue Nimmo. “Welcome to our family!”


     To this day, not a hour goes past where I do not thank the Air Faerie for blessing me with a blessing that towers over all others. My family is the best present I have ever received. We play together, relax together, have adventures together, and most importantly love and support each other. It was the best blessing indeed.

The End

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