Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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Illusen the Kadoatie #2: Beware the Wrath of Jhudora

by skittyfan100


I would like to credit my friend Bumble_bee64 for the idea before the story begins. You rock, girl! :D

"I haven't seen Illusen since the Month of Eating, which was two months ago!" said Jhudora to her Faerie themed calendar. "She couldn't have just disappeared... but it's not like her to take a vacation...."

     Jhudora ripped the calendar off the wall in anger.

     "WHERE IN NEOPIA IS SHE?!" she screamed. Her scream echoed through her bluff, then the silence returned.

     Then Oblivia (an Usuki Usul) walked in, carrying me, Illusen the Green Kadoatie, in her arms.

     "What do YOU want?" growled Jhudora.

     I curled up in Oblivia's arms and started to shake. All my Kadoatie life, I have had a very big fear of Jhudora. Oblivia patted my back in an attempt to calm me down.

     "You see, Miss Jhudora, I'm only one level away from the avatar, so... do you have any quests for me?" said Oblivia.

     Jhudora looked at the old, ripped calendar in her hands.

     "This calendar is two years old, it's hopelessly outdated." said Jhudora. "Bring me a new Faerie themed calendar in the next 16 minutes if you want that avatar!"

     Oblivia ran out of the bluff. I sighed with relief to be away from Jhudora.

     "Something about that Kadoatie that Usul was holding...." said Jhudora to herself. She sat in her throne and began to think.


     Meanwhile, Oblivia was carrying me through Neopia Central.

     "Don't worry, Illusen," said Oblivia. "We'll bring her a Faerie themed calendar, we get the avatar, and then we never have to see her again!"

     She walked into the a small blue building with stars painted on the outside. Inside, a starry Kau sat in front of a desk, trying to push curious petpets away from the neopoints she had collected that day.

     "This is my favourite shop," whispered Oblivia.

     The starry Kau looked up at us.

     "Oh, Oblivia!" said the Kau. "How can I help you today? Another quest from Jhudora?"

     "Yes," replied Oblivia. "Do you have any calendars?"

     The starry Kau laid out three calendars. One was Wocky themed, one was Aisha themed, and the last was the Faerie themed we were looking for.

     Oblivia snatched the calendar and put 200 neopoints on the desk. Then she ran out with me in one arm, and the calendar in the other.

     "Thanks!" she yelled back to the starry Kau. I mewed kindly then did a soft purr, which was how I said "Thank you".

     Soon, we returned to Faerieland.

     Oblivia ran into Jhudora's bluff, panting hard and flapping the calendar around in her hand.

     "I got it, Miss Jhudora, I got it with five minutes to spare!" she yelled.

     Jhudora got up from her throne and took the calendar Then she waved her hand and made an avatar appear in Oblivia's hand.

     "Thank you, Miss Jhudora!" she said. She was about to run out, when Jhudora yelled "Wait!"

     "Did I do something wrong, Miss Jhudora?" said Oblivia.

     "No, no, child." said Oblivia. "You didn't do anything wrong. I was just wondering... what's the name of that Kadoatie of yours?"

     "Oh!" said Oblivia. "Her name is Illusen." I mewed to confirm what she said.

     Jhudora gasped.

     "So THAT'S what happened to her!" she said. She coughed. "I mean, so THAT'S her name. It's a very lovely name. Okay, you're free to go now."

     Oblivia walked out of the bluff, smiling at her new avatar. I put my head over Oblivia's shoulder and gave Jhudora a very suspicious glance. Since when did she give compliments?! She just smiled back at me, her purple eyes glowing in a way that sent a shiver down my spine.


     Late that night, I was snuggled up in my Disco Petpet Bed at the foot of Oblivia's Illusen Canopy Bed. I was sleeping soundly, until I heard a strange noise.


     I darted up from bed. Was a robber in the neohome?! I looked around.

     "It's probably my imagination," I said to myself. "Besides, I have my night light to protect me!"

     I smiled at the night light on the wall. Kadoaties like to sleep with the lights on, so Oblivia bought that night light, so she didn't have to turn on every single light. It took a while to get used to only a little bit of light, but I realised all those "creepy creatures of the dark" were just my imagination.

     I cuddled up in my bed and listened to the sound of Oblivia's peaceful breathing. I was half asleep when I learned that this time, it was NOT my imagination that made that noise.

     "Illusen... where are you?" said a scary unfamiliar female voice.

     I darted up again. It was Jhudora! She stood at the door, looking around for me. She quickly spotted me.

     "There you are!" she said.

     I hissed at her, trying to hide my fear.

     She walked over to me. I tried to run away, but she grabbed me by my tail and held me up in the air. Then she waved her hand in the air, and we disappeared with a poof of purple smoke. I was shocked that Oblivia was enough of a heavy sleeper to sleep through all that!

     We poofed back to Jhudora's bluff. Then she carried me into a room that looked like some sort of huge dungeon! She walked over to a rusty bird cage hanging from the ceiling. She took a key out of her pocket, unlocked the tiny door, then she stuffed me inside! Then she locked me in and returned the key to her pocket.

     I hissed loudly and flung my claws at her. I rattled the cage from side to side.

     "I know it's you, Illusen," she said. "You've disguised yourself as a Kadoatie, so that you can... umm... well, I don't know what you planned on doing, but I know it's you, and now you're stuck here! All of your little 'fans' will give me great prizes in an attempt to set you free, but I never will! And tomorrow, I'm going to steal all your valuables and magic from your glade, and use it to rule Neopia!"

     She cackled an evil laugh, then she left the dungeon, slamming the big wooden door behind her.

     "That lady has gone insane!" I said. I mewed loudly for help for what felt like two hours before settling down and falling asleep.


     "Wake up, Illusen!"

     I slowly lifted my eye lids to see Jhudora in front of the cage. I wailed, thinking it was a dream, but then I settled down as I remembered what had happened last night.

     "I usually don't wake up early," she said. "But today, I'm going over to your glade, and I'm going to steal all your valuables, then I'll keep the glade as a second home! I'll get twice as many quests, twice as much power!" She cackled another evil laugh, then she left, slamming that big wooden door again.

     I just lay down and took a nap. I knew eventually she would realise I wasn't Illusen.


     After flying to Meridell, Jhudora climbed up to Illusen's Glade. She reached for the doorknob, but to her surprise, Illusen opened the door!

     "Illusen?!" she screamed with surprise. "B-b-but how did you escape my strong bird cage?! Your weak claws would never be strong enough to break free!"

     Illusen slapped her hand against her forehead.

     "Jhudora, don't tell me you locked up ANOTHER petpet thinking it was a faerie in disguise," she said. "Didn't you learn your lesson when you locked up that Pink Angelpuss named Fyora?"

     "But, if that Kadoatie wasn't you..." said Jhudora, "then where were you for the last two months?!"

     "I was up in Terror Mountain, getting quests from those who couldn't come all the way down to Meridell, and helping Taelia a little with her magic," said Illusen. She grabbed Jhudora's ear like a mother would to their child. "Come on, we're going back to your bluff."

     "Ow, ow, ow!" screamed Jhudora. "Alright, alright!"

     She waved her hand, and with a poof of purple smoke, they were in her dungeon.

     I mewed happily when I saw Illusen.

     "You poor little thing!" said Illusen. She reached into Jhudora's pocket, pulled out the key, then unlocked the door. I jumped into her arms.

     She gave me a small hug, then began to leave.

     "Don't let this happen again!" she said in an angry voice to Jhudora.

     Jhudora just pouted. Illusen took me out of the bluff, then began to fly.

     I could see all of Neopia! Illusen went so high, all of the neopets looked like little petpetpets!

     "So, who's your owner?" said Illusen.

     I mewed.

     "An Usuki Usul named Oblivia, huh?" said Illusen. "Where does she live?"

     I mewed again.

     "A small green house in Neopia Central?" replied Illusen. "I'll be there in a flash!"

     I was shocked. Illusen knew EXACTLY what I was saying! I wished Oblivia could do that.

     Soon, Illusen landed in front of our small green house in Neopia Central. She must have been able to know what I was thinking too, because she said to me, "I have a special psychic connection with petpets."

     She put me down on the walkway, then flew away.

     Oblivia slammed the door open.

     "ILLUSEN!" she screamed. "YOU'VE COME HOME TO ME!"

     We both ran to each other, then I pounced into her arms, and she gave me a big hug.

     "My Kadoatie Angel is safe and sound at home, where she belongs!" she said. "Where were you? Chasing a Miamouse?"

     She looked into my big blue eyes.

     "I guess I'll never know!" she said.

     She took me inside.

     "By the way, I heard that if we keep doing more quests for Jhudora, we can get prizes worth millions of neopoints!" she said. "Want to come with me to do a quest?"

     I hissed, then I ran upstairs to her bedroom. That was my way of saying, "Absolutely NOT!"

The End

Meeeeoooow! Mew, mew, mew! (Leave me a fanmail if you like this sequel!)

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