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The Ultimate Toybox Escape Guide - 852 Points

by strokemypet


Well, they say write about what you know, so here I am, with the only thing I'm good at on this site - playing Toybox Escape. This is one of the older games on Neopets, but it is one of my favourites. What makes me enjoy this game so much? Well, nearly every other single game on the site needs some type of luck, whether it is hoping for a certain type of power up, bonus points or an extra life to play longer. Toybox Escape does not have this luck requirement. The same thing happens every time you play. Which means if you practice enough, you will always get the same result. This guide will take you through the game step by step with the aim of scoring 852 points. This is enough to get a trophy at any time of the month. Nevermind waiting for reset day. :p

This is an advanced guide and will assume you already know the basics of the game. On some levels you will need to click really fast as soon as the level begins. I will add the words "Be Fast" after any levels that require this. I will also tell you the position of the pet in the bottom left corner of the screen to give you the best chance of clicking in time. I refer to this as the "pet list". It does not matter if your time taken is different to mine, as long as you get the same time bonus. It may seem at times as though I've stopped talking abruptly, which is because... well, I did. I just didn't want to write "wait for them to get to the exit" twenty times. If the instructions suddenly stop, it means you don't have to do anything except wait.

First you should be aware that there are three level codes for this game. You unlock these after beating levels 5, 10 and 15. Make sure you write these codes down or save them somewhere. These codes are different for every user so you cannot simply check a guide to find them again. You could even save them on your pet's page.

Side note involving Kougras: If you click on the Kougra to make it dig when it's on a block, it will fall down and carry on walking in the direction it was facing before you made it dig. However, if you click on the Kougra to make it dig when it is almost off of the block (right at the very edge), it will fall but will hit the block next to the one you made it dig on, which will make it turn around and head back the way it came. This is important; you will need this later.

Be sure to read all of this guide before playing as there is information about getting the high score at the bottom of the page. Finally onto the game! :)

Level 1

Click on the green Mynci. Wait for the purple Mynci to walk into the blocks and then turn around. Click on it when it is walking left so it climbs the wall to get the coin. Once it has the coin and is walking to the right, click it again.

Time Taken: 20 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 2

Click the green Scorchio when it is walking right. Click the red Scorchio when it is walking left. Once it burns the block down, click it again. It will pick up the coin and get to the exit.

Time Taken: 15 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 3 - Be Fast

Immediately click on the blue Kougra and then the red Kougra. The blue Kougra is the second on the pet list and the red one is first. So be ready to move your mouse there as soon as you click Next Level after completing Level 2. You should click fast enough to make these 2 Kougras dig and fall straight away. Then wait for the yellow Kougra to walk left and make it dig when it's above the coin. I like to make it dig when it is near the end of the block so it turns while falling and gets to the exit quicker, but this is not needed to get the 20 point time bonus.

Time Taken: 10 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 4

Immediately click on the red Shoyru to jump onto the blocks and then click it again to jump over the gap to get the coin. Make the purple Shoyru jump just like the red one did.

Or you can wait a few seconds at the start and make the purple Shoyru jump over first. Then repeat for the red one. You will still get a 20 point time bonus.

Or you can let the last Shoyru you jump with fall down the first gap for either of the two ways above. You still get the 20 points time bonus.

Time Taken: 8 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 5 - Be Fast

First click on the Kacheek and then click on the Uni. They are in positions 4 and 2 respectively on the pet list. Click on the Kougra when it is walking left to make it dig at a point where it will turn while falling so that it lands and heads straight for the exit. Click on the Scorchio. Wait for the Scorchio to get the coin and walk back down over the Uni. When the Scorchio is about 2 or 3 blocks away from the Uni, click on the Uni again to make it start walking. You need to wait a little while before clicking the Uni to give the Scorchio time to burn the block, or else the Uni will bounce off it and walk back, wasting time and losing bonus points.

Time Taken: 18 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

(Woohoo your first level code)

Level 6 - Be Fast

You need to click all three pets here straight away. First click the purple Mynci, then the green one and finally the blue one. They are in positions 2, 1 and 3 on the pet list respectively. Once the blue one has the coin and is walking left, click it. Wait for the purple one to fall and walk left, then click it. Click the green one when it is walking left too.

Time Taken: 20 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 7 - Be Fast

Immediately click on the blue Kacheek. It is in position 1 on the pet list. Next click on the green Kacheek. Now click on the yellow one. You cannot click the yellow Kacheek at the start of the level or else the block will fall and land on the green one, making you lose a life.

Time Taken: 10 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 8

First click on the Scorchio. Then make the Shoyru jump up onto the blocks with the red button when it is close enough. Now here comes the tricky bit. When the Shoyru is walking right, instead of letting it drop down, you need to click it so that it jumps up onto the blocks with the coin. This may take some practice to get the hang of. Then it will drop down and walk to the exit.

Time Taken: 14 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 9 - Be Fast

Immediately click on the Kacheek and then the Scorchio. They are in positions 1 and 2 on the pet list respectively. Now wait for the Uni to be walking left and click that. Wait for the Kougra to walk up the Uni and quickly click on the Uni again so it starts walking towards the exit. When the Kougra is over the coin, make it dig twice.

Time Taken: 15 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 10 - Be Fast

Immediately click on the red Kougra. It is the first pet on the list. Keep digging all the way down until it reaches the row of blocks with the coin on it. By now the blue one should have fallen down the hole that the red Kougra dug. Click the blue Kougra to make it dig and head to the exit. Make sure the red Kougra has walked past it though. Then get ready to click on the red Kougra as soon as it has the coin.

Time Taken: 14 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

(Remember to record your level code)

Level 11

Getting harder now. First click on the Shoyru when it is heading right to jump over the box. Click it again when it is close to the spikes to jump over them. Repeat this for the other spikes too. As soon as it clears the last spikes, get ready to dig with the Kougra while it's walking left. The spikes below the block will go down approximately at the same time you click to dig. Make the Kougra dig near the end of the block so that it turns while falling. This is important! (If the Kougra does not turn around while falling, you will not be able to get the coin as the Scorchio will burn the block too early and the Kougra will not press the green button.) Once the Kougra has dug and changed direction, it should be in front of the Scorchio on the middle row of blocks. Click the Scorchio and then get ready to make the Shoyru jump over the block on the top row. Once the Shoyru is over the block, the Kougra should now be walking left so get ready to make it dig and land on the green button. Now use the Shoyru to jump over all three gaps on the middle row to get the coin. Then let it fall down the last gap to get to the exit. Be sure to press jump to get the coin or else you will miss it.

Time Taken: 32 seconds - Time Bonus: 18 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 12 - Be Fast

You need to click the green Kacheek fast at the start, but it has to be facing right or else you can't get the coin. As soon as you've done that, click on the yellow one, which should be heading left. The green one is in position 3 and the yellow one is in position 2 on the pet list. Now the Kougra should be walking left, so get ready to make it dig as soon as it walks past the Scorchio which should be walking to the right. After digging with the Kougra, the Scorchio should have turned around and be walking to the left so click it now. Then get ready to dig with the Kougra again. There are three blocks you can dig to lead to the exit. You can either dig on the middle block or the end block (closest to the exit). However, DO NOT make the Kougra fall and turn while digging this final block. If this happens, you will NOT get the 20 point time bonus. The Kougra must be walking right when you dig and continue walking to the right afterwards.

Time Taken: 21 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 13 - Be Fast

Immediately click on the Kacheek. It is the first pet on the pet list. Wait for the Scorchio to walk left and then click it. Now quickly click the Kacheek again. Then click the Scorchio again. It will fall to where the Uni is. It will burn the first block and then you need to click it again to burn the other block near the exit.

Time Taken: 30 seconds - Time Bonus: 19 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 14 - Be Fast

(I'm starting to think I should have just wrote what levels you can go slow on)

Immediately click on the purple Mynci and then the green one. They are in positions 3 and 2 on the pet list respectively. Now, if you are really fast, you can click on the Kacheek before it turns around, but you don't have to do this. I wait for it to walk left once before clicking on it. When it heads right, it will push the block down. Then click it again to move the block either six or seven blocks along. Remember to click on the Kacheek again too so that it stops pushing. The block should either be directly under the blue block, making a straight line for a Mynci to climb and get the coin, or it can be one block before this, so that the Mynci climbs the red block, walks along it, then climbs the blue block. It doesn't matter what one you do. Once the Myncies are down in the same area with the Kacheek, click on the purple one to make it climb to the coin. Wait for the Kacheek and green Mynci to walk into the block and turn around to head right, then click the Kacheek so it will clear the way to the exit. The purple Mynci should be the last pet to exit.

Time Taken: 28 seconds - Time Bonus: 19 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 15

Let the Kougra fall and then dig. I like to do it so it turns while falling, but you don't need to. Click the Kacheek so it will push the block when it gets there. Make the Kougra dig twice when it's above the red button. Quickly click on the Scorchio and then click the Kacheek again before it turns around so it pushes the block down to get the coin and heads into the other exit.

Time Taken: 10 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

(Yay, your final level code)

Level 16

There are a few ways to do this level. One will save you a few more seconds, but your time bonus can't be more than 20 so you might as well take an easier option. First, know there are three sections separated by blue blocks. The left contains the red Kougra, the middle contains the blue and yellow Kougras and the right contains the green Kougra. This is just to help me explain things. I start with the blue Kougra, which should be walking to the right as soon as the level starts. When it is one block away from the blue blocks on the right side of its section, I make it dig so that it turns while falling, so when it lands, it should be heading left. As soon as it drops down from the block it landed on, make it dig twice fast so it falls to the bottom and can make its way to the exit. After digging twice with the blue Kougra, get ready to dig with the green. It should be heading left. When it is one block away from the blue blocks on the left side of its section, make it dig. It should fall down a height of three blocks, then make it dig again. Now quickly get ready to make the red Kougra dig. It should be walking to the right. You should make it dig when it is one block away from the blue blocks on the left side of its section. Then as soon as it lands, dig four more times so it is able to get to the exit. Now back to the green Kougra. As soon as it has the coin, make it dig so it can get to the exit.

Time Taken: 21 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 17 - Be Fast

As soon as the level starts, get ready to dig with the Kougra. It is in position 2 on the pet list. You see there is an empty space just below the Kougra, which is three blocks long. When the Kougra is on the middle block above the empty space, make it dig, then make it dig again as soon as it lands. The blue Kacheek should have fallen down with the Kougra. Wait for the yellow Kacheek to fall down and then dig with the Kougra so that all three pets fall onto the red button below. Make the Shoyru jump over the block as soon as possible. You're now done, but I don't want to look lazy so here's what will happen. The Shoyru should land pretty close to any of the other three pets if they walked left after falling. If none of them did, it doesn't matter. The Shoyru will walk left when it lands and collect the coin. It will also walk on the red button which raises the spikes near the door. So just make sure that you let it walk on the red button in the middle to lower them again. This saves you having to jump them.

Time Taken: 19 seconds - Time Bonus: 20 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 18 - Be Fast

Immediately click on the green Mynci and then the purple Mynci. They are in positions 3 and 4 on the pet list respectively. As soon as the green Scorchio is walking left click it. This also has to be done fast. It is in position 2 on the pet list. Then click the green Mynci again once it has climbed the first wall. Wait for the red Scorchio to be facing right and then click it. Wait for the green Mynci to be close to the red button at the top of the screen before click on the green Scorchio to exit the level.

Time Taken: 22 seconds - Time Bonus: 19 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 19 - Be Fast

Get ready to jump with the purple Shoyru. It is in position 1 on the pet list. Ignore the blue spikes; they're just for show. Jump up onto the blocks and over all three lava pools. You will land on the red button and fall down. Jump up onto the blocks and over the gap to the middle row of blocks where the coin is. While the purple Shoyru is walking towards the coin, click the red Shoyru to make it jump onto the blocks and let it walk to the exit. Get ready to click the purple once again to make it jump to get the coin.

Time Taken: 34 seconds - Time Bonus: 18 - Coin Bonus: 20

Level 20 - Be Fast (surprise surprise)

You have to be very fast here. Immediately click on the Kougra and make it dig twice as fast as you can. It is in position 2 on the pet list. Then quickly click on the Scorchio. It is in position 3 on the pet list. If you did this fast enough, the Scorchio will drop down the hole the Kougra made, walk left and start burning the blocks. Wait for the Mynci to walk right and then click it to make it climb while the Scorchio is still burning the blocks. They will be gone by the time the Mynci gets up there. Once the Mynci is up the first wall, click it so it will climb the second. Now usually the Scorchio drops down and carries on burning the blocks to the exit on his own, which is weird because every other time in the game we've had to click the Scorchio more than once. I guess it's just really determined to escape now it's on the last level. Anyway, just keep your eye on it. If it doesn't burn the blocks, you still have time to click it and tell it to. Now get ready to click on the Kacheek. Click it when it is heading left and just as the Mynci reaches the top of the second wall. The Kacheek will push the block and head for the coin. The Mynci should have lowered the spikes just before the Kacheek gets there. Now watch them head to freedom!

Time Taken: 29 seconds - Time Bonus: 19 - Coin Bonus: 20

Congratulations! You just completed Toybox Escape! I hope you enjoyed playing it. If you were able to get the same time bonuses as I did while getting the coins for each level, you are well on your way to getting a high score.

Before you attempt a high score, you should first use your level codes to practice each level and make sure you can complete it as described. You need to be able to do this without losing any lives because we're going to use these lives to get more points. To do this, you must collect a coin on a level, then press "retry level". Then get the coin again and repeat until you have 0 continues and are unable to retry. You can do this on any level you like. I normally do it on level 17 as it's near the end of the game and you don't need to be as fast as some of the other levels at that late stage. You could do this on level 1 if you wanted to, since you can't lose a life anywhere if you want 852 points, so it doesn't make a difference when you do it. If you do not retry a level to collect extra coins, then you will only score 792 points.

This can be difficult, but with enough practice you can do it. Like I said earlier, there is no luck requirement for this game. If you practice enough, you CAN do it. The maximum possible score for this game is 860 points, but I have never seen anyone with this. That would mean getting a 20 point time bonus and the coin for every level. Impossible? Who knows. Get out there and try it! :)

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