teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 186,301,688 Issue: 505 | 29th day of Swimming, Y13
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A Voice from the Pound

by roxy1042


Bella rose from her concrete floor. She stretched and yawned; she knew it was that time of the week again. You see, Bella is a young Blue Gelert in the pound. And also, her best pound friend, Leslie had been adopted a month ago. So now the only way to communicate was by writing. Anyway, Bella scrambled her paws into her corner pile and found her pencils and paper.

     She smiled and began to write:

Dear Leslie,

     I really, really miss you!

     Things here in the pound are still not the same without you. Food is still mushy. Pets are still annoying. And the cage cells are really cold, too. Brrr!

     I wish, I just wish I can see your face again. You are my best friend ever!

     Oh, and by the way, how is your new family? Are they lame and smelly? Are they painted Dung? Do they eat garbage? Tell me! If they do, they’ll be forced to bring you back here with me!!!



     One week later...

Dear Bella,

     It was so nice to see your handwriting again!

     I really, really miss you, too!

     Oh, and my family is wonderful!!!

     Mom cooks fancy gourmet meals without shopping. Dad is a star worker at Plushie Tycoon so he gets paid a lot. And my sister and brother are painted Royal! Cool, right?

     Sorry I couldn’t get back to the pound with you. I can visit you. I hope.

     Happily and truly yours,



Dear Leslie,

     Wow, your family sounds cool. Anyway, the food’s still mushy and the pets are still annoying and it’s still cold.

     I hope your family is good enough. I’ve always missed you telling jokes and sharing secrets. Speaking of which, school is going to start soon and I can kick back. Stuck with boredom? Tell me and I reply, “I TOLD YOU SO!”



     One week later...

Dear Bella,

     My new school is awesome. I got every answer right at every class, the food was yummy, and I made a lot of friends!

     But nothing or nobody can replace you, though.

     Write back, please.




Dear Leslie,

     Boy, school sounds cool, too.

     But who even needs school? Instead of going somewhere boring, I can just kick back and relax all year round.

     Ha! So what’s new? Did your sibs go Mutant? Yuck! I hope not.

     Wishing you were me,


     One week later...

Dear Bella,

     Ok! Guess what??? Just yesterday my family and I just went to the Lost Desert!!!

     It was hot and sandy! But we liked it. We scratched scratch cards and all won 500 NP!

     And I’ve bought an Anubis! I named him Sunlight.

     I’d really miss you!

     Also wishing you were here,



Dear Leslie,

     The Lost Desert sounds like a fun place to go, but you were probably hotter than a Fire Shoyru!

     Scratching scratch cards are a total waste of real time. You barely even win anything!

     An Anubis may be cute, but they are so dull and dumb!

     Hey, how about you convince your parents to bring you back to the pound with me? Please, please!!! Just try to convince them!!!

     Hoping that you return,


     One week later...

Dear Bella,

     You know, speaking of which, I’ve actually tried to tell my mom and dad to bring me back, but they said they don’t want me with a bunch of smelly, dirty, disgusting pests!

     No one calls my friend a pest! What should I do?




Dear Leslie,

     One word, Leslie: Attack.

     Train your body and mind and grow stronger every time. Smash and squish your parents in to a million tiny bits until they are begging for mercy. That is what you’ll do to them. After all that fighting, your mom and dad won’t worry about you being stuck with a bunch a smelly, dirty, disgusting pests anymore.

     Gratefully yours,


     One week later...

Dear Bella,

     Umm, I don’t think your attack idea is not a good idea at all. I’m sorry, but I’m not a fighter, to be honest.

     I wish I could write more, but I have to go. My family and I are going to Kreludor for a vacation. My mom says that her Grundo friend lives there and she is very nice. My dad says we’ll all go out for a snack after.

     Oh! Got to go! My mom’s already hollering from downstairs.





Dear Leslie,

     WHAT?!?! KRELUDOR?!

     You have to be an Alien Aisha to go up to Kreludor! Kreludor is a smelly and rotten planet where Sloth makes his robots! You’ll be a robot yourself if you go up there!

     Well, have fun with your royal family, princess! ‘Cause I’m never ever writing to you again! You always have to brag, brag, and brag! Have fun, snoot!



     One week later...


     Fine, then! I’m never ever speaking or writing to you again! So go and have a good, smelly time in your dump you call home! Good luck finding another friend! Goodbye!!!


     Leslie, your now ex-best friend

     Meanwhile, Bella furiously crumpled up the letter and threw it away. She buried her face into her blue paws and cried aloud. She knew that she would never find another friend.

     One month later...

Dear Leslie,

     Hi. Look, I feel terrible about that fight we had a month ago. I’m really sorry. I was just very jealous about your new family. You are like a celeb and I’m just... nothing.

     I’m sorry about fighting. Will you forgive me? Leslie? Please forgive me. I can’t live without you, buddy.


      A very unhappy Bella

     One week later...

Dear Bella,

     I’m really sorry, too. As it turns out, it’s actually my fault. I didn’t mean to brag and explain every detail about my rich and cool life and family. ARRRGGH! What I meant to say is that I’m sorry for bragging about my new family. I wish I can have you back. Ever since we met, we have been with each other forever until now. All we did was fight, fight, and fight.

     I’m super sorry about that and all. And yes, I do forgive you, too.

     Really happily now,

     A very happy Leslie, who is glad to work things out, buddy


Dear Leslie,

     I’m really glad that I can work things out too, bud. And also, I forgive you, too. How can I compete? You are my best friend ever since the beginning! I love you, bud. And this time, I won’t tell you to convince your parents for you to come back. I’m actually kind of glad here. It brings back memories, like each others birthdays.

     So what’s new about you and the family? What’s going on in the house? I’m very excited.



     One week later...

Dear Bella,

     Actually there is something new. We’re going to adopt someone from the pound. I wonder who it is!

     With questions,


     Meanwhile, Bella stared at the letter, confused. Suddenly, her cage gate opened!

     Standing in front was a mother and father. Beside them were a royal Lupe and Aisha. Finally, there was a Gelert. It was Leslie.

     Bella smiled. “I’m home.”

The End

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